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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. While I agree with you on that, you are deflecting. The topic is about Biden.
  2. I did watch the entire speech, despite an overwhelming boredom with doing so, and I agree with the poster you are attempting to negate. I had much sympathy for the GOP that had to sit through it, without openly laughing at it. NB, the Speaker didn't rip up the speech in a public display of petulance.
  3. LOL. Amazing how perception varies depending on the amount of support one has for Biden. I watched it all, and IMO it was a slightly pathetic attempt to present himself as a forceful leader. IMO it was like seeing a small dog chasing a moving car that could crush it if it got too close to the wheels. I do so hope that he agrees to debate Trump, without his ever present teleprompter.
  4. Good news indeed. The sporting world has finally woken up to the inherent unfairness of allowing men to compete in female sports. Can't change chromosomes with silicone.
  5. I wonder if she is prepared to give back the money she took to keep quiet then? No need to answer, as we know she won't. Hypocrisy writ large to seek sympathy, while a promise breaker. Just another gold digging liar IMO.
  6. Your experience is why one should never have them in one's condo till and unless they work out. Renting an hotel room, just check out while they are sleeping. Don't give them your phone number either unless it's a spare phone. I never had a phone anyway, so that wasn't a problem.
  7. I rented my women, but some I did care about, like the one I had for 8 years, even though she was bipolar and varied from bliss to hiss. Better the not perfect one that one mainly gets on with than some beauty that thinks only of herself. After that one found a richer man I dabbled in the pool, and experienced mainly nice average women that provided a nice but average experience. Most were very easy to care about, though most had moved on the next time I returned, and I never kept in contact to avoid the begging letters. IMO it's a true saying that we get back what we give. Treat them well and in the main have a a friend, even if only for a pleasant 2 week beach holiday.
  8. That won't stop the usual suspects proclaiming that Putin isn't going to stop till he is in Washington.
  9. I don't think it was reckless. IMO it was deliberately aimed at the ship, but the propaganda sounds better if it implies the enemy is a shambles. How many more ships get attacked before Biden does the right thing and forces netanyahu to stop bombing defenseless civilians?
  10. I gave you the thumbs up, mainly for the last sentence, so I'm not the confused one. Don't hold your breath on Mr Confused replying.
  11. I was wondering if we knew each other, but I didn't work with anyone in NZ that was posted to Singapore, so that's a no. I was fortunate enough to spend 29 months there. Had a wonderful time. Real bummer going back to a posting in Waiouru in winter.
  12. IMO it definitely was, and the post speech analysis speakers also commented about that.
  13. No he didn't. She was/ is a nasty piece of work, IMO.
  14. I watched most of it. Much as expected, but seemed more like a campaign speech than state of the union. Many mentions of Trump. I don't think it will convince anyone to vote for him that wasn't going to anyway. Nothing to inspire, nothing to excite, just the usual anti trump anti GOP ranting. No vision for the future, except the usual rhetoric, and political promises.
  15. So, I watched most of it, and some comments. He IMO lied when he said he would bring back Roe V Wade. Unless he intends disestablishing the SCOTUS, that's not up to him. Unions did not build the middle class. If he wants to tax millionaires, why hasn't he done so in the past 3 years, and if he couldn't, what will be different next time? It was more like a campaign speech than a State of the Union speech, and he mentioned Trump about 10 times. He mentioned that he ordered the military to construct a pier to bring aid to Gaza, but he could just force netanyahu to open the land gates. Also, he said there will be no military boots on the ground, which begs the question who will build the pier and who will transport the aid? Despite the party atmosphere on the Dems side of the house, the GOP sat on their hands, so it's unlikely they will be helping Biden out on Ukraine, which he made a lot of promises on, or anything else. Not helped by Biden's attacks on the GOP. Given by the amount of coughing, Biden does not seem well.
  16. I'll get back to you later about it, but I'm off here to do more important stuff now.
  17. Looks like it is on on Al Jazeerra right now, or at least waiting for it to start. I don't know if they will show the entire speech. I'll have it on while I do other things so hopefully it won't send me to sleep.
  18. It sure ain't. I'm certain that every word, nay every syllable, every movement, will be analysed and re analysed for anything with which to lambaste the opponent. The body language experts will be lovin' it.
  19. I have no problem with that. Teachers are there to teach children facts, not to encourage them with mental issues such as thinking that they are actually the opposite gender from their genitalia. If anyone is to get involved in that farce it is the parents, and certainly not teachers. I'm not so old that I don't remember what it was like being a child, and I certainly had no such ideas of my own that I'd rather wear a dress and play with dolls. However, if a teacher I respected has tried to instill something along that line I may well have gone along with it. Kids are just too immature to be making life changing decisions as to their gender.
  20. I think you give Fox too much credit. It's just one of many possible reasons for the US being broken.
  21. Good for you. I loved the military till Vietnam was over for us and most of the switched on NCOs left. After that it was just glide path to exit. Didn't help that I was posted to Trentham- the most boring hole the military inhabited. I'm so glad I missed all that woke training as being old enough to leave western organisation work to live in LOS. It's all got so politically stupid with "gender and cultural" training now. They were used as security guards stationed at Hotels throughout NZ. I wonder if they had anything to protect themselves. I was at Ft Dorset during some troubled times and I had to do security patrols, but we were not given as much as a stick. I suppose we had to talk them to death if attacked.
  22. Is there anything to stop either DeSantis or Haley getting back in if Trump drops out? I wouldn't think so, as someone has to be the GOP candidate.
  23. Call it a lesson and don't do it again. I lost a lot, but at least I never built her the house she wanted.
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