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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Nothing beats the Thai GF experience. Unfeminine large divorced women are not a substitute.
  2. Thanks, it was a period in my life where I had nothing and nobody- not a happy time. Some drugs, some counseling, and a more settled life helped.
  3. No one with a brain cell has swum in Pattaya since the 80s, but Jomtien was OK. Sorry to hear that it's a no swim area now.
  4. I agree with most. The city has gone downhill in fun with all the new development which is all about trying to attract rich people that don't spend in the city. In the 90s it was a fun city for big boys, and now it's just a mess. Lots more people and no investment in public infrastructure worth a damn. However, none of those other places has the facilities of Pattaya. Agree with traffic jams, violent crime, and filthy polluted beaches, but, pray tell, where are the whorehouses? Pattaya doesn't do brothels or bordellos, so where then?
  5. If you had ever been in a Pattaya bar you'd know that you could have a tea or coffee, and probably get a breakfast brought in for you.
  6. The totty is better in Pattaya malls that the boring <deleted><deleted> they came from. Which malls are they smoking in? Isn't smoking inside public places banned in Thailand?
  7. No one cares if you went in, and if someone wants to ring the bell, is that a big deal, or something?
  8. The down town area is where the money is made, Why would they reduce the people spending there? Did you post "university" when you meant "casino"? What's wrong with Pattaya as it is? Why does everyone want to change it. Want Las Vegas- go there and stop trying to change Pattaya.
  9. Sooooo, all the Thais in Thailand that wear flip flops are exhibiting their "poverty" are they?
  10. You appear to know as little about the bar scene as the OP- not much. Have you actually spent ANY time in the bars you apparently despise. can't have talked with (m)any bar girls to have that idea.
  11. Seems a tad hypocritical for America to complain that Russia is getting missiles from elsewhere when the US is supplying missiles to Ukraine.
  12. If Andrew is not eventually prosecuted, I hope he sues Giuffre to get his money back.
  13. I guess I missed that then. Must have been on an ignored post.
  14. Link on that statement on Putin is required under the forum rules, as you are claiming it as a fact.
  15. Sooooo, you are saying Nixon, with his illegal war on Cambodia, and Bush the younger, who took the US into a war based on lies ( WMDs? ) which cost thousands of lives were better presidents. Seriously?
  16. Why stop there? Michelle Obama and Oprah rah rah rah ( sarcasm alert ) Biden just opened his campaign as heard on radio news. Attacked Trump as expected, but doesn't he have anything to say about himself and why he is a better deal than Trump? Apparently not, though I might have missed it- would have been a very short list.
  17. If that is the case ( about Trump ) then IMO include just about every male on the planet in that. Millions of men don't turn up in Thai bars to be "moral".
  18. Google is your friend https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amen
  19. Thank you. Given those 3 claim to worship the same God I wondered why it wasn't included.
  20. Not many can say they made anyone else's life better. It's a good feeling though.
  21. I feel for you, I really do. I could not imagine not returning to Thailand if I were in a position to do so. Must be a difficult situation if you actually want to return.
  22. If "companionship" was all he wanted it would have helped if he made that clear in the OP. However that puts a different spin on everything and my advice would have been completely different.
  23. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I think a non pro woman would have to be nutso to expose herself to anyone on a digital medium, as it might then end up on some porn site. It's not just women faking on social media.
  24. Very true about side effects. I was on medication for depression at one stage of my life. I had to wean myself off before I went to LOS as it made me impotent. Being impotent in Thailand- that really would have made me depressed!
  25. LOL. You confuse sex drive and ability. Sex drive is not the same as a stiffy.
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