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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. The irony is delicious. The very body threatened by netanyahu's plan has thrown the plan out. Wonderful news.
  2. That should just about destroy israel's economy, which is already in trouble- way to go israel! https://themedialine.org/top-stories/severely-battered-war-political-crisis-take-toll-on-israels-economy/ The cost of the war so far is estimated by experts at approximately $30 billion. The staggering cost, which could very easily rise, especially if another front in northern Israel develops, leads to the question of how the government will fund the war effort. “The cost of the fighting will be a substantial burden on the Israeli economy, resulting in a decrease in the quality of living of Israelis,” Bental told The Media Line.
  3. Surviving???? Are a motley group of fighters with rifles and RPGs really a threat to a heavily militarised and armed nation's survival? Please tell me you don't actually think that is possible. However, they are busy, dropping bombs on a defenseless population far below, raiding houses in the West Bank and destroying the infrastructure with bulldozers. Do you think Al Jazeera is faking the VDOs of it? As for liking, I think that is a tall order, given the tipping point was a few thousand dead children ago.
  4. Looks like they saved up a few more missiles then, given the more recent air assault. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/2/russia-unleashes-barrage-of-missiles-on-ukraine 2 Jan 2024 Russia has maintained its recent intensification of air attacks on Ukraine as it unleashed a huge overnight assault. Hundreds of Russian missiles and drones struck the capital, Kyiv, and Kharkiv on Tuesday. The intensified attack on the country’s two largest cities came just a day after Russian President Vladimir Putin pledged to exact “revenge” for a deadly assault on the Russian city of Belgorod.
  5. IMO it's a rerun of Vietnam which was the proxy war of my generation. One might be excused for wondering if it's more about making money for the weapons manufacturers than saving the western world from Russian annihilation ( I have become somewhat more cynical since being fooled by the message during Vietnam ). IMO the western world is in no danger from Russia while MAD exists.
  6. It's good to read some sensible posts on here for a change. I look forward to more such.
  7. When the defenders of Zelensky's choice to choose destruction over negotiation are wont to use such words as "orcs" to describe Russians, I fear that your words are falling on barren ground. I suspect they will be choosing war till the negotiations are a reality ( I hope it's negotiations before the last Ukrainian male gets sent to the front line ).
  8. Hmmmmm. On seeing that I reviewed some of his posts and I find no mention of a "genocidal destruction of Ukraine". Perhaps you can inform me of which words he used to want that? On the contrary, he seems aligned to my view that the entire catastrophe might have been avoided had Ukraine accepted reality and given some land and Crimea to Russia, along with a cast iron guarantee of not joining NATO. If that's not so, my apologies to him. Whatever the Putin haters opinion of him may be, he's no fool, and only a fool wants to have a war if they can win without it.
  9. The alternative is a long war that poses major challenges for the United States, Ukraine, and the rest of the world. Well, ain't that the truth. Don't those guys like to use a dozen uppity words where a few simpler ones could suffice?
  10. You are calling AN a troll factory? That's not going to read well with the mods.
  11. Trump has not been convicted of that. Are you saying the constitution allows penalty without conviction?
  12. Well they did use to have it before white men on the other side of the world gave it to someone else. Is there any country on the planet that would accept that without a fight?
  13. I'm sure I heard that the South Africans have referred something to the ICC about israel. Here you go. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/12/29/south-africa-files-case-at-icj-accusing-israel-of-genocidal-acts-in-gaza South Africa files case at ICJ accusing Israel of ‘genocidal acts’ in Gaza
  14. I hope you do not believe that Russian military planners have not thought of that. IMO any war plan only works till the first shot is fired, and after that it's largely down to luck. Once the western money tree dies it's not going to be easy to buy new missiles, no matter how proficient the Ukrainian pilots may or may not be, and IMO the western money tree is about ready to fall over any time soon. All those nurses and ambulance drivers in the UK may have something to say about where they want public money spent, and the GOP seem likely to chop the tree down.
  15. I'm not "rooting" for either. War is an abomination, and a tragedy for the human species. IMO the leaders of any nations want to kill people should be given clubs and left in a locked room to fight it out with each other. If that happened there wouldn't be any more wars. Spend the money on making people's lives better, not killing them. Far as I'm concerned a plague on all warmongers would be a good thing. As for this conflict, IMO Russia will "win", if anyone wins a war, as it has time on it's side till western leaders can't justify sending any more money it's way. Once the money stop the war stops. Ukraine had it's chance with the much vaunted counter offensive which turned into a fizzle, IMO. Now it's just a matter of waiting till reality sets in, IMO.
  16. I'm pretty sure that is off the actual movie. That scene probably lasted about a millisecond, so likely escaped the censor's eye. I've got the DVD so I'll check it out for you after I can find it. My favourite DVD shop owner in Chiang Mai sold me the entire set of Bond movies cheap as no one was buying them.
  17. I used to love MASH, like everybody, till it went woke on about series 2 million near the end. If anyone makes me watch those episodes again I'm killing them ( if I can manage to get out of the wheelchair and find a gun that is ). Sarcasm alert for the easily offended. :-)
  18. Freeview in NZ doesn't show movies. They show the biggest load of <deleted><deleted><deleted> I've ever seen in my life. It's beyond bad it's so awful. They even show infomercials all day on some channels! If I face going into a nursing home I'm offing myself first. I went to visit a friend's mother in the hospital part of a nursing home and we passed the tv on with a crowd of oldies around it, and I though to myself, that that is something I'd rather kill myself than have to put up with.
  19. God isn't a whom, and we will all find out when we pass over to the other side as to why. I doubt God cares if we know or not while we are here. Would knowing make any difference to your life?
  20. It's a fact that she did it. Made a porn movie about doing it, and while I never saw that movie, I saw a movie about the porn movie being made. It was shown in a normal cinema in London, so a mainstream movie. You could have found that out for yourself if you'd googled. Next.
  21. I found the very picture of Connery and Andress. Anyone not agree he was THE James Bond?
  22. I'm with you on that. Abominable hangover from the Middle Ages IMO. I once had to spend a day in a London private hospital specialing some "lord", and didn't speak to him the entire day so I didn't have to call him "my Lord". Only time I worked in the "nobs" hospital, so never happened again.
  23. I'm not getting into whatever is going on between you two, but the bit I quoted caught my eye. If one believes in God the creator, the maker of the universe and everything in it to the last electron, one believes that the universe is expanding, or not expanding ( as the case may be ) because it was designed that way. The exact mechanism of such expansion, or contraction ( as the case may be ) may be of interest to those that get paid lotsacash to find out, but pretty irrelevant to the rest of us. Personally I'd rather all that intelligence was put to better use such as finding out how to stop us killing each other, or a cure for cancer or such like, though perhaps that doesn't pay as well. and the certainty of religious people that God exists? I'm glad that you put a question mark on that, as IMO religious people may ascribe to the idea of God, but they mainly, IMO, don't follow their own rules ( at least in the case of Christianity ). Plenty of people turning up at Church that have 2 coats, haven't sold all they own and given it to the poor etc. If I had a guess, I'd say non religious people that have a spiritual side are more likely to believe in God as a being than those that go to Church/ Temple/ Mosque on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday, and behave like a heathen the other 6 days of the week.
  24. PS. whatever caused the blue background on my previous post it wasn't intentional on my part.
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