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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. One suspects that is an impossible debt to pay off if acting like there isn't one ( unlimited spending on a couple of current conflicts comes to mind ), so one wonders if they actually have any sort of plan to deal with it? If a family was in a situation of a very large debt, likely they would economise, but America seems to be doing the opposite, just spending more and more on it's military adventures, and allowing the southern border to apparently descend into chaos. I hope that is a question put to the candidates in the pre election debates.
  2. Ain't that the truth! As one that from the start advocated trading land for peace in negotiations I got the "Putin supporter" attacks in spades. I got tired of reporting them in the end and just put them on ignore. Made for a more attack devoid posting experience, but I also missed out on seeing what they were saying. Never mind- it does seem to be edging towards the "negotiating table", especially with the Gaza thing, as that stole the limelight and American attention/ munitions etc. I wonder had Gaza not happened how the situation would be in Ukraine now.
  3. IMO only a low information poster would accuse other posters of being low information types. Using insults is evidence that the poster doing the insulting has nothing better than insults to post.
  4. You will need to prove that they are all sent back within 72 hours or you are making it up.
  5. but will they turn up? If they don't who is going to make them- not the US for sure. However, they ( the indicted ) may be liable to be arrested in a country in the ICC if they travel.
  6. Which is why I have never tried to watch it. Obviously some would though.
  7. Run, run like the wind, run faster than the wind. Your life will never be about you and her, it will always be about the 2 kids that are not yours. That's as it should be- a mother should put her kids first, but YOU don't need someone else's kids in your life. I've been there, got the T shirt, and never never never again.
  8. Thanks for the clip. Yes probably a promo shot or a deleted scene. That clip isn't exactly HD though, as the other bits where we see her bottom part don't really show one way of the other, so I'll still see if I can find the DVD.
  9. Oh no. That place was legendary. What happened?
  10. Which is why I believe in the immortal soul, and you do not.
  11. But the air and the plants and the oceans do not need the Buddhist monk. Or anyone else Absolutely true, and yet, humans continue to think that we are the most important thing on the planet. Some even think we are the most important thing in the universe, and some actually believe that we are the only intelligent beings in the universe- so much for being an intelligent species!
  12. IMO one should always follow the money for answers to such. Have governments made it easier to live close to work thereby not needing to drive to work- no. Have governments improved public transport thereby not needing to drive at all- no. Have governments mandated less air travel- no, and they have encouraged more air travel. Have governments brought industry back home, so needing less ships to transport goods- no. Have governments cut back the cruise ship industry- far from that, they welcome more ( shipping is incredibly polluting ). Have governments encouraged wind power for ships- no. Have governments mandated international meetings being done by video conferencing so attendees do not need to fly- no. Have governments done anything to stop people building on coasts or in fire risk forests- no Have governments tried to stop the destruction of rain forests in Sth America, Africa and Asia- no So, what have governments done? They encourage EVs which cost a great deal, without improving electrical generation. They have encouraged solar and wind power which makes a lot of money for those industries, and shareholders. and that is about as far as they have gone. Is it all a money making scam for the 1%? IMO absolutely. Baaaaaa.
  13. Forklifts are one of the few applications that lots of lead acid batteries are eminently suitable for as they require a great deal of weight in their construction. No reason to not use them in forklifts. NB no need to exploit children in Congo to dig out raw materials and no need for rare earth metals either.
  14. Nuclear sorts the energy supply to produce hydrogen without adding carbon. It's not like hydrogen isn't an already proven technology. It's been in use for many years. Eventually oil will run out, or become too expensive. Water will never run out and is free from the sky or the sea.
  15. and? Is it some sort of competition? Without knowing the actual number of illegal entries your figures are meaningless as statistics.
  16. Welcome to a world in which no digital information can be taken as true without some sort of actual proof.
  17. The elephant in that room IMO is India. Nothing to say they will align with the West.
  18. Apparently not, but more likely the clever ones will treat being POTUS as a poisoned chalice, and want nothing to do with it. Politics has become too toxic. Re the OP, if Biden was female they would be ranting on about her opponents all being misogynists by now, but as they haven't got that option I suppose the best they can come up with is "underestimated". It must be hard having to support someone that in their hearts they know to just so wrong to be standing again.
  19. Apparently you are another one that looks at the man and not the idea that he represents. He is popular because he is against the Washington establishment, but they, clever people that they are, have manged to make it about Trump the man, and deflect the message that Washington needs to be reformed to hate against him.
  20. If a Cylon task force came to Earth to see if we deserve to exist, and saw the insanity of politics in the most powerful nation on the planet, IMO they would be calling in the Death Star.
  21. I did post a link, which you refused to read, which provided the information on which I relied. Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
  22. I agree. Even if the constitution allows for it, it's a dangerous game to play to use it against an individual with a following of multi millions. If it all goes wrong will their excuse be that "The Constitution is silent on that issue"? Just because they can, is no excuse for doing it.
  23. So, a district court and some lawyers ( who may be biased ) can decide something which goes to the heart of the democratic experiment ( IMO the rights of the individual against absolute power of the monarchy ) of the USA without it being proven at all in any court of law, and without any allowance for a defense by the subject of the penalty. Does that sound like a good idea to any reasonable person? IMO the hatred of some for Trump has warped their minds to the extent they are willing to allow law in the future to be weaponised against any candidate that elicits strong opinions. If they open that door, IMO future generations will come to regret it.
  24. and replaced with what? IMO that would lead to the dissolution of the USA as the middle will never ever agree to be subject to the coasts for ever, which is what a simple majority of the popular vote would mean.
  25. I bow to your better knowledge of the situation, but it seems bizarre that it means any official can claim anyone to qualify for penalty if they can be accused of something without an actual conviction. I'm pretty sure that if sufficient evidence existed to convict Trump of sedition he would have been convicted by now. Seems it now opens the way for many politicians to be deleted from ballots for a variety of accusations.
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