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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. So, the israelis are trying to push all 2.3 million Gazans ( or at least what remains of them ) down to Rafah. Do they have a plan for what happens then? I suspect they do, but it's not a nice one, and I'm not going to say what I think it is on here. Everyone has an imagination, so they can come up with what they imagine will happen without my help.
  2. Yes, he got a bit bored with it, but in the end he became a better person, could play the piano, rescued people in trouble and got the girl to fall in love with him. Pretty good result, IMO. Personally, I don't think I'd ever get bored with a lovely lady on Railay in the mid 90s ( before it got ruined ), plus one can do a lot of exploring in a whole day.
  3. Well done Shenna, you just made Trump more popular. I doubt Maine would vote for Trump anyway, so it's just blather IMO.
  4. The onus is always on the one making the claim, which was you. It's not up to me to prove anything for you.
  5. I wish they'd just get on with it then. Perhaps they want to wait till election day, or even the date he's going to get sworn in. IMO they've been so blatant about politicizing the court cases so far, they might as well go for broke.
  6. I just can't wait, and I'm all agog to hear Biden tell us how great a job he's been doing on the Southern border. Assuming of course that he's still capable of stringing a sentence together by then. Plans for the next term? Not falling off his bike or talking to dead people would be a good plan.
  7. Oh gee wizz, what a shame. Poor Mr Smith; all dressed up and nowhere to go. I feel for him, I really do.
  8. Perhaps you can explain why it's flawed, or are we expected to take your word for that?
  9. I have to agree, except it's been that way since 2016. If they are not accusing posters they disagree with of being racist, it's being misogynist, or antisemitic or such like. As the recipient of many such attacks, I know most of the slurs they use, but sometimes they come up with a new one. It used to annoy me, and then I discovered the ignore function, which made my posting experience so much better.
  10. Not a fan of democracy then?
  11. You guys just can't get it right, IMO. The voters ( other than his base ) don't, IMO, love him- they just despise the alternative.
  12. Personally I'd love to ignore US politics, but the US has so much influence in the entire world that we have to take note of what is going on. The US president does affect us all. You don't see me going on about Iceland on here, do you? That's because what happens in Iceland doesn't affect me.
  13. You got it. Given a choice between stumbler in chief Biden who sniffs little girl's hair, and Trump with all his faults, at least Trump can talk without a teleprompter. While it's an indictment of the US political system that it could ever get this bad, between the two, the least bad choice has to be the one that doesn't talk to dead people.
  14. Thank you for the like. Seems I'm the only one with a groundhog day wish. Perhaps I should have used a close up of the lass to get more likes, but I know I'd just get replies saying that they'd had her before me, so I won't. She really was pretty though and the body of a goddess. Happy days, them.
  15. I had to attend pre natal clinics when doing my maternity training, and a woman came in that was so fat I had a problem understanding how her partner was able to get close enough to inseminate her. We didn't get to check him out so he might have been exceptionally long for all I know. I don't laugh at that memory, and in fact the less I think about it the better- the horror, the horror.
  16. I left about 3 or 4 years ago. I hate thinking about it so I'm not sure. Too long ago whatever it is. I think the point I was making was that it's not possible to enjoy nookie at $10 a day any more, and that there are less guys out there that are prepared to pay whatever it costs now. It's like a Pattaya bar beer- some are popular and some are not, despite being essentially the same. Likewise with "farang friendly" women- some will have no trouble pulling while others end up going back to the village. All comes down to personality. There was a dancer in Playskool ( Nana ) in the mid 90s that would get 3 short times a night, while some dancers would be lucky to get 3 in a week.
  17. I forgot to congratulate you on actually reading his entire posts. As I mentioned to him, in the past, I find them too long. Usually I never get past the first paragraph. IMO sometimes less is indeed more.
  18. Bit like Oppenheimer, who on looking at what he ( and others ) had created saw when the first bomb was detonated, said “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds”. Perhaps he too realised that the genie was out and never going back in. The bomb destroys physically, but AI can destroy us from within, by taking away our ability to gain self respect by work. AI robotics is the hope of the human race or it's destroyer. Like you said "It depends on how you use it". You are more optimistic that I, so you may have hope that it will be the former, but I, being the opposite, have no such hope. IMO there is a blackness in the very soul of humanity, and that has been and is being exposed for all that want to see.
  19. IMO we are fracked. The 1% will use it to screw everybody else. I suspect they are using it, even now before it's perfected, to develop ways to use it to control the rest of us, by predicting human behavioral patterns. No doubt the entire covid saga will be a rich vein of information to see what works and what doesn't. People like to think we are independent, but we are not. IMO we are a herd species and like to do things as a herd. I was once, but some while back I opted out and I have paid the price for doing so, many times over. It's lonely out there.
  20. Sadly, most of the world's population are followers and many unthinkingly so. Hence Hitler and Mao's rise to power and a few modern day cult issues ( does "man made climate change" or "covid" ring any bells? ). Even more sadly, many of the leaders are monsters, and use their power for bad ends. I'm sure some leaders are just good, but blowed if I can think of any off hand. Most would be a mix of good and bad. Kennedy and Churchill were good leaders at an opportune time for us, but flawed deeply. What does it mean for humanity- I have no clue, but the people that first made blue jeans did well by reading the sheeple correctly.
  21. You are exposing your ignorance. If you actually knew about it, you'd know that Joseph married her AFTER she was pregnant. There are no reports that they had a relationship prior to that. I don't believe the Bible is factual other than as a history book, so I don't know what you are on about with the reference to earth being old. I am well aware of the origins of the universe, at least as understood by science at this point in time.
  22. Never used to like Prince's music when he was popular, but then I started to like some of his stuff before he went loony and had a no name name. I think he's gone to join the big band in the sky now, if I remember correctly. I've never really partied- more of an observer than a participant. Do I like the old days ( when I was younger than 30 ) yes I do and they were a lot better than now. IMO everything good ends and only the bad guys carry on regardless.
  23. Anyone that knows the history of the region know the answer to that. I'm not going to give a history lesson here as it would just get deleted, but the information is all out there on the internet. You just have to look for it.
  24. If I could, i'd kick my ego into the cold where it could be miserable all by itself. I need to be ruled by logic and common sense and that damn ego just keeps getting in the way. I should be suing it for ruining my life. As an example of what my ego makes me do that is just so wrong for me is that I just realised I've spent about 5 hours too long on this forum. That damn ego just keeps whispering that I can do one more answer. Sooo, my sensible side is saying just turn the computer off for today, and I'm going to obey the sensible option. Bye.
  25. They are going begging then. The peak of the rent a girl friend was IMO in the 90s, when western men with their half of the divorce pay out happened on Thailand during a favourable exchange rate period. It was also easy to stay in LOS and LOS really was cheap to live in then. That's all changed. They can want 30k, but will they find enough suckers to get that? I think not.
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