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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Crimes against humanity can take place even without a war, and IMO israel has committed enough of them since 1967 to keep the ICC busy for as long. Collective punishment is a crime against humanity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment Collective punishment is prohibited by treaty in both international and non-international armed conflicts, more specifically Common Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Article 4 of the Additional Protocol II.[1][2]
  2. IMO he is the only one that wants the conflict to carry on as long as possible, given he has to know his time as PM is probably not going to last long after it ends, and he does have those court cases that will happen then.
  3. Even if they might have thought about that in the past, after the 3 unarmed israelis under a white flag were shot dead as they were mistaken for Palestinians, I very much doubt that any Hamas trusts the israelis enough to surrender to them. Even if they were not killed straight away, they know what awaits them in the "interrogation" rooms and death is preferable to that. The evidence of torture was visible on Gazans that had been released by the israelis on the vdos shown by Al Jazeera, and they were not even Hamas. IMO the only thing that might possibly convince them to surrender, would be to a country not israel, Britain, Germany or America and exile in a safe ( to them ) country
  4. Whatever the edicts of Islam may be, the vast vast majority never do anything more violent than any other society, including those that proclaim themselves Christian. Your attempt to portray all Muslims as blood thirsty savages out to kill every non Muslin on the planet is irrelevant and just wrong. In any event, the many people around the world that support Palestinians don't care about their religion. They care that thousands of men women and children are being blown to bits in a completely unfair and inhumane way. You are never going to change anyone's mind by quoting a book when we can see the destruction and death being wrought on a population completely devoid of any defense against bombing from the air. There is not and never will be any excuse of any sort for bombing over 7,000 children to death in this day and age.
  5. Agree. IMO the entire "we will get rid of every Hamas and live in peace thereafter" thing is a nonsense. How can they tell if anyone is Hamas or not Hamas out of 2.3 ( probably 2.2 by now )million people, especially if almost every male Gazan now wants to take revenge on israel. Do they actually want to get rid of the entire population, one way or another? Even the US has said that is not a starter. Even if it were possible to seperate every Hamas and somehow remove them from the earth, there are millions of Palestinians living outside israel/ Palestine, and IMO many if not most of them now want revenge on israelis. Does netanayahu, even in his dreams, think he can get them too? IMO israel has 2 choices that can actually be accomplished ( assuming there will still be millions of Palestinians living in the area after the conflict ends ) is to either make peace with them somehow ( and that may now be impossible ) or live as an armed and fearful society for the indefinite future, always looking over their shoulder, and completely dependent on the US never changing it's mind about covering for them in the UN, and also hoping the other countries in the UN haven't had enough of the US intransigence and take action despite the US veto to sanction them into oblivion like they did the white South African government.
  6. You forget that AI robotics will make almost every one of them redundant, likely in the next generation. There won't even be jobs for citizens, unless they become carers for old people. The western world is on the cusp of the greatest cultural change in millennia, and the aftermath is not going to be pretty. I don't pretend to know how it will work, though I suspect the 1% will try to keep it all for themselves and the rest will be trying to make them share nicely. IMO being a security guard will be a well paid job, unless an autonomous machine can do that job as well. For an idea of how it might be, watch "The Hunger Games" if not already seen, including the bit at the end when the 1% get their just deserts.
  7. That will work to deter future illegal immigrants, as it has with Australia. I don't hear any more about people drowning trying to get to Australia on a boat, because they know that they won't actually get to Australia. The Rwanda solution is IMO the right solution. I suggested similar many years ago when it really kicked off, but it would have been to a camp in the desert somewhere in North Africa. They only pay criminals if there is a chance of staying in the country of desired residence.
  8. They are also usually unskilled and end up doing jobs other people don't want to do. If they were actually qualified for something, likely they could emigrate legally to another country.
  9. My favourite quote from that was when Murray started saying "I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl. We ate......... etc" and finished "That was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day?" I have had loads of days I wish were groundhog days. Usually involving a nice beach in LOS with a cute companion. eg a day at Railay when I took this photo of the nice lady I spent a month with there
  10. Regardless, I haven't lost any limbs or gone blind due to diabetes, and well over 70. I suppose I was quite lucky and didn't have any serious problems before 60. Only since 70 has health really started going downhill. I may still be alive and have all my bits functioning ( not including a prostate ), but healthy, I fear not. No complaints from me as I draw my last breath.
  11. That's normal and to stop you becoming addicted. They put me on the oral stuff which was useless, but I didn't have any addiction which was a good thing.
  12. As one that would have been able to get a job on a rig I must have been mad to go nursing. Sounds like you got some great perks, unlike nursing which is devoid of any perks, underpaid and full of management bullies.
  13. I agree. The one delight I had after being cut off from the rumpty was that we still cuddled going to sleep. I always woke up apart though. It was only once she decided not to have cuddles either that divorce became likely. If one can't cuddle the object of one's affection, how can one be affectionate at all?
  14. Shades of the Nite Owl there. He always signed off with that. Better days in LOS when his column was in the newspaper. When they dumped him was about the time it started to go in the downward spiral.
  15. Why would he be? Trump isn't on trial and if there was a provable connection to Trump he would be.
  16. Trump is IMO not a flight risk, so why would the judge send him to jail where the requirements for Secret Service protection would be disruptive? More likely to be home detention. Hater's wet dreams of Trump providing some "entertainment" for them in jail will likely never happen, because he is entitled to Secret Service protection.
  17. Trump doesn't need to campaign. His policies and aspirations are well known, and is there a single voter in the US that doesn't know if they will vote for him, or not? He may not be able to take part in a debate, but if Biden is his opponent I doubt Biden's minders would allow him anywhere near a debate.
  18. I didn't sign on to anything on that site. I suppose I have their cookies, but that goes with most sites now. Not getting any spam from any site.
  19. LOL. Everything I write on here without a link is normally an opinion and I generally put a few IMOs on my posts. If I claim a fact I usually put a link, as required under forum rules. Perhaps you are referring to the recent post in which I said " but it's not looking good for Zelensky, and we can take that as a fact.". It's true that I didn't put a link, but I did give examples as to why it is flipping obvious that Zelensky is in trouble. If anyone thinks that his much vaunted "counter attack" has been a huge success and the spring will see him marching into the Kremlin as victor, please inform us as how that could happen, short of a miracle?
  20. I wouldn't trust Xi far as I could kick him, from here ie not at all. I'm pretty sure that Putin isn't so stupid as to trust Xi, and I'm also sure he remembers the Molotov - Ribbentrop pact, and how Stalin was fooled by Hitler.
  21. From my research into the war, including Barbarossa, it is clear to me that Germany lost because Hitler kept telling the generals what to do when he was incompetent to do so. Even when the Russian campaign was lost he would not allow the armies to retreat and all the men and their weapons etc were lost, which undoubtedly led to the successful invasion of the German mainland. Germany, IMO, at that time had the best military in the world, the best equipment and the best generals, and a madman interfering in the campaigns. Luckily for us though.
  22. and you are in no way required to give me an explanation if you so choose. However, I claim the right to inform you if I do not understand, and you have the right to ignore me doing so. I only ask for an explanation if I have an interest in what the poster may have meant. If I had no interest in your posts I wouldn't ask. I certainly have no issues with you being personally insulting, or suchlike, so I'm not going to put you on ignore.
  23. I'm actually fascinated listening/ watching him speak, and wondering why he's even considered as THE Democrat candidate. Does the Democrat party have no one that would be better? It's like watching an accident happening in slow motion, as they keep trying to pretend that Biden is A OK. As I have been saying for some time, a vote for Biden is a vote for the VP to become the president, shortly after Biden gets sworn in again ( IF, a very big IF ) he manages to get elected.
  24. Whatever my life may be, boring it is not and I have no void to fill. I oppose oppression and bullying whomever is doing it. I used to support israel about 30 years ago, then as I learned about the illegal occupation and oppression of Palestinians I became opposed to israeli illegal occupation, land theft and collective punishment. Prior to October 7 I didn't post on the very few israeli/ Palestinian threads because of the personal attacks that inevitably followed. I think the last thread before October 7 had zero responses. Different now though.
  25. They have nothing but the "race" card to play. Trying to defend over 7,000 dead children is somewhat impossible, IMO.
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