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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. What they don't have is enough men. They had to call up hundreds of thousands of reservists to deal with just Gaza, and IMO they don't have enough to fight on several fronts. Netanyahu will ( I hope ) understand this, and is either just making empty threats, or is hoping American men will make up the difference ( I sincerely hope that he doesn't have a guarantee of American support for attacks on several fronts ). They would also be in trouble if trying to attack Yemen directly as the supply route through the Red Sea is subject to missile attack. I doubt they have any chance of an overland supply route. They could try invading Lebanon again, but Hezbollah would probably like that. Invade Syria or Iran- LOL. That leaves long distance air attack as the likely mode to be used, and possible even the US doesn't have enough bombs left over from Gaza to be supporting such. Also, just an air only offensive never usually works and boots on the ground are necessary as well. BTW, if those armoured personnel carriers are M113, they are not that great. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M113_armored_personnel_carrier The Israel Defense Forces still operates large numbers of the M113, maintaining a fleet of 6,000 of the vehicles. On numerous occasions since their introduction in the late 1960s, the IDF's M113s have proven vulnerable to modern anti-tank missiles, IEDs, and RPGs, resulting in the deaths of many Israeli soldiers riding inside the vehicles. The IDF has nonetheless been unable to replace the use of them in combat operations, due to budget constraints in equipping its large mechanized infantry regiments.
  2. They are pulling it if they claim they are under attack from the West Bank, but I suppose they can fool some people that a cowed and controlled people are actually capable of a "war" against israel. So far, Iraq, Yemen and Iran are not attacking israel directly. The very great danger to the people of the world not involved in this catastrophe is that the US gets involved directly ( hopefully no other nation will be so foolish as to join ), which will likely cause economic disaster as the price of oil goes through the roof, airlines will have to go around the entire Middle East, and shipping will be disrupted.
  3. Other than on the northern border, no one is attacking israel directly, and the US has managed to convince many other nations to protect israeli linked shipping in the Red Sea. If it expands to 7 countries ( where did that come from anyway ) that's on israel. BTW, this isn't America's war, so America doesn't need to get involved directly. IMO if they do, it will be playing directly into Iranian hands, which IMO wants nothing less than a war against the crusader infidels to unite the people of the Middle East against America and it's allies.
  4. Other than on the northern border, no one is attacking israel directly, and the US has managed to convince many other nations to protect israeli linked shipping in the Red Sea. If it expands to 7 countries ( where did that come from anyway ) that's on israel. BTW, this isn't America's war, so America doesn't need to get involved directly. IMO if they do, it will be playing directly into Iranian hands, which IMO wants nothing less than a war against the crusader infidels to unite the people of the Middle East against America and it's allies.
  5. Looks like Biden may yet get his very own war. Clever move sending 2 aircraft carriers so they have no excuse not to join in when it kicks off. American boys coming home in body bags isn't going to look too good in an election campaign though, so I wonder how they will spin this one.
  6. Of course, but do you think israel would give up it's desire to take over all the West Bank regardless. That's a yes or no type question.
  7. All written by men, or do you think God actually wrote that?
  8. What sort of mustard? Mild American is different to English mustard. I like Mild American on hot dogs, but never tried it on pizza.
  9. I'd love to get into that with you, but that's a long conversation to be having on a thread about Biden.
  10. Spoken by a true blue American. They weren't in the 60s when a bunch of boys from the north defeated them in Vietnam. Was William Calley one of the "best in the world"
  11. Agree that the Russians only won at the cost of millions of men. I wonder if Hitler ever knew that he almost defeated the British air force before diverting his air force from the airfields and radar installations? With a defeated or neutral Britain D Day would not have happened, leaving a long campaign from North Africa for the Americans and likely they would have abandoned it once the Japanese attacked. Even so, without breaking the Enigma code it's still possible Britain would have lost. IMO Hitler was Britain's secret weapon as he took the best military in the world, at that time, and made it incompetent. Some say he was insane and I have no argument against that.
  12. I agree with that, but they haven't been able to so far, have they, and now the US isn't supplying enough munitions ( and maybe even money ) so how do their prospects for winning look from your chair? I guess we'll have to wait till spring to find out. Perhaps Zelensky can find the extra half million men hiding under the table, and the US will supply enough ammunition to make a difference, but I'm not holding my breath. IMO the much vaunted "counter offensive" was Zelensky's last chance to keep the money flowing in his direction, and it was a bust. Don't forget that the Russians will be sending supplies and munitions to the front and reinforcing their front line defences over winter.
  13. To be fair, isn't the tampon thing a Canadian military stupidity? The question I'm asking Danderman 123 is if Trump ACTUALLY interfered with the military generals during the campaign against ISIS. Didn't they win that one?
  14. Trump has not been found guilty of that, so IMO the judges exceeded their authority.
  15. Prove I have declared Trump innocent! What is unreasonable is declaring other posters said something without providing any exonerating evidence.
  16. Google Winner hobby in Chiang Mai. Winner hobby 4.5(14) Hobby store in the Nong Khwai, Thailand
  17. you are fixated on personalities. perhaps it's a stage you will grow out of. That's somewhat ironic coming from someone that calls an ex POTUS an "orange Jesus"!
  18. Didn't you post "Are you mentally incapable of conceiving that the polls will change between now and the election?" a little way back. Isn't 2 % points within the margin of error?
  19. Isn't the point that posts give you an opportunity to deflect, as you have been doing with many of my posts. You must like deflecting, so you should be grateful he posts, as more opportunities for you to deflect. The Donald may well come out not guilty on all his court cases between now and November, but Biden will not get more clever. That's the thing with his sort of problem- it just gets worse as time goes by.
  20. and the fools want to let a machine drive a car without a human hand involved. What could possibly go wrong with that?
  21. Judges are not juries. The dispute is that they meddled in politics and exceeded their role. Did you miss that? If from now on judges in various states strike Biden off ballots for being senile, will that be acceptable to you?
  22. Two grand juries have concluded that there is probable cause to proceed to trial. They have not concluded that he is guilty. That is up to the court case to decide.
  23. From what I know about Grand juries is that they are only given one side of the argument and only vote to proceed with a court case or not. IMO Grand juries do not decide guilt or innocence, otherwise no need for a court case. The use of juvenile nicknames is what happens in school. Are you still a pupil?
  24. If you actually knew anything about that, you'd know that some people don't like him, even Trump staffers, and people that don't like him are willing to testify against him. It doesn't mean that they have the "smoking gun" though, or he'd have been out long ago. He has always been unpopular with some Republicans eg Liz Cheney, and the Bush's
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