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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Can anyone explain how the missiles are intercepted over the city, with the resulting damage from detonated missiles, rather than outside cities? One might expect the anti air missiles to be aimed away from the cities, but something does not add up.
  2. Do you ever think before posting erroneous nonsense?
  3. IMO being a lawyer should be a disqualification for being in congress or any government on the planet. Most of them are, IMO, and they have been doing a terrible job. Housewives probably have more common sense than politicians IMO. If being a serial liar was a disqualification for being POTUS there would be few candidates available for the election, IMO.
  4. Given he is not convicted of any crime deserving of incarceration, can the SCOTUS vote otherwise? The result of allowing such would likely be a rash of states doing so against candidates they didn't like.
  5. Perhaps the poster you replied to fails to understand that if it's OK to assassinate Trump, then it's OK to assassinate any candidate anyone doesn't like. Can't have it both ways, as Trump is not a special case under the law, despite the desire of many on here to lock him up or more, without any trial.
  6. They must really fear the Palestinian's to hate them so much. Self inflicted of course, with oppression of the Palestinians going on longer than the kids singing the song have been alive.
  7. You got two laughing emojis for that post. Some strange ( being polite ) people on here, to laugh about dead children.
  8. and you continue trying to justify the unjustifiable. Sad.
  9. Are you so bored you post weird stuff? Read the link. I don't watch Fox any more. Next.
  10. Aggressive? Seriously? The comment was about you scorning millions of US citizens for their choice, but you knew that.
  11. I dream of living IN Nana Plaza. Bliss.
  12. LOL. I'd rather keep the 800 baht extra for the taxi ( that's when the taxi cost 1,000 baht ) for something I want to spend it on, not just sitting in a seat for a couple hours. If you are that rich I hope you tip the taxi driver well. I took the bus many times and always enjoyed the experience. Perhaps you are in such a hurry to get to somewhere that you forget to enjoy the experience of the journey. I'll bet you fly instead of taking the train too. You missed out on so much to enjoy on the journey, but you'll never know, sitting in a flying can too high to see much. Thailand is a wonderful country to experience, but some will never get to see half of it as they flash past. Sad really. It's like the silly western youth I saw on the airport train. He had just flown for hours at great expense to come to Thailand, but rather than look at what was outside he spent the entire trip with his face in his laptop. Some mothers do have them.
  13. You must have a very limited imagination then. You get to have a chat with anyone in history and want to talk about boring science! 555555555555555
  14. IMO she'd be a big disappointment in reality. Besides, there are so many better than her hanging out in LOS just waiting for us to turn up for a chat and a cuppa.
  15. Don't you have anything more interesting than that to ask about?
  16. I was lucky. Sadly I appreciate the memory more than I did the reality at the time, which is why I'd like to repeat it, knowing how lucky I was. I don't think it's ever been better. The photo says it all, A perfect day on a beach I loved ( I stayed there many times in the 90s ) and a goddess arising from the sea like Aphrodite. What's not to want to repeat?
  17. The topic is a day we'd like to repeat endlessly, not something negative. Would you like to run from your future wife for 5 million times?
  18. 555555555555555 The older we get the less likely we can afford a trainer.
  19. Fear that the b'tards will resuscitate me. Fear that I'll end up in a nursing home eating mush and being forced to watch freeview tv. Death- nah, it's inevitable and nothing is going to stop it happening, so why fear it?
  20. That post is exactly the right length- long enough to get a point across, but not long enough to make my eyes glaze over. Seriously, of course my opinion is just that, an opinion. It may be right or wrong, but it's mine and no one else's. I've had loads of opinions that changed over time eg my opinion that women were "special". That changed soon as I'd worked with enough to know that they are no more special than men are. I do have the advantage over most men though, in that over decades I got to know many quite well, hundreds really well and thousands not so well. Nursing, not being an occupation most men aspire to, allows those of us who do it a look at women in a way that very few men on the planet will ever do. I was quite awed by women before I went nursing- LOL. That was so long ago. If I could go back in time, I'd give myself a good slapping. Can my idea of the ego be wrong? Of course. I'm wrong on so many things that something like the ego, which is incredibly complicated anyway, could be interpreted in so many different ways. In the end, I describe it in a way I'm comfortable with. Reading the posts would at least give you the opportunity to question your belief and if you found what is written to be true then you could divest yourself of an unhealthy belief. Why not take advantage of it? Had you asked me that in my late 30s I'd have been all in. I read everything I could about psychology, life, spiritualism etc that I could lay my hands on ( it was after my Damascus moment ). I loved "The Road Less Traveled", and many books along similar lines. A discussion such as you and Sunmaster are having would have been part and parcel of my life. However, I got old, old and tired. To be frank, I'm just filling in time till the exit- God's waiting room, some call it. If I can just get through a day without a catastrophe that's a win for me. So, I don't really want to think too hard about anything anymore. I'll be getting the answers to life, the universe and everything first hand, so to speak, soon enough. I'm not saying that I'm not open to new ideas, but I'm not going looking for them anymore. Having said that, this thread was brilliant. I was educated in many ways about spirituality, but when it comes to Seth etc, that's more than I want to deal with- I'd have to think too much.
  21. That's entirely possible, but not for too many days- people have to eat and sleep too. Perhaps they are premature ejaculators in Malaysia, so it was one every 15 minutes. Check out Annabel Chong on the net. She reportedly did it 251 times in 10 hours, so the Loi Kroh angel face didn't really have much to boast about. IMO she did that once, but liked talking about it.
  22. Till someone proves that most of the claims are not false I certainly do choose to believe that they are.
  23. If I mistook "You (singular) don't need to take my word for it. Of course you don't. The figures of how many asylum claims are rejected are out there. A comment saying "most are fake", especially with no proof, is flawed." as being a claim of fact, when it wasn't, apologies. I'll carry on believing that that poster had it right on the fake asylum claims.
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