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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. They are going begging then. The peak of the rent a girl friend was IMO in the 90s, when western men with their half of the divorce pay out happened on Thailand during a favourable exchange rate period. It was also easy to stay in LOS and LOS really was cheap to live in then. That's all changed. They can want 30k, but will they find enough suckers to get that? I think not.
  2. IMO nothing to do with social media and everything to do with Western desperation. Was going on long before social media ever happened. IMO western men are so sexually deprived they fall for the first pretty girl that smiles at them in LOS. Speaking as one myself. I was just lucky that the girl I fell for was a decent human being, and didn't rip me off. Thai girls don't need classes- all they need to do is be nice to western men. That's a concept long abandoned by western women.
  3. Wonder if she got the idea after learning about the western ( ? American ) woman that runs classes in how to hook a millionaire?
  4. I can believe that. I'm my worst enemy by the things I do, even by omission. If I slowed down and thought about things before charging in I'd have had a much better life. For starters I would never in a million years have taken a partner as ill matched as my western partner, who sucked me to financial ruin, and I had to start over at 35. However, I just can't stop myself doing stupid things, though I usually regret when too late. Perhaps that is why I married my Thai wife- I married someone just like myself!
  5. I'm not saying you are wrong, but if my theory is correct, they bred a species so violent that it has been killing it's own since as long as we can remember. If they were clever enough to get here, they should have been clever enough to avoid the killing gene. OR they used the ape ancestor, which would have made a species subject to survival by the use of violence. It's just a theory, and I don't claim to have all the answers.
  6. He's probably too senile to understand that it's not good to sniff young girl's hair in public. One wonders what he does in private.
  7. LOL. I never said they were reptiles. I think they cloned themselves to provide slaves, which means they look just like us. Think about it. They arrived on a space ship without enough space for the slaves. No intelligent natives to use, so to make slaves they had to clone themselves, with genetically modified brains to make us inferior. Perhaps some of the slaves escaped and became modern apes, which would explain why apes are related genetically to humans. I could be completely wrong though, and maybe they genetically modified the ape ancestors to become slaves, and they themselves all died out, or left at some stage.
  8. I have my theories, but as they would be described as conspiracies I won't post them on here.
  9. Wouldn't surprise me if they were.
  10. Do you have a specific day in your entire life that you wish you could repeat over and over? Mine would be the day I took the photo. It was one of a month I spent on Railay with the girl in the photo. She was gorgeous! I don't remember the actual day, but they were all brilliant, so that one was too. The weather was fine with occasional tropical downpours that lasted an hour and dry after an hour. Railay itself was brilliant in the 90s, and at night we could fall asleep to the frog chorus from the swamp. Bliss.
  11. Commercial DVDs will last longer than I will. I've still got DVDs that I burned in 2006 that are fine. All my assets wouldn't buy me a month in LOS including nightly fun. My ex wife really cleaned me out.
  12. That's so last year's silly obsession. It's no more than just another flu like problem now.
  13. No mention in the linked article about the biggest scam- drug dealers report customers to the cops who arrest them. Mucho money in that scam. Nor a warning about hiring m'bikes as the hill to get to the beach has seen many end up in bandages, or worse, for those never ridden before in their life, and those would not be covered by insurance.
  14. Wonder how long that will last for? Never used to happen with overloaded speed boats from Samui and Tao and never a life jacket in sight.
  15. As one that has actually been to FMPs that sounds absolutely awful. There would have been at least half as many when I went, and that was too many, but at least one end of the beach was quiet enough to sleep on ( I was there just for the night and not a single room would have been available for just one night- they had a rip off scheme where one had to book several days to be able to have a room ) The morning was always enjoyable as the lady boys used to drag the drunk farang boys off into the bushes, only to come out running once the guy realised the horrible truth. Anyone with a working hangover remedy would have minted it as the "youths" had been drinking buckets the night before.
  16. If one has an open mind and looks at the evidence It is apparent to me that aliens inhabited the planet and vanished so long ago that we lost the memory of them, but traces of them still exist in Sth America. Perhaps they didn't vanish though, and became the 1 %.
  17. quite beat Not entirely, but the age related problems are the elephant in my room. When Biden has a better memory, I know I'm in trouble. As for the bongos, I'm too busy, even when not wasting time on AN, to be taking up another hobby. I always used to worry I'd never get sorted before I get pushed into the incinerator, but then I realised everything I treasure would get sold cheap in an op shop or sent to the dump, so I don't worry about it any more. My passion these days is to collect DVDs from op shops ( a $40 DVD when new is now mine for $1. So far I have about 150 DVDs I'll probably never get to see, then the op shop can sell them to someone else.
  18. Every country deserves someone like that. I was an adult before I learned about sex, by trial and error. On the other hand, not knowing anything about it might have been better in an age when nice girls didn't, and I had no clue where the bad girls were.
  19. No idea what that means.
  20. Another Gogo girl Alas not likely. Such is life- it kicks one in the guts, then it kicks one in the nuts. My first waking dream at school was to work on a high country sheep farm as I loved riding horses. That dream never came true. My last waking dream was to be married to a nice Thai woman and have lots of sex till I died happily mid <deleted>. That dream didn't come true either. Now the only dreams I have are after I'm asleep. Pretty bizzaro they are too. A psychologist could write an entire thesis on my dreams. Do you remember your dreams? If you do, are they rational or way out there in the Twilight Zone? I often dream of work as a nurse, and after working a full shift and about to go home realise I had done nothing. Pretty weird stuff. Sadly I never dream of having fun with pretty Thai girls. In fact, pretty girls of any variety do not populate my unconscious world. when you still had high hopes. How long ago that was! Like any lemming I suppose my hope was to find a good job, and a nice girl to have a family with. I even carried a cigarette lighter as a ruse to start a conversation with a pretty girl ( seemingly everyone smoked back then ), but I was saved from a lemming life by the military, which gave me adventure and the world. Sometimes the universe does the right thing by us, and saves us from our lemming mistakes despite our worst intentions. After the military I went nursing and that beat the hope out of me and then beat me some more. Then came Thailand, marriage and more beating. If I have hope now, it's to die peacefully in my sleep, and not in some god awful nursing home hooked up to a machine.
  21. Sadly there is no solution, barring winning Lotto. There is no problem a few million $ will not solve. Should I do so, I'm taking up residence in Nana Plaza for the rest of my life, though that will not be for too much longer.
  22. James Blunt did high better.
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