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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. IMO wrong question. It should be "should she be allowed to drive at 16 in a country with an exceptionally bad driving record for deaths. Does a 16 year old have the maturity to handle driving in Thailand. The number of times I've faced death while driving in Thailand is not insignificant, and I'm a driver of many many years and the holder of almost every licence it is possible to have ( only missing ambulance ). IMO only luck and experience saved me and those with me.
  2. Oh you are just too humerous today. I must stop laughing. Had Mueller had anything there have been 3 years while Trump was not POTUS to indict him on that. Trump has not been, ergo Mueller was just full of it.
  3. Nah, long before, probably with Nixon, but surely with the sleepy one. Certainly with the lying one that started really big wars.
  4. Perhaps that is correct, and I am not psychic, but certainly not as bad as starting a war to try and keep from an almost certain jail term like someone I've heard about.
  5. Actually no cigar. From the link you kindly provided I see that there are 117,000 people waiting for a decision, but no mention of how many have been processed. There is a 76% rate of success for THE ONES ALREADY PROCESSED, but that does not mean that the same will apply with all 117,000 and more joining the queue with the arrival of every leaky boat. It's entirely possible that the rate of success could fall significantly lower, and my point of view will be vindicated. BTW, Britain IMO is not obliged to provide every arrival with an income, accommodation, and health care at Britons expense IN BRITAIN. IMO they are only obligated to keep them safe and from being returned to their own country if at risk by doing so. Sending them all to such as Rwanda IMO fulfills Britain's obligations under international law ( Australia isn't being sanctioned for exactly that solution ), and I support their right to do so. If so doing makes others think better of wasting money on criminal gangs so much better.
  6. You really have nothing to post nonsense like that. Just a meaningless sentence without anything to back it up. Next.
  7. Indictments mean nothing unless they result in a conviction.
  8. and yet, and yet Trump was not convicted because of it, despite him being the reason for it to be invented.
  9. So, your contention is that because the western allies thought halting the Russian advance would be ended with negotiations, they thought it worth spending billions of $ ( then not available for their own citizens benefit ) so that billions of $ worth of infrastructure could be destroyed, many people would die, world food aid would be disrupted, energy supplies in Europe become more expensive etc etc etc, before the negotiations happened, rather than having negotiations BEFORE the conflict started? Really? Russia, despite wishing and hoping isn't losing, and only has to dig in and fend off the Ukrainians till the west really does cut off the money train, following which Russia will likely get what it wants- Eastern Ukraine, Crimea and a guarantee that Ukraine does not join NATO. A lot of people died to get to what they could have had before the conflict. Too many people in power want to kill other people for my liking. The UN was set up to prevent exactly this sort of fiasco and has failed, and failed and failed. Either dump the security council, which doesn't secure anything, or dump the entire waste of money ( except for the bits that actually work ).
  10. Perhaps because they know there is no there there, and it'll be just another waste of bureau time to do so.
  11. I already pointed out to you the reason less were apprehended under Trump, but you keep saying the same thing as if that would make it true. You really are a funny guy. Keep those joke posts coming.
  12. Given Maine is likely to vote Democrat it's of no real significance re electoral college votes for Trump, but the political implications are massive, and not good for Maine. Was there even any point in not having him on the ballot other than silly virtue signalling?
  13. I just looked it up on Wikipedia and I liked this from him. Sounds about right. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Hogan Hogan likened the Australian Tax Office to the Taliban[39] and referred to staff as "a-holes".[40]
  14. Is it smarter to give it all to a western wife then? Mine ruined me.
  15. My country doesn't care about me either. I tried to get the OAP in LOS but they denied it to me so I have to live in a cold country that doesn't care about me. I know that LOS doesn't care about me either, but I can live a better life there for the same money and it's always hot. What's not to want?
  16. After all there are so many cases to appeal, LOL. It's their own fault anyway, Had they picked one or two cases likely to result in a penal conviction it would likely all be over by now. They just had to go for overkill, which muddies the water, makes people think it's a political witch hunt and allows him to delay indefinitely. 555555555555555
  17. Link? I think you have been asking other posters for links, so back at you.
  18. I know enough to believe that most of them are in the same category as the Russian hoax. You know that one, don't you? Took years, cost millions and didn't convict Trump of anything. 5555555555555
  19. Given his personal insults you can take that as a fact.
  20. I'm amazed they have CCTV in the operating theatre. I worked in a London Hospital surgical theatre complex for years and we certainly didn't. Also, we had patients that didn't speak English, but they had to have a translator with them. I'm familiar with that sort of operation, done under local, and the potential problem should have been picked up before the patient got on the operating table.
  21. I get the impression that some people ( and I'm not referencing any AN posters ) in israel think that as they are probably going to grow up to be Hamas they might as well die now.
  22. It's supposed to be a drought, but nature is saying otherwise. Last summer was too wet and I hope this one is not going to be the same. The Kiwi fruit growers had 2 bad years and another will not be good for them
  23. Never was, though that always got most attention. Pattaya is a large city and the "naughty stuff" is in a very small area. Huge amount of things to do in the area without going near a single Gogo or bar beer. It's possible to live in Pattaya and not see a single prostitute or spend any time in that area. I used to live just off Buakhao and never saw any of that unless I wanted to.
  24. Raining too much where I live for much of anything.
  25. I've been saying hydrogen is the way to go for ages. They didn't opt for battery forklifts- must be a reason. They exist as I've used them.
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