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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. IMO the israelis want to cause the suffering of the Gazans, so why would they want a more nuanced and diplomatic approach? The israelis are not stupid and they know the effect their campaigns against and illegal ( under humanitarian law ) blockade of Gaza have on the population, but have done nothing to mitigate it. http://www.nzlii.org/nz/journals/UOtaLawTD/2011/14.html On September 27, 2010, the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) published its fact- finding report. While the primary purpose of this report was to collate testimony and establish the facts surrounding the incident 11, the HRC also gave its opinion on several legal issues. According to the HRC, the blockade around Gaza is illegal under international law
  2. If I recall correctly, there have been many resolutions against israel in the UN, but all were vetoed by the US, which IMO has been covering for the zionists bad behaviour since 1948.
  3. There is a blatant and obvious campaign to try and make everything about October 7, and suppress everything that went on for many decades prior to it. It as though the israelis were the most loving and hospitable hosts to a people that had willingly given up their land so the zionists could live in peace and love with their new neighbours. Then out of nowhere, the nasty Hamas decided one day for no reason at all to go and cause mayhem to the peaceful and hospitable hosts. Well, the occupants of the land were actually not happy about it and have had to be suppressed and oppressed ever since 1948, and the israelis have apparently been living in fear, given by the militarisation of the zionist state. Chickens and coming home to roost come to mind.
  4. Sounds good to me. Let's stop people paying criminals to illegally enter countries they shouldn't be in because they want a better life than in the <deleted> place they abandoned rather than make better.
  5. Chill, man. It's the fun forum, not the UN General Assembly.
  6. Nope. Androids will do those jobs far better than humans do. Humans can be better carers for old people though, as a machine can't have empathy. A machine would do a better job than all the human doctors that misdiagnosed me for decades.
  7. I didn't get a choice in it. If I can go back in time I'm going to make my father be elsewhere on the night he impregnated my mother, so I never get born.
  8. Have you not read any other post on this thread? To my knowledge, no sensible poster has been claiming that the Bible is anything but a book written by humans. If every post that didn't deal with the topic was deleted there would be about 25 pages left, IMO. Q And why did Joseph not even consummate their marriage? A Where did it say he didn't? Q my biggest question is where did Cain's wife come from?? there was only one female in the world Eve A You do know that the story of Adam and Eve was a fable, don't you?
  9. All very well if one has a lot of space, but how is it going to work if, like many people now, one lives in an house with no outdoor space, apartment, flat or condo?
  10. If they didn't kick out the one ( so unmemorable I even forget his name ) that wimped out of the Marines, and has done sod all to earn his public money, they ain't going to kick Andrew out. At least he did his duty as a military man. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Andrew,_Duke_of_York During the Falklands War, he flew on multiple missions including anti-surface warfare, casualty evacuation, and Exocet missile decoy.
  11. and yet, you posted Sooooo, which one is it that is the "real" you?
  12. Factory machines are normally designed to avoid injury to humans. I guess someone messed up, either in the machine design, lack of safety features or human error. Machines have been assembling cars for many years without mutilating humans, so is something different in the Tesla factory?
  13. Nah. Most deaths are of m'bike riders, and it'll be a while before they can make a self drive m'bike.
  14. Errr, McArthur got fired for going against orders and crossing the river, not talking out of turn, and if the movie was correct Patton got fired for slapping a shell shocked soldier. I suspect there was more to it than that, but likely that was an excuse to send him into the wilderness. https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/education/presidential-inquiries/firing-macarthur MacArthur thwarted Truman’s attempt to negotiate a ceasefire when the general ordered his troops to invade North Korea and push the NKPA up past the 38th parallel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_S._Patton_slapping_incidents Word of the incidents spread, eventually reaching Patton's superior, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, who ordered him to apologize to the men. ..................................................... Seizing the opportunity the predicament presented, Eisenhower used Patton as a decoy in Operation Fortitude, sending faulty intelligence to German agents that Patton was leading the Invasion of Europe.
  15. Given Vietnam was a proxy war between USA and Russia during the Cold War are you surprised at that? After all, the excuse given for starting it was to prevent the "domino effect". 50,000 US lives later they didn't manage that either, with all of Indo China going communist.
  16. On that I agree with you. Two disasters caused by ( IMO warmonger ) Bush the younger.
  17. There is actually a sub forum devoted to the Ukraine war you can post on. I'd love to get into it with you about Ukraine, but not on this thread.
  18. LOL. Why only prosecute one felony when 90 more can come to naught as well? Meanwhile 91 actual criminals are not getting prosecuted as all the attention is on Trump. They must be lovin' it.
  19. apparently he is happy instead to engage in verbal diarrhea and have his flacks put out talking points for online trolls. Are you unable to see that he's playing to his base? Has any one man in the history of the USA had so much attention and public money lavished on them as Trump? He must be lovin' it. For 4 years the opposition prevented much in the way of improving the country from happening, which is what governments are supposed to do. Instead they wasted millions of $ that would have been better spent improving the infrastructure attacking him, and now they are wasting millions of $ on court cases against him better spent putting real criminals away.
  20. I believe there is insufficient evidence to convict him. As to whether he actually wanted to commit insurrection, I have no idea, but no one has come up with irrefutable evidence of that, so it's all supposition and interpretation of what he did say in public. Those that think he is a criminal will always believe the worst of him, so no point in trying to convince otherwise. Personally, I hope he doesn't stand and a better candidate stands and whupps Biden large. None of us need a repeat of the first time, but on the other hand seeing the snowflakes melt down in tantrums at a Trump victory would be so enjoyable. Either way, I just hope Biden/ Harris get slaughtered defeated in the polls.
  21. IMO naval ships are history in a war against a nation armed with missiles. Just large floating targets now. Even back in the Falkland War the Exocet was feared by the Brits.
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