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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. According to the israeli apologists only israel has a "right" to protect itself, and mere Palestinians only have the "right" to accept being blown to bits while unable to respond. Meanwhile israel continues with it's campaign to ethnically cleanse the Gaza Strip by making the entire area uninhabitable. One can only hope that Karma gets the israelis after it's all over, but one suspects it will be too late for many more thousands of dead Palestinian children. https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/hunger-spreads-in-gaza-as-fighting-rages-677b73d8 Residents of the Gaza Strip are facing widespread starvation for the first time in recent history
  2. Since I was forced to play cricket and rugby at school I loath most games played with a ball. I was so happy when I could ditch boring cricket and go rowing ( only for second years and above ), and never watched a single game with a ball since leaving school. The only exceptions were volleyball, and ten pin bowling but only when playing. My sport of choice is skiing.
  3. The whole "porn is bad for children" thing is BS IMO. Western people treat sex like it's some dirty secret that will turn children into monsters if they find out. Sex is a normal animal function, but only humans treat it like it's abnormal. Just the way they go on about nudity is demented, as if some parts of our bodies are so disgusting that they can't be allowed to be seen. What the <deleted> is so vile about a nipple that it just has to be hidden if it's on a female? What's vile, IMO, is that adults don't educate their children about what an actual loving relationship is, so they turn to porn and think that's normal. Seems adults are so ashamed of sex that they can't even discuss it with their children. If children knew what a loving relationship was, then they might treat porn as what it is, entertainment for adults.
  4. No part of this topic is about Trump, but you insist on talking about him at every opportunity, and it's annoying. Do try and keep your Trump phobic posts to threads about Trump.
  5. It's all part of the plan to make women dominant, IMO. If men don't need women for sex then they ain't going to be controlled as they might decide they don't need women at all. Wonder what the wowsers are going to do when sex androids are a reality? That is going to pose a very real threat to female dominance.
  6. Not entirely true. Every foreigner working in Saudi has to surrender their passport to the employers, and that is with the full knowledge of the relevant governments. The only way I could have abandoned my job and left the country was by going on holiday, when we got our passports back.
  7. Where is the independently verified evidence of the clinic being a "military hub"? Perhaps they will come up with another laptop and a grab bag with some weapons for proof, LOL. People under torture or duress will say anything.
  8. and where are those safer areas, pray tell? Rafa perhaps where they were told it was safe? https://www.odt.co.nz/star-news/star-international/israeli-air-strikes-intensify-southern-gaza Intense Israeli air strikes have hit the south of the Gaza Strip, killing and wounding dozens of Palestinians, including in areas where Israel had told people to seek shelter, residents and journalists on the ground said.
  9. Seems that Trump really does live in some people's heads, because they just have to put a Trump putdown in most posts they write.
  10. However very rich, so women will want to bonk him. Life is unfair.
  11. If she was a prostitute the bar owners should be prosecuted too.
  12. Once again city hall gets it wrong. Have they done anything right in the past 30 years? Walkway used to be great and everyone was happy with it, but city hall obviously doesn't like people being happy and just has to ruin things. BTW it was great in the mid 90's, not since.
  13. Shouldn't there be a time limit on threads? I came on here expecting something new, but it's a zombie thread.
  14. I certainly do not think they take any measures to avoid harming non combatants, or 7,000 children wouldn't be dead. It is a long time since they had an actual enemy army to fight, and I know how a military without a real war slowly deteriorates to incompetence, having experienced that myself after Vietnam finished.
  15. Humans are, IMO, a self destructive race, and will do everything in their power to exterminate themselves ( just look at how we destroy the environment and pollute everything ). The creation of autonomous fighting machines ( already happening ) and an AI more intelligent than humans will, IMO, see us gone and the planet will move on to the next dominant species.
  16. More fools the other members of the EU that wanted them then. It's not a good idea to try and expand the unelected in Brussels' power base by inviting just any old country to join without checking them out properly first. Just the suggestion of having Ukraine join shows how ( IMO ) barking they are. So many things that would go wrong with that stupid idea.
  17. I agree with that 100%. It has to be the reason they are so disappointing. Nixon, Bush the younger, Reagan, Trump and Biden were/ are exceedingly awful, and most of the rest were pretty useless. Carter was a good man, but apparently useless as POTUS and very unlucky with his military adventure. Johnson is a toss up- good on the domestic front, but a hopeless warmonger. I don't actually have an opinion on Bush the elder- at least he actually saw action in WW2 and was lucky to survive.
  18. I don't know if that is serious or sarcasm.
  19. Some here deny that israel is committing crimes against Humanity when it's obvious that they do. 7,000 dead children is obviously a war crime, yet some try to excuse it- sad that some are so blinded by hate of Palestinians that any amount of dead children is OK as long as no israeli children among them.
  20. They were doing what they were doing before October 7 before Hamas existed. No reason to believe they would stop the oppression and land theft if Hamas disappears.
  21. The US seems to have a habit of putting up awful candidates. Can't think of a decent one since Kennedy, and even he was flawed.
  22. Trump is a result of a broken America, not the cause, IMO. Before attacking him, look at the reasons anyone would vote for him, let alone millions. If the American Dream wasn't gone, and America broken, IMO neither Trump nor Biden would have got past a primary. I believe the American Dream is gone, but did it ever exist in reality?
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