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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Just thought about that. If your temperature isn't up it's unlikely to be an infection, so you need to get checked out as it could be something like anaemia https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/anaemia You may also look pale and have cold feet or hands.
  2. I've got a digital thermometer and always take temperature under the tongue. Is there some reason that people take it in an inaccurate place on the body now? When thermometers were mercury, people used under the arm because mercury from a broken thermometer in the mouth isn't a good idea, but with a digital one that isn't a problem ( we still used mercury ones under the tongue on the wards for adults though ). I know tech has improved and nurses take it in the ear now, or perhaps even that is old fashioned too. It's been a few years since I did it for a living, but if it's a stick thermometer, I for one will be taking mine under the tongue.
  3. The first thing I'd do is try a different thermometer if I had been taking it under the tongue. If not, I'd take it under the tongue. If a different thermometer confirmed hypothermia ( after taking it twice ) I'd be off to hospital pretty fast. BTW I took patient's temperatures for decades, so I know a bit about it.
  4. Under the tongue is normally enough.
  5. That would make you clinically hypothermic and I doubt you'd be posting about it. Try a different thermometer under the tongue for at least a minute. https://www.medicinenet.com/what_body_temperature_is_too_low_hypothermia/article.htm Body temperature below 95°F (35°C) is considered abnormally (dangerously) low, and the condition is known as hypothermia. This happens when your body loses heat faster than it can produce heat. Hypothermia is a medical emergency, which if left untreated can lead to brain damage and cardiac failure.
  6. Oh Sheryl, we ONLY used special thermometers to take rectal temperatures, as the bulb can break on ordinary ones. We were told NEVER to use an ordinary one for that. Can be hard to find a mercury thermometer now. I don't think they are even available in NZ now. Under the tongue with a correctly working thermometer is usually reliable. I suspect a defective thermometer for the OP, or not leaving it in long enough.
  7. It's hard to tell the difference between truth and propaganda, given the western all in gung ho attitude at the start. It'll be embarrassing for a lot of western news organisations and governments when Ukraine has to call it a day and ask for negotiations.
  8. That'll work, for sure! Who would want to be the last man to die in a lost cause?
  9. and where did you get the 20,000 figure or you're using inflated numbers for your argument sake? Seriously? Do you only listen to israeli news? https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/12/22/gaza-israel-war-20000-dead/ More than 20,000 dead in Gaza, a historic human toll Also from Reuters and the BBC and many other news sources. Was there a " proportionality" when a hundreds of Hamas and Palestinians murderess and rapists descended on a sleepy villages and a group of Israelis who were at a festival in the field? I'll see your October 7 and raise you with 30 years and more of illegal occupation, land theft, collective punishment and oppression.
  10. So, you are saying they deliberately targeted buildings with 7,000 children in them to be blown up as they have such accurate bombs now. Tell us if that isn't what you meant.
  11. Excellent post. Keep em coming. We all need to see more reasoned and informative posts like that.
  12. If israelis don't want to be villified, they should not have blown over 7,000 children to bits with big bombs from safety high in the sky. It's a bit late now to be complaining that the world is being unfair to those lovely peaceful israelis. The saying about making beds and having to lie in them is appropriate.
  13. In Sudan the conflict is between 2 roughly similar combatants, and the death toll since April is 12,000. Sudanese civilians have the ability to become refugees in neighbouring countries. In Gaza, the israelis have killed 20,000 since October 7, and the Gazans have zero ability to defend themselves from the air assault. If you want to know why people are more upset by Gaza than Sudan, it's because there is no proportionality, and it's just massacre of a defenseless population. Gazans are not allowed to go elsewhere as refugees and are being killed as there are no safe areas to stay in. I hope you are not trying to say that israel is not committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, as it's all recorded, and overwhelming world opinion is that israel is committing those crimes.
  14. Does the spokesman keep a straight face when saying that? They never say what the feasible precautions to mitigate civilian harm are, presumably because they don't. Sounds just like every American official apologist for israeli bad behaviour.
  15. They do. After the way they have been behaving and posting vdos themselves of their vile behaviour, no one else does. https://www.jns.org/the-idf-is-the-most-moral-army-in-history/ The IDF is the most moral army in history
  16. I disagree with what you say as who is going to stop them? The US isn't, at least at present. I'm happy to not reply to you any more if that's what you want, but I might forget, so I'll have to put you on ignore.
  17. In 2013 they destroyed many lovely shade trees.
  18. That's the 2007 version, the one after the photos I just posted. Easily identified as they paved over all the grassy areas as seen in your photo. The benches changed too, to the red tiled ones, as seen in Redwood's photo.
  19. 2004 I'm having a problem up loading at the moment, so more another time.
  20. 2004 this was a trial run as i have to reduce the size to post. Note the smooth top bench seat
  21. Alas, my memory for dates is way off. I just checked my photos and all in this century. I don't seem to have any good ones prior to 2003. There was the version in the 90s, the one by 2003, the one by 2007 and the wasteland in 2013. I'll attempt to post a few of each version.
  22. That's the 3rd version. There were 3 different versions in the 90s, and early century. That one was the version before they went mad and turned it into a treeless wasteland of seatless despair, I remember the seats in the second to bottom photo. That version wasn't as good as the one before that I liked. It had fiberglass models of people in various poses and decorative lamp posts. I don't remember much about the version in the very early 90s, but it had lots of trees
  23. Bell Bus had a van service from North Bus Station to the place wanted in Pattaya, included in the fare. It's on the internet.
  24. The one I used was opposite top of South Road.
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