Thank you for your reply. When I did my military first aid instructor course it was just after several military men had died of hypothermia during adventure training after being caught above the snowline in a storm. Obviously there was some concentration on hypothermia. From what we learned ( though I never had to treat a real case of hypothermia ) if someone is suffering from actual hypothermia they ain't going to be capable of posting anything on a forum.
We also learned that if caught in a snowstorm it's not a good idea to go walking around in it.
PS, Hypothermia was obviously something to avoid in Antarctica ( where I was lucky enough to spend a year ), and we spent a great deal of effort to avoid it.,33009,914801,00.html
At U.S. bases in the Arctic and Antarctic, the newcomer must quickly learn the 30-30-30 Rule of Survival: when exposed to a 30-m.p.h. wind at —30° F., human flesh freezes solid in 30 seconds.