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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Those wishing to stop Trump being on the ballot may come to regret it if the GOP put up a different candidate, as Biden's main attraction seems to be that he's not Trump.
  2. Most incumbent presidents have been able walk properly and don't talk to dead people in public. In Biden's case a primary would be a good idea.
  3. IMO only 2 of those are important to Biden, freeing the hostages and ensuring the conflict does not expand to consume the entire Middle East. IMO the chance of Hamas releasing many more of the non military hostages is virtually nil and of the military zero. Hamas would be mad to release hostages without a permanent ceasefire. Civilian pressure on netanyahu is increasing and he must be feeling the pressure, or he would not have trotted out the president to ask if another pause could be arranged with hostage releases. The last thing Biden needs at this stage in the American election cycle is another war with American boys coming home in bags.
  4. That could be because there hasn't been any "progress", though with the US secretary of Defense "all pals together" act with the israelis it's not hard to see why.
  5. Not having weighed him, how would I know what he weighs? Are you claiming you do?
  6. Shouldn't the Democrats have a primary then, and let the voters decide if Biden is suitable as a candidate?
  7. Agree with most of that. The blind support for a corrupt country has to be a disaster for western governments that did so. When it's all over they will have to explain to an angry population in financial trouble why they gave all the money to a lost cause.
  8. IMO the Russians are not losing. Losing is bad for morale.
  9. Why is it necessary to flatten an entire residential building to kill a Hamas fighter? You are either ignorant of the extent of the damage in Gaza, or don't care. Hamas forbidding family and children to flee is. Proof or that is a lie. IDF sources are not acceptable as proof.
  10. Just watching an item on Al Jazeera showing the destruction of Nuseirat refugee camp in Gaza. I missed the name but I think that is the camp affected. The entire area has been bombed to destruction. I doubt anything has been like it since carpet bombing of German cities in WW2. Pictures available on google images https://www.google.com/search?q=destruction+of+Nuseirat+in+gaza&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=593318739&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi19bC-zqaDAxWSwTgGHdv9Bf8Q_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=956&bih=418&dpr=1.43#imgrc=YYhbr2nOwYSTbM Nothing can justify destruction like that, It is obviously far more than trying to destroy Hamas fighters.
  11. You are way behind in number of dead Palestinians. It's over 20,000 now. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/12/22/gaza-israel-war-20000-dead/ More than 20,000 dead in Gaza, as U.N. calls for fighting pause and aid Israel will pay for this insanity, and the USA moreso as this war would not have turned into a genocide and wholesale land theft without their support. Agree. Much of the world is against them now and more every time they blow up residential buildings with hundreds dead and dying. Israel will indeed pay for this in the future. Karma will get them. As for America. IMO the leaders, of both parties, have made America complicit in this atrocity, and are ruining America's reputation world wide. Who could trust them to be a neutral arbiter of conflicts after their one sided support for the destruction of Gaza, while IMO lying to the world about how they are doing their hardest to rein in the israeli atrocites. One only needs look at who is the obstacle to any sort of meaningful resolution in the UN. Even Russia is on the right side on this. IMO more aid without a ceasefire is a nonsense, and shame on the lot of them for pretending that the resolution is anything other than garbage. Desperately trying to hang onto their well paid jobs IMO. If nothing else, this conflict has brought front and center how useless the UN is and how it has abysmally failed in it's charter to bring peace to the world. Either get rid of the veto, or get rid of the security council, IMO.
  12. Unfortunately not. It might have been different if the Zionist terrorists hadn't made them run away, but they did. Apparently there was a strong zionist element within the British establishment. During WW2, if I remember correctly the British recruited from the Jews in Palestine, which meant they had military training when they tried to ethnically cleanse Palestine in 1948 in the nakba. https://www.un.org/unispal/about-the-nakba/ The Nakba, which means “catastrophe” in Arabic, refers to the mass displacement and dispossession of Palestinians during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.
  13. Unlike some, I don't spend my entire life on here so I can answer fatuous questions.
  14. You know where it was, and what is your point?
  15. DUH! The US president isn't elected by popular vote. Try getting your facts correct.
  16. The land they owned before old white men on the other side of the world took it away and gave it to zionists without their consent.
  17. Agree. Is that really what israelis want, perpetual war for ever? They haven't succeeded in suppressing Palestinian resistance since 1948, so do they actually think they can, or is it just netanyahu trying to stay out of jail? Even if they did kill every Hamas in Gaza, as long as Palestinians live inside or outside israel, there will be a Hamas or whatever takes its place to take revenge.
  18. hey had plans to continue in-land as far as they could and to go on with their murderous rampage... Stating the obvious. Why would they stop before they were stopped?
  19. It's all they have as they can't possibly justify 7,000 dead children and who knows how many injured, so they attack the poster and accuse them of being a terrorist sympathiser to try and make them go away. Doesn't work though, as there is no getting away from 7,000 dead children.
  20. There is no long term solution in sight -- PERIOD. That must be the first time I have agreed with anything you have written as long as I've been on the forum, but IMO you got that right. The two state solution is a very bad joke now that there isn't enough left of the West Bank to make a Palestinian State. Israel, welcome to your future living in fear of Hamas, or whatever replaces it, and having to brutalise your youths to control them. Even if they were to kill or remove every last Palestinian man woman and child from the area they want for themselves, there are millions living outside Israel. They will not forget, or forgive. Israel has sown the wind and will harvest the whirlwind. That's in the Jewish Holy Book, I believe.
  21. Still making it up I see.
  22. Did anyone ever wondered what Hamas were hoping to gain from the 7th of October attack? Prior to October 7 the whole world ignored the atrocities israel was committing in the West Bank and the vile blockade of Gaza. Well they are not ignoring them now and much of the world is against israel. I'd say that is what they were hoping to gain. Probably succeeded more than they expected because of the brutality of the israeli response.
  23. Your symptoms are not an ache or pain. My mother refused to see a Dr and lost her leg to diabetes. Up to you, but if it's bad enough to be on here asking, it's bad enough to go see a Dr. They can do tests, unlike us. If I had a patient with a sub 35 degree temperature do you think I wouldn't have let a Dr know?
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