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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. No serious person that knows about the reality in the West Bank considers the 2 state solution as viable. To make it happen israel has to vacate the West Bank settlements. Do you think that will ever happen? I don't know what Hamas wants overall, as rhetoric is not usually reality, but I do know that they want revenge on israel for israeli crimes against Palestinians over many decades of oppression. How could they not?
  2. Israel isn't the only entity losing support over Gaza. From the reports on Al Jazeera, Biden is losing support in a massive way. Looks like his run for POTUS will be dead long before November.
  3. The world ignored Gaza before and turned a blind eye to israel's oppression, but nobody's ignoring it anymore. The israeli crimes are being exposed and much of the world is already opposed to israel now. By the time this is over most of the world will be opposed to israel, IMO. Whatever happens from now on, no one can say they don't know that israel commits crimes against humanity.
  4. when the civilians allowed Hamas to build tunnels under their homes, hospitals, schools and mosques.... Are you <deleted> serious? Do you think they had a say in it? Do you actually know anything about the reality in Gaza? Who has the guns in Gaza?
  5. I've read many posts divorced from reality on this forum, but that one takes top place prize, IMO. plus they must agree to face the UN criminal court for the atrocities they committed in Israel, and for the war crimes they have been commiting since then by holding hostages, and for hiding themselves and their terrorist military equipment behind civilians in a war zone. UN criminal court? I know about the ICC but that isn't part of the UN. Even if such an entity exists, to expect Hamas to face criminal charges without the israeli leadership also facing court charges on crimes against humanity and war crimes, is a nonsense.
  6. To that you can add destroying infrastructure such as desalination plants and sewage systems, attacking ambulances, killing identified health staff and journalists, attacking hospitals and schools, destroying bakeries, denying fuel, water and food. Plenty more as well.
  7. I see from the post you quoted that all they can do in response to anyone criticizing israel is to resort to insults. I guess that is because they can't defend the decades of israeli illegal occupation, oppression and collective punishment that caused October 7.
  8. Israel to my knowledge doesn't allow non Jews to become israeli citizens ( the present Arab citizens of israel were already living in the area that became israel and hadn't been driven out ), and definitely don't allow any Palestinan refugees living outside the israeli/ West Bank border to return to their own property.
  9. Seriously, it's like you completely ignore the israeli occupation and oppression for past many decades, and were living in peace and harmony with Palestinians till one day they out of nowhere decided to go and kill israelis. You even seem to think Palestinians should be grateful to israelis for allowing them to go work for israelis on what used to be Palestinian land till Euro people far away decided to take it away from them. It's like you are not even aware that israelis raid West Bank Palestinians all the time, destroying their infrastructure with bulldozers, destroying their houses, and even killing them. It's like you are not even aware that settlers are illegally occupying Palestinian land and forcing the legal occupants out of their own land and houses, all done under the eyes of the israeli military. If israelis live in fear of Palestinians, they need to look at what they did to create that. As the secretary general of the UN said, October 7 "did not take place in a vacuum".
  10. If one believes that God Almighty dictated a book for humans to live by I have a bridge for sale.
  11. 50 thousand years of human civilization, and the most popular thing on the internet is people having sex. Way to go humans.
  12. Ahem, I love Korean tv romances, as the women are way more attractive and feminine than the sort found on western tv these days. BTW, I watch tv for an escape from the sick reality of our world, and dumbing down is exactly what I need for that. When I first started watching them I was a bit perturbed as the males were wearing lipstick, so I looked it up, and apparently Korean men do wear makeup. They ain't in Kansas Toto.
  13. Had you gone to Patong in the early 90s there was an upstairs Gogo that only had very small girls, though I don't remember if any were actual midgets. It was like being in a room full of Munchkins in the land of Oz. I didn't stay there very long, and never went back, but it's a sight I'll never forget.
  14. I prefer them naked and hanging on a chrome pole, but that's just me.
  15. I was being sarcastic with that comment. I doubt America would volunteer to take them.
  16. Ha ha. I don't have one of those phones, so I don't get his stinking ads.
  17. Only till you run out of food and water. The zombies are still going to be around. All that would happen in the event of people actually hiding in their bunkers is that the rest of us that survived will be waiting till they emerge, killing them and taking all their stuff. They all need air vents, so just light a smoky fire under them and they'll have to come out, whereupon they will be killed and all their stuff will be taken. As the government trained me to survive, in the military, I have all the skills needed to survive in the bush and the ability to kill people that hide in bunkers when they have to come out, so I can steal all their stuff. Thanks government.
  18. I don't think they hate golf per se. IMO it's more that they hate some of the sort of people that play golf. I'm not making any personal comments here about anyone that plays golf, and the nicest man I ever knew played golf. I'm talking about the rich fat cats that many dislike that play golf. Personally I think it's probably the most boring game on the planet after cricket and tennis, and I don't understand why competitions attract so many spectators.
  19. I was talking about the idea promoted by some on here that because something is in a book it can be the literal word of God, which is IMO ludicrous.
  20. As usual the proponents of such overlook the problems that would arise if such became popular.
  21. It's already being done on a small scale, and more for older cars that someone wants to keep than for new ones. I don't think they are using swoppable batteries at this time, given no where to swap them yet.
  22. At least you can escape back to a better place. You are a lucky guy and I envy you.
  23. ?????????????? The wall was actually being built when Biden cancelled it. Agree about DeSantis.
  24. Trump could stand still without saying a word and someone would attack him for it. As the illegal immigrants are of many different ethnicities, are they claiming that Trump hates every race on the planet? I hope Trump wins just to poke a stick in the eye of those that come up with all this <deleted>.
  25. IMO the drone attacks are more psy war than intended to win the conflict through destruction. If either side wanted to actually do some major damage, all they have to do is send so many at once that the defense can't cope. That's the draw back of missile defenses; they are extremely expensive and high tech, which means there is a limit to the number of missiles that can be fired at any one time.
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