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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. If you know how much they cost already why do you need to ask on here? Some people could spend 200,000 in a week to support the lifestyle they think they deserve, others could make it last a year. As always, up to you. I'm guessing, but you won't be able to bring more than 186,000 for a month, so just do it- arrive and check it out. Anticipation can be the best part of a holiday.
  2. They'd be a moron on a unicycle. Morons are morons whatever they do or ride.
  3. Several thousand baht.
  4. I feel sorry for the girls that they get put at risk just to earn a crust.
  5. I rode a m'bike in LOS and for many years in my youth, but like most other m'bikes on Thai roads it wasn't a big bike. I doubt a big bike is any easier to maneuver in jammed traffic than a car. The gaps to go through are too small.
  6. Who cares? The main riders of big bikes in a certain country are gang members, which says a lot about it.
  7. The bigger the bike the smaller the <insert body part of choice>. Also applies to farangs that drive huge SUVs/ pickups in notoriously jammed traffic.
  8. I think they stop about dusk, but I would ask the driver when I got one going to be sure.
  9. It was better back then. Too many families and wowsers ruining the place now.
  10. I was responding to "I felt dirty to be associated with the Pattaya presented". I don't know how that's something not actually there in your post.
  11. You'd have to ask them then. Perhaps they came for sex with older girls and then got an offer they wanted to take up. If I asked you to inform me as to where one would find underage girls for rent in Pattaya I doubt you could tell me. I certainly didn't and I doubt any poster on this forum knows either. It's not like TAT is advertising it for most to know.
  12. Feel free to leave Pattaya any time then. Perhaps that bastion of sexual purity you hail from is so much better than Pattaya. Just go, you know you'll feel much better for it.
  13. Underage prostitution that is so invisible that I never noticed it in many years there. Probably as much of it going on in your home town as in Thailand.
  14. Pattaya isn't tarnished. It's a great place for big boys. Foreign wowsers can naff off and bother the prostitutes in their own country. Take the families with them- not wanted in Pattaya.
  15. The only thing I hate about Thailand is some of the foreigners that make up BS about the place.
  16. Except the slant they put on it is not the truth, it's opinion. Pattaya is great except for the wowsers that don't like western men being able to have sex without being ringed by some demanding land whale western female.
  17. Many responses are programmed into humans ( fight or flight for instance ), to enable survival of the species. However, we are able to overcome the program eg soldiers can be trained not to run away.
  18. If I was able to father a kid and my GF started talking about it I'd either start using condoms and checking them for holes or get a vasectomy ( or dump her ). Any man doesn't actually know he wants a kid should be sterilised before he brings another unwanted soul onto the planet, IMO.
  19. You expose the most fundamental problem with believing in an after life. I hope there is and logically I know there is, but what if there isn't? Not having visited the after life I can't KNOW. Certainly I'd prefer an off switch than "hell" as portrayed by the men in funny hats. I have no doubt that in the innermost recesses of even the most committed anti spiritual person's mind there is a niggling doubt that death is the end. Spirituality is so entrenched in human existence that it must be genetic, but it was subverted and exploited by the men in funny hats for their own ends.
  20. Worth knowing is that we only get to see that photo because the expedition photographer dived in very cold water to retrieve his glass plates before the ship sank.
  21. I wasn't aware that all of them were dead. I thought Chuck was rockin' still, but apparently not. It must be a h_ell of a band up there. The last of those I loved that I knew died was Tina. She will live on in a thousand cabaret shows, like Elvis. The Malibu show in Pattaya had a great Tina impersonator.
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