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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Nurses save peoples lives and help sick people, but are valued less that tube drivers, and definitely less than actors ( or at least the celebrity ones ) is that fair? I think not, but in a capitalist system they would only get paid what they are worth if they go on strike, like the tube drivers do. Think about that next time you or someone you love is in hospital. I could have made big bucks driving a truck in the Aussie mines, but I thought it's be more worthwhile to help people so I didn't earn big bucks and worked my butt off as well. Was it the right choice? NO, I should have gone for the big bucks, but it's too late to start over. Bitter; perhaps. If I'm bitter, it's because of the 2 false women that lied that they "loved" me, ripped me off and ruined me financially. Should have known better I suppose, but I was stupid and the power of the little head is strong.
  2. I ignored him not long after he appeared. Just not worth my time.
  3. Seems the media gives a somewhat erroneous idea of life in the big white. Closest penguins to where I was based were a good 4 hour trip away, and only hung around to breed in the summer. The Emperor penguins that did hang around in winter were a good 8 hour trip away and those sharp beaks would have proven an obstacle to any naughtiness. We did have seals at the base though, but they were not house trained, and too cold outside to do any of that sort of thing. Also, another species with the sense to go elsewhere in winter. That only left the huskies, and the dog handler would have got a bit "annoyed" at anyone trying it on, though some of them were quite pretty.
  4. Yes plenty of blokes but none that batted for the other team, or at least none that did anything about it. Back then, they'd have lasted about 5 minutes after they were outed. Different world and all that.
  5. Gee, I must have met Elvis every day I went to work then. I worked with between 4 and 10 educated white women every working day for decades, and had loads of conversations with them. Sometimes I even worked with educated non white women from over 20 different countries and had conversations with them too.
  6. If travel time is included, in London I spent 1 1/2 hours in a tube train to start work at 7 am, worked till 3 30 pm ( mealtime and tea breaks not included in work time ) and 1 1/2 hours back to home. I did that for 4 weeks with one weekend off a month. Oh the joy when I had earned enough to have a long break in Thailand. I worked 3 weekends agency nursing in various hospitals and private homes, but Mon to Fri in a surgical theatre. When I went back to work, I joined the staff so I didn't have to travel as I stayed in hospital accommodation, so 3 hours longer for myself- luxury. The last year I worked 12 hour shifts 3 days a week which was brilliant for time off, but bad for pay as I didn't get to do any weekend work which was when I used to earn the big bucks on penal rates. Still, it made for a more relaxed lifestyle and I'd probably do it again.
  7. Their day is over. AI will make them all redundant, and good riddance to the overpaid egoists. I already prefer anime to live action movies and not a single actor to be seen in them. AI was already good enough to be realistic decades ago, and it's the way of the future for sure. One of the Final Fantasy movies was the first to have realistic AI, but apparently it bankrupted the company that developed the computer program. However, the computer program lives on. Anyway, once AI makes 80% of the population paupers, who will have any spare money to go see a movie ( especially at today's prices )? ( 80 % is a guess as I'm not psychic, and it could be even more ).
  8. Agree 100%. People shouldn't have to pay anything for other people's brats. If they can't afford them, make abortion free on demand no questions asked. Too many criminals breeding the next generation of criminals IMO.
  9. Yes it can. Tax any luxury product that would only be bought by rich people 50%. Houses cost more to build or sold for more than 1 million $ add tax of 50%. Car costs more than average eg Lexus, tax 50%. Private plane or one of those superyachts, tax 99% for being a polluter. Simplest wealth tax is capital gains tax, but the rich will never allow that to happen.
  10. IMO there is no difference between capitalism and socialism ( the reality and not the theory )- in both systems a few get rich and the rest suck on coal. To succeed in capitalism one has to have real money- money gets more money. Most are not and will never be financially literate. I don't care about rich people. I never worked for a rich person. No one needs more than 1 million $. Tax them 95% on everything over 1 million $ IMO. You want the state to own everything?? Unlike you ( apparently ) I grew up in NZ where the government did own all the big industries- railways, buses, health, road works, universities and almost all schools, ferries, post office etc and it was waaaaay better than now after they sold everything to the capitalists that just want profit and to h**l with service. So yes, I want the state to own everything, as capitalism sucks for anyone without loadsacash. Also. I did live and work in a REAL socialist system for a year in Antarctica. We didn't get paid ( till we returned to "civilisation" ) and were given everything we needed in exchange for the work we did. It was a great system, worked well and I'd like to live permanently in a system like that. Of course we didn't have any bludgers or criminals to worry about, so it might not work in "civilised" society which is chocka with bludgers and criminals.
  11. The fortunate Japanese have the most demented/ kinky sex life, according to Japanese porn, but the <deleted> that thought imposing the use of a mosaic was a good idea should be hung up by the mosaics. I have to wonder if the Otaku are fortunate in having such as Maid Cafes and AKB48, or unfortunate in that it's strictly look but don't touch. Anyway, fare well Gamma, and say hi to the girls in the Ginza for me- I'm a huge fan of everything Japanese female related. I'll miss your ramblings, but wonder if you'll be back on soon enough- they do have internet in Japan!
  12. That's just the ones that actually work. Where I live there are a few youths that prefer to live on the dole ( despite jobs going begging for workers ) rather than do any work, even if they have no future. Simple answer- stop the dole if work is available and if no one will employ them, make them cut grass for a government handout ( that's what they did in Singapore in the 70s- no dole. ).
  13. Many books can, and probably will, be written about the rise and fall of Trump. But IMO it can most simply be described as millions looking at the shennanigans in Washington, and screaming "I'm mad as Hell and I'm not going to take this anymore" ( quote from Network 1976 ).
  14. IMO tinkering with ideas such as "post capitalism" is BS promoted by the rich to keep the sheeple quiet as they continue to steal all the baubles.
  15. In my OPINION, capitalism was invented to take over from religion and nobility as centers of wealth, but controlled by the same players. It's worked exceedingly well given by how few have most of the wealth. Only works because most people are sheeple, and eagerly follow the wolf in sheepskin. Social media which is controlled by the mega rich has been an astounding success at shaping society ( look at how many who's lives are controlled by "influencers", surely the most vile of social control mechnisms ). It's all a bit sad how many willingly give themselves to mammon in exchange for the proverbial bowl of porridge. I don't know that it can even be fixed anymore. To change this, you need wealth taxes. Given that the rich make the rules, does wealth tax have any chance of reality?
  16. You assume that I support Trump personally. That would be a mistake. I only support him as a Washington disruptor. Had he never become POTUS my support would have been non existent for him. Before he was back stabbed by the establishment my support was for Bernie as a Wall Street critic, and I've said that many times in the past on this forum.
  17. You really should change the record. That one is almost worn out.
  18. Perhaps, not having been convicted of anything myself, but certainly seems like prosecution dirty tricks to me. I don't put anything too low or devious for lawyers to do. I assume you know what is a good place for a bunch of lawyers? ( an old joke ).
  19. Some consider the real criminals to be mega rich people, but that's probably deserving of it's own thread.
  20. Yup, it's their only hope, but it does seem likely that the election will be a comedy show on prime time tv between "lyin' Donny" and "stumblin' in Joe". Get the popcorn ready boys, and I'm really hangin' out for the debates ( if the bumbler in chief is allowed out to play without his handlers ). If I'm really lucky the debates will be between "loudmouth Don" and "was I supposed to fix the southern border? harris".
  21. I never commented on the morality of firing rockets, merely correcting an erroneous post. Next.
  22. I can think of a few without even having to think about it. The only difference is in how long it took before they bailed and how many American boys died for nothing.
  23. IMO israel and America are inexorably linked in many an Arab mind, so an attack on one is an attack on both.
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