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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Bowing to the inevitable. Had he apologised and resigned long ago he might have kept some dignity, but now he looks like a loser.
  2. You didn't say why putting a hydrogen filling machine in existing petrol stations would cost more than the CNG filling machine in petrol stations as were common some years ago in NZ. I'm not talking about building stations from scratch. Obviously installing an electrical socket is cheaper than a big machine, but your quote doesn't refer to what I said.
  3. Danderman123, you have made 3 posts after I posted that, but no quotes to prove what you said wasn't a porkie. Are you ever going to do so?
  4. LOL. you do know that "trends" go down and up, don't you? No point on seizing on something that happens a few times, as it will change again. Scott made his trek to the pole in the wrong year as it was unusually colder then ( ie it had been warmer in previous years ), and Shackleton picked the wrong year for his as there was more sea ice than usual ( ie there had been less in previous years ), which prevented him reaching land. Weather changes all the time, and more sea ice may form next year, or not, as the case may be.
  5. As long as they are not paid for by the taxpayer it doesn't matter where they are held.
  6. I never disputed that. What I said was that it makes no difference to sea level.
  7. Example of that or you are making it up. If anyone thinks that we insignificant humans can change nature with windmills and EVs, I have a bridge for sale.
  8. I do so agree with that, especially when the people complaining don't reply to queries themselves.
  9. I'm going with "something dramatic". If we don't pollute ourselves into extinction we are due for a big war, and the next one will likely include the use of all those nuclear warheads just waiting for a launch order.
  10. At my age that is a rhetorical question, but I'm not confused enough to think joe would make a decent president for the next 4 years, and he's older than I. Comes an age when we are forced to accept we ain't the person we used to be, and IMO anyone over 70 should not be allowed to be a leader of anything, and certainly not of the free world. PS. That includes Trump.
  11. If enough people buy hydrogen cars the technology WILL get better.
  12. So right. Users should pay. If not for the initial construction, through higher costs for charging. Why should my tax money be used to build something I'll never use?
  13. Thanks for that. I was not aware of that.
  14. Something that has always made me wonder is that every time I see an American city at night on tv, all the lights are on in office buildings. Do they keep the lights going all the time, and if so why? Not just America. I sometimes went down to the office district in London at night to see a movie and all the office buildings had the lights on.
  15. I don't often agree with you, but thumbs up for that post.
  16. Sooooo, if he was such an awful failure, why does he live in the head of so many that just can't move on and elect someone better than joe? Given that it looks like it'll be joe/ kamala again for the Dems, does that not indicate that something has gone so very very wrong in American politics? Where are all the new young Kennedys to lead us into a brighter future? With joe, how can it be more than the same tired politics for the next 4 years?
  17. LOL. IMO every time Joe shambles along on tv he makes non Americans wonder how a man like that could be the leader of the free world.
  18. I didn't want Trump to run again because I thought he'd lose for sure and give the election to joe, but as the torrent of court cases just make Trump more popular, and donations are increasing, I think he might just do it. I hope he does, as I did so enjoy the U Tube VDOs of the snowflakes crying after she lost.
  19. I'd have to click on all your posts to see, as you are on ignore, but if you do post a reply in the next week I'll endeavour to read it and I will reply.
  20. I'll get back to you when I care about what you think. Don't hold your breath.
  21. "worked in" is meaningless. Depends on what you did and where you did it. Worked with hundreds of the ordinary people, or in a foreigner enclave with little contact?
  22. Congratulations. You just posted something that is a deflection, pointless and stupid.
  23. Perhaps you should go live in Saudi for a few years to actually understand what you are talking about. I did. Islamophobia? x a million.

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