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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Had he kissed her on the cheek none of this uproar would have happened. IMO she should have kneed him in the goolies when he did that. He might think twice next time.
  2. Foot and mouth come to mind with that statement. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/08/29/france-abaya-ban-schools-secularism/ Secularism is a key concept in its constitution, and religious markers considered conspicuous or “ostentatious,” including Islamic headscarves, large Christian crosses and Jewish yarmulkes, have been banned from public schools since 2004 under French law.
  3. LOL. A farang that has to front up every year and jump through ever more idiotic requirements just to remain in LOS can not be compared to immigrants to western countries that are allowed to remain as though they were born there. The only way a farang can get PR is to conform to strict criteria, which is hardly the case for someone that arrives on a leaky boat and claims to have been treated badly back home.
  4. By all means do so, but be prepared for the backlash to propel him into the big chair. Every time the left brings another court case against him he gains support and money. I can just imagine the increase in support that will be made if they actually lock him up. Even now I doubt not that the ad men are relishing each new court case against him to use against the dems.
  5. I suspect American nukes are a sufficient deterrent, at least for what is left of my time on this planet.
  6. Indeed. A poll can support any contention, depending on the wording, IMO.
  7. LOL. IMO it's the opposite. Anyway, I can't be a MAGA type as I'm not an American, and I don't care if America is great or not, just as long as they keep China away from me till I pass. However, the mere thought of those two being in charge of the "free world" for another 4 years terrifies me.
  8. While it's an attrocity, IMO, that anyone past retiring age should be a representative, to state the flaming obvious, neither of them is the leader of the free world ( though I hope they come up with a better term than that as IMO the "free" world ain't free any longer ).
  9. Go Trump go. Win the big chair again.
  10. Had Trump been able to finish his wall many less undocumented immigrants would have been able to enter the US now. Like it or not, without oil we would still be using horses and sailing ships. I'm grateful I grew up in a world where I am able to travel further than my village, and have a good life. All that is due to oil. Yes, some bad people are running some of it, but IMO that's because the politicians are too gutless or too corrupt to do anything about that. I certainly can't change the world I live in, but it's better than what it would be like in a world without oil.
  11. I have no idea what that means. I'll provide a link for proof as you like those. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-83582-8_16 Most of us grow up assuming that the Qur’an stipulates that women must cover their hair and wear clothing that covers all skin except for the face, hands and feet. Yet there is no dress code whatsoever for either men or women beyond covering their private parts (and there is no ambiguity whatsoever in the Qur’an about what those are).
  12. Did you miss the question mark? I was asking you if that was what you believe, comprende?
  13. LOL. There is no Islamic requirement for French students in a public school to wear an abaya.
  14. Hmmmm. Did you ask Danderman123 for links when he said "There are recordings of Trump commiting crimes and confessing to crimes." not so long ago on this thread?
  15. Soooo, you and others actually believe a poll which asks a few people about something actually represents the entirety of a population then? I wouldn't have thought so, but I must be wrong about that. I'll go sit on the naughty step for a bit then.
  16. Islam does not require an abaya, or a hair covering to be worn. I knew plenty of Muslim nurses that did not wear either. Hair covering or a covering garment like a burka or abaya is cultural, not religious. The only dress requirement in Islam is to dress modestly.
  17. When I went to school we wore a uniform and nothing else. Didn't scar me for life. If a girl wants to wear a particular form of attire that's her choice when NOT in a public institution.
  18. I guess I just ended up in the wrong country then. I never found that in home country. Before the pill nice girls didn't and I left the country as soon as I could, so missed out on the age of "free love", if it even happened, which I doubt. Now, living back there, no young lady would give me time of day, let alone sleep with me, and I'm just not into grannies or solo mothers.
  19. Which is why I gave it up. I didn't like what happened when my inhibitions were removed. I've never claimed to be perfect.
  20. When in Thailand I never woke up and said to myself "<deleted>, I'm still alive".
  21. Stone age man probably died by age 30. Most of our health problems are probably because we live too long. Mine are.
  22. Thanks for the 2 replies on that. I never smoked tobacco and was always curious why people did. My first partner smoked before we lived together, stopped when with me and started again after I left. She claimed it stopped her gaining weight.
  23. It may be banned, but to think it is unavailable is erroneous. Super markets sell a lot of fruit juice nudge nudge wink wink. Guy I used to live with had a big plastic rubbish bin in the kitchen full of the stuff fermenting.

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