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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Working usually cures winter blues. Seems there are a lot of posters that don't have anything to do, and get bored.
  2. EXCELLENT post, but I think some are so wedded to their opinions that God does not exist that they will not accept your words. Remember the parable about seed on stony ground? It's not even a logical position to take, given they can't prove that God does not exist, ergo, the possibility has to exist. They could learn from Dr Dawkins ( in a previous post ) that the possibility exists. especially between TBL and me. Indeed, that would be true, but we are on the same side at least.
  3. Did you not extrapolate? The implication was that believers do know. I was just trying to cut down on the length of the post, but ended up having to use a lot more words to explain it to you. Yes believers know, which is why we are believers. Our knowledge comes from personal experience and you won't get any links for it. As to whether you believe me or not, up to you.
  4. You make them sound like dogs, or other domesticated animals that can be controlled. IMO if we are comparing them to animals it would be cats, which can't be controlled, though they will hang around if they get fed and have a nice place to live in.
  5. I'll give you a real example as why I say men will never understand women. Intelligent western woman I know married a really nice man of her own age with a good job, I liked him personally. She actually pursued him to get him interested. A few years later, she up and left him because he was "boring". Not because he was bad to her or became penniless. Then she married a man she met after she left first husband. Not only did I not like him, as he was a wide boy in a nice suit ( I saw through him straight away ), but he lived off her, took her for everything he could and in the end even she came to her senses and left him. Nothing about that could be "learned", she wasn't stupid, but left a good man for a ratbag, and it ended up badly for her. The only character in that story that I sympathize with is her first husband, a good guy that got fooled. Like I say, no man will ever understand a woman, though they may think they do.
  6. He'd better keep making the loot or have some good investments for when he doesn't, or IMO he'll be joining us single sad sacks when it runs out.
  7. LOL. Not having money enough to offer ( if I did I'd never have left Thailand ), I can't bribe a woman to be with me and I'm still waiting for one that likes me enough for myself. I guess I'll never be waking up with one in what remains of this life. Hurrah for the internet.
  8. Obviously I don't know you so can only go by what you write, but IMO you play with shallow women that go for glister and not for substance. The real question is "are there any women out there that go for substance over glister that I'd want to know"? I'm sure there are, and I worked with a couple in my life, but both married already when I met them. IMO the good ones get snapped up by good guys early on, and the ones left are in it for the goodies. Even the "jewel" I helped out after her divorce from an unsuitable man ( he only married her because she wan a local beauty competition, so attractive ) turned out to be a pig in the end. The problem is that even the small insight we men can get into the psychology of women takes many years and many bad experiences to acquire. We can read books ( men are from Mars etc was good as far as it went ), but we never know what any women will be like a year or 10 from when we meet them. Eg, taking a jewel Thai woman to live in woke western country likely turns her woke. I thought my wife was a jewel when I married her, but she changed- why I'll never know for sure because she refused to discuss the problem. I disagree with your opinion that men can understand women, fundamentally. IMO men will never understand them and the best we can do is to bribe them to hang around as long as possible. I'll leave you with wise words from someone that's been there Secret Garden by the Boss ( Springsteen ) She'll let you in her house If you come knockin' late at night She'll let you in her mouth If the words you say are right If you pay the price She'll let you deep inside But there's a secret garden she hides She'll let you in her car To go drivin' round She'll let you into the parts of herself That'll bring you down She'll let you in herheart If you got a hammer and a vise But into her secret garden, don't think twice You've gone a million miles How far'd you get To that place where You can't remember And you can't forget She'll lead you down a path There'll be tenderness in the air She'll let you come just far enough So you know she's really there She'll look at you and smile And her eyes will say She's got a secret garden Where everything you want Where everything you need Will always stay A million miles away
  9. If it was "gently landing" in a built up area they could use a helicopter to snag it before it landed, and they could certainly warn people to avoid the landing site. Seems to me that they want to make it difficult to retrieve the payload, but I could be wrong.
  10. Seems some see racism in everything. Gets old real fast.
  11. I do, but I never really watched it as boring, though the song that came out of it with Don Estelle and Windsor Davies "whispering grass" is a favourite of mine.
  12. Wasn't always. It was my go to island till end last century when the concrete started. I started going there after Phuket went down hill a few years before.
  13. Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to tourists leaving their common sense ( did they have any? ) at the airport.
  14. I thought age of consent in all the US is 18. Is that wrong? I note that parents can give permission, but can that over rule federal law? However, there is a move in my country to allow 16 year olds to vote, so if they are mature enough to vote, surely mature enough to marry without parental approval?
  15. Thank you for that. It was indeed Shakira in a rather erotic music VDO. The music wasn't bad either.
  16. Sounds reasonable to me. Send them from a place that doesn't want them to somewhere that does. I think we can assume that Democrat states like California and New York want them, given their pro immigrant statements in the past.
  17. I always said that. My marriage was the best thing that ever happened to me till it wasn't. I used to wonder why my mother married my step father, but when I saw her photos after she died I saw that they had a good time together, till they didn't. I used to think my father treated my mother badly and wondered why she stayed with him, but after she died a letter she left showed me that he gave her what she had dreamed of all her young life, till he didn't. No sane person gets married if they don't enjoy being with the person they married. It just doesn't always last.
  18. You like to play games with women, I don't. I never had any interest in playing that sort of game, and either a woman liked me for myself or they didn't. Every western woman I knew was only out for herself, so I gave up on them. I blame western culture and anti male indoctrination, but that's the way it is, so bar girls were the way to go, and Thailand was the place to go to for that. Only went wrong because I thought Thai women were different and married one- they ain't. Some guys will get lucky and find a jewel among the dross, but I was never that lucky. I guess I took the black pill.
  19. You don't know, atheists don't know, agnostics don't know. Don't generalise.
  20. I saw most of Thailand, but never Issan. There has to be a reason for that.
  21. None of them will turn on my knob. Fat isn't a turn on for me.
  22. LOL. Took me a while but I finally worked out what that meant!
  23. Ah, the Japanese are so lucky to have Maid Cafes. When I die I want to be reincarnated as an Otaku. As much chance of them in PC western countries as the sun rising in the west
  24. "Washing dishes in HER sink" methinks. Not something I saw much of as hotel rooms don't have sinks and her house had a separate kitchen, in which I did the washing up, as she worked. I have no recollection of her sitting behind me to oggle my backside.

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