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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Nah. If men had to carry a lump around for 6 months ( first three months not very big at all ) suffer morning sickness, pica, stretch marks and the risk of fatal blot clots, not to mention agonising pain when giving birth, I doubt many if any men would get pregnant and IMO the human race would have died out long ago.
  2. Name any country where the "leaders" DON"T live well on the citizen's taxes.
  3. Seeing as you said Thailand rather than Pattaya, yes, yes, yes. There is more to Thailand that a bunch of unattractive concrete buildings in Pattaya, and yes, it is better than anywhere else I can think of for reasons that are more about the character and safety of the place than the infrastructure. NB I'm not talking about the traffic when I refer to "safety". IMO the traffic is one of the major problems that Thailand has.
  4. Seems to me that many overlook the Scandinavian presence in Pattaya, perhaps because they tended to remain in "their" area up in Naklua. Also loads of Arabs, but again somewhat isolated in Little Arabia. Then there are all those that only venture out from their all inclusive resorts except by bus on excursions. None of the above were found lurking in significant numbers on Walking Street, IN MY OPINION.
  5. India doesn't have tiger parks, Nong Nooch style gardens or big night clubs? Seems strange to me to go all the way to Thailand just to eat Indian food, see tigers or dance in a nightclub. Surely there must be more than that?
  6. I see nothing about making Pattaya a better experience for tourists. Farang men came for the nite life, Thais came for whatever Thais come for, and I have no idea why the Indians came. Apparently Chinese tourists are not even an option at present. So, other than Thais and Indians, why would farangs return in large numbers? It's wasn't even cheap anymore, before corona, as they were busily putting a bit of paint on the once cheap places, calling them boutique hotels and putting the prices up.
  7. Google doesn't bring up anything alarming about vaccines in Phuket. A link would be helpful.
  8. I know this is a "tongue in cheek" thread, but if I may put a serious thought to it, I'd limit every woman to a maximum of 3 eggs, which would ensure the planet could probably never be over run with environment destroying, polluting, war making humans.
  9. Well, I wasn't referring to Thailand, given I didn't really arrive there till in the latter half of my life, and I wasn't interested in getting married till my late 50s, after my disastrous first go at age 30. Before 30 I was having far too much fun to even consider getting married, by which time I had to settle for another man's reject ( and his children ). Not so much having given up as realising that marriage is a dead end of broken dreams and heartache for me. Perhaps others may be luckier than I.
  10. and here I was thinking he was only giving me the saddo after almost every post I make.
  11. Writing "brown envelope" implies something which is known to anyone that actually knows anything about LOS, without having to go into detail, which may cause a problem for the poster. Basically shorthand. Nothing to do with sarcasm IMO.
  12. The original movie version on The Wild Bunch had a lot of slow motion bullets hitting bodies and blood coming out, but the DVD version eliminated the slow motion, which IMO reduced the intended dramatic impact. Similar to Singapore removing all the really shocking parts of the Exorcist for public viewing. Significantly changed the director's intent.
  13. I remember seeing Will Penny, which probably means it was a good one. It was made in 1967 according to IMDb and 1968 according to Wikipedia.
  14. I've always assumed that someone can read everything I post on here, including my PMs, but if they want to monetise my ramblings they'll not be making much money off of it. If I ever have "personalised" ads I would ignore them as a matter of course. Same as my phone conversations, so I minimise them as much as possible. I know even my basic phone can track me but if they want to infer something important about my trips to the supermarket so be it. Exactly. Also probably the reason they want to eliminate cash. The push for all online money exchanges is subtle, but early days yet.
  15. All I'll say is that she sings as well as she acts.
  16. You make it sound as though there are loads of "good" girls out there just waiting till I decide to go looking. In my experience all the really good ones were taken long before I got interested in marital bliss. All that were left were the ones that I shouldn't have tried with.
  17. Nah. IMO humour is too often offensive to someone that wants to be offended. I'd rather just be sarcastic as that sort usually don't get it.
  18. Indeed. In these strange times many people seem to a/ have lost their sense of humour ( assuming they had one in the first place ). b/ have become intolerant of any that don't toe "their" line c/ look for something/ anything to be offended by.
  19. That must be the biggest men's club in the world. I wish someone had told me before I succumbed, but I didn't even find the divorce sub forum on TVF till after I was divorced.
  20. but, but, but.............................. didn't you just reply to one? ????
  21. As I agree with him, I'll reply, and I was a volunteer. IMO it should be like Singapore ( when I was there, and I don't know if still happens ) and EVERYONE should do national service- no exceptions. Don't serve don't get to vote, IMO. Citizenship needs to be earned, IMO. PS. IMO alternatives to military service should be allowed, but for the same length of time etc.
  22. Likewise ( at least when I lived in C M ). I discovered the real gems of C M hidden away and thankfully ignored by the tourists. I suppose they are the only things I miss about C M. the "new" city could be anywhere and isn't IMO in any way "special".
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