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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Don't remember the story, but I remember that we used to listen to that series. I do remember the intro.
  2. I did enjoy that movie, but didn't like that it went woke at the end and he confessed all. Should have kept his yap shut and enjoyed the ride.
  3. I wonder if people that grew up with tv were able to develop an imagination to the same extent that those of us that grew up without tv did. I notice that when I watch tv my brain switches off to an extent. IMO if we don't use our brain much it isn't going to work as well.
  4. Thanks for that. I remember none of the other stories off hand though I probably would if I googled it. Indeed I read Biggles avidly, and in a stroke of good fortune I found what I think are all the Biggles books in a chest in an op shop, so i bought the lot. Only read one so far. If any woke people read it they'd be organizing a book burning for sure :-). I was a great reader in my school days, and I read anything I could get my hands on, including my sister's magazines. Mother bought a lot of magazines and comics for me, including Superman, which I do still remember. We also borrowed books from the library. I read all the Jungle Doctor books, though I don't remember the stories. My favourites though, were science fiction. Looking back I'm very glad I had a childhood before tv. So much more time to read. Primary school days I read Enid Blyton, John Pudney, William books and such like, but when I went to college I graduated to Biggles, Tolkien, Rider Haggard and Edgar Wallace, etc. Loved those Sanders books. After I left school, I was unfortunately seduced by the dark side and spent more time watching tv than reading, though I did read all The Executioner and Conan books. Never been interested in what some would regard as "quality" literature. I read to be entertained, not brought down. Been trying to get through the Dune books, as I became a big fan of Frank Herbert, but since his son took over they have been heavy going. I've had one waiting to finish for about 3 years. If I ever have to go to hospital for a while I'll take it for sure. If I remember correctly, the naughty book of my adolescence was The Perfumed Garden, but I never got to read it then. I found a copy in an op shop about 5 years ago and I'll read it when I get motivated.
  5. Don't forget to check that the other end of the earth wire is connected to a proper earth, and not a single 1 foot steel rod. An earth plug only works if the earth is actually an earth.
  6. Not a good idea in areas that might flood. My wife's aunt had a tide mark on her walls over my head. That's not saying to put outlets over head height, but hopefully normal floods will not be too high.
  7. Given that I did not have AC in the living room, and I had all the windows open, safety glass isn't going to stop an opportunist burgular entering while I'm in the bathroom, or kitchen. I'll go with bars, thanks.
  8. Never heard of Richard Barrow, so I googled, and it appears he is a blogger, so why is anyone saying that his opinion means anything at all in Thailand? Is he an adviser to the PM or something?
  9. IMO those that want to make loadsacash will start selling fake vaccination documents.
  10. Good luck with that. If it goes too far off topic you can ask a moderator to close the thread, if you wish. Up to you.
  11. The voice is hard to disguise, also Adam's Apple, though some have surgery for the latter. When the Malibu Show was open some years ago it had a spectacularly attractive ladyboy dancing, but soon as he spoke he was obviously a man.
  12. I'm confused. Are you saying that the series are made by women and only watched by women, but about boys, or are you wondering why males are watching them?
  13. Don't remember the magazine, but it was the one with Dan Dare- that Mekon guy was a blast.
  14. Local bookshop where I live is doing fine. I found the GOT books were far better than the tv series and I loved the tv series ( but not series 8 ). I did notice though, that the author has a food fixation, going into extreme detail of meals. It's a shame he never completed the series, which allowed the abominable tv series 8 to fester in the producers imagination. At the very least they should have had Arya stabbing Cersi to death in a very unpleasant manner with Needle. Allowing Cersi to have an easy death in the arms of her lover was an unforgivable travesty of justice. Far too many things in the tv series 8 just didn't make sense eg when the Dothraki charged the Army of the Dead, it was implied that they all died, yet after the fall of the Red Keep there they all were to cheer the Dragon Queen.
  15. If millions are sceptical, blame the pro side for not being able to present a compelling case that satisfies the doubters. IMO not helped by the governments stuffing up so frequently eg not abiding by their own rules, and changing their minds too often. IMO IF this really is as bad as is claimed, they should have gone to a war footing, ceased politics as usual and formed coalition governments to work out a united strategy. Trying to carry on politics as usual and not presenting a united front is IMO why many just don't believe the official dictat. Some even oppose the official line as it appears the "leaders" are using the situation to impose an unwanted agenda under the guise of "saving us", and using fear to compel, and not persuasion to convince. Using fear is never a good political tactic and eventually backfires IMO.
  16. All this talk of plumbing reminds me of the outside bathroom my BIL made for me when I moved to the family house. There was a problem with the outflow from the basin. Some time later I was putting pavers around the bathroom and had dug up the ground to put sand under the pavers. I discovered the end of the outflow pipe stopped a few feet from the bathroom and didn't lead anywhere except dirt!
  17. That is what I have always understood to be the legal case, but in the real world, who would be brave enough to continue living in "their" house in a village when the Thai family have made it clear that the farang should get lost?
  18. Had he taken my "advice" his question would have been moot as he wouldn't be buying something he can't own.
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