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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I'm sure you want justice to be done properly, no matter how long it takes. At least that is what some posters have been telling me when I ask for him to be arrested now.
  2. We've been fed a media diet since 2016 that he was going down, for something or other. I believe he is as likely to be convicted for this as Hillary was for her deleted e mails and destroyed hard drives etc. Probably need to wait till November for charges to be laid, if at all.
  3. C'mon man, we've been told so many times that he's guilty, so just arrest him for those crimes. The investigation might take years at the rate it's going.
  4. I don't know what country you thought was Thailand, but in my EXPERIENCE, the real Thailand is nothing like that.
  5. We don't need fighter planes, but we do need anti ship and anti air missiles, and I very much doubt we have enough to ward off any nation that decides they need our land to grow food for their immense population. The NZ military has never been "bloated", and even during Vietnam was tiny compared to other western nations. I WAS in the NZ military for many years. If we think we can depend on America to protect us indefinitely, we haven't learned anything from history. I doubt the Australians could protect us on their own, and why should they if we can't be bothered to have a decent military of our own? While the military have always been used for civil disaster relief, their real job is killing the enemy, not as a social service. If they can't kill the enemy because they don't have the means to do so, change the name to NZ disaster relief organisation, and be done with protecting ourselves from an invader.
  6. God, science and evolution are a part of a whole. God created everything, ergo God created science and evolution.
  7. Monty Python mocked everything and would be banned today because they were so un PC. Come to it, most popular comedians from the 70s would be banned today because the woke have taken over. The most referenced M P movie about religion is M P and the life of Brian, but it only mocks religion and was respectful to the Christ, who is in the movie in a very short scene.
  8. The like I gave that wasn't because I agree about Trudeau doing a reasonably good job.. To expand would be off topic though.
  9. I can certainly agree with that. IMO it comes down to only having 2 realistic choices ( so long as independents are largely sidelined ) in the election. Sometimes it's a choice between bad and worse. Perhaps if more candidates from each party were allowed to compete it might improve the options.
  10. Agree with "how depressing is the state of the current leadership selections in the US ....... ", but the US isn't the only western country with such problems. Seems pretty universal to me. Can anyone name a popular western leader that is doing a good job? I can't think of any.
  11. I'd give a "like" to Do you think the MAGA crowd actually believe trump is speaking the truth - if so they would truly have to be stupid. Perhaps it's just expressing support for trump's anti government / anti institution ideology but not the rest. For those that have forgotten, he was elected as a protest against Washington DC political class. Had someone other than her been the Democrat candidate, likely they would have won eg Bernie.
  12. Do you have evidence that it didn't? As I wasn't in the room with him every day I don't know what he watched or if he did other things while the tv is on, such as I often do, and I assume you were not in the room either, so how can you make statements as if they were factual? Which is why I want you to prove what you say. An on the record statement from a named person that would have been in the room with him for 7 hours every day would suffice as proof.
  13. Trump apparently lives to be in the media spotlight. Those that decided to raid his place would have known that, so this is down to them. Without such to keep the headlines going, Trump's media exposure might have diminished, but they just keep on giving him ammunition to keep himself in the spotlight. LOL.
  14. You think being in prison would be the end of him on the media- dream on. CNN etc need him to keep their ratings up. No doubt they hope this saga will run and run.
  15. You need to educate yourself about Trump before pontificating on such. He preferred to see things for himself. A good place to start would be Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff. Enjoy.
  16. IMO it's everything to do with that, and they seem to be waiting a long time to arrest him, given they apparently knew what they were looking for, so one could assume it was something worth arresting him for. I suspect the charges will conveniently come early November. If I were a Democrat, I'd be sweating about the mid terms, and welcome anything to distract the people from the chaos bad times going in the US.
  17. Blah, blah, blah. So many opinions that he should be prosecuted for so many different reasons but no charges laid. Just do it!
  18. I don't even recognise the place as the same as when I grew up. Sadly, most of our problems were caused by politicians, from Holyoak to the present one. Some are caused by not dealing with them when they were small, eg gangs; others manufactured eg keeping thousands of unfortunates in motels for years instead of building houses. Unfortunately I see no light in the tunnel, no hope for better. Seems to me the problems have become to large to solve eg how could there be any way to build a hundred thousand houses and build better roads to cope with the current jams? We can't even create a decent public transport system, or recruit enough locals to be nurses. It does not surprise me at the suicide stats.
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