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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. The way I read it is that he isn't comparing them. IMO what he is saying, is that some diseases, like tetanus, don't get herd immunity, and that he thinks corona will not develop herd immunity, but for different reasons that are not given in the OP. It was a bad example to use, but it may have been clearer when said in Thai. I assume that is a translation in the OP, so it could be the translators mistake.
  2. How long since you watched it? I thought it was great first time, but very dated humour.
  3. Couldn't care less about his private life. I take movies on their own merit, not because some particular person made it. Not a great movie at all IMO. Very average.
  4. Sorry, but wasn't it your choice to live 50km from them? IMO such things as 90 day report and extension hassle are the price to live in LOS. Nothing is ever 100% perfect or easy.
  5. I have no idea why any farang likes Phuket. I stopped going there after the tsunami, as they just rebuilt the same <deleted><deleted>.
  6. Too busy earning money to retire in LOS to want to live there under 50. I'd never want to work there anyway. Never used marriage for extension. Retirement extension was a breeze if using an agency. Never felt like a criminal in LOS. 90 day report was 4 days a year. No big deal. Didn't care who ran the country as long as it wasn't Thaksin. Didn't affect me. If floods had affected me I'd have moved. I rented and didn't own so easy peasy to do. Alcohol rules didn't affect me, and my wife had to buy her own. I didn't care if she couldn't get alcohol. Most restaurants were fine, but I didn't eat at Dukes.
  7. Of course people that live in abject poverty in <deleted> <deleted> countries want to move to Europe. Who wouldn't? However, that just means it's better in Europe/ UK, not that Europe/ UK are great. I'd like to be able to get the same deal in Thailand, but they don't give illegal immigrants all the goodies and a path to residency just by living there long enough.
  8. Sorry but I didn't find much in the UK to be positive about, with the exception of the London museums and art galleries, and the Cotswold village I visited was pretty. The palace in Brighton was amazing, but spoiled soon as went outside by the out of control traffic that ruins everything in the UK, IMO. Seems cars take precedence over everything. I did love the Lake District, but had to go in the off season as completely overwhelmed by tourists in high season. Bad enough when I went so I can't imagine how awful it must be in summer. Kew gardens were nice. IMO Thailand is the greatest country overall, but obviously many posters disagree. Never mind, I loved it for as long as I could visit/ live there, and I can't say that about anywhere else.
  9. Remember when Annie Hall was a huge hit? I just watched it on DVD and can't understand why it was so big. Nothing special about it whatsoever, IMO.
  10. The Romans had the real thing, but we have almost the real thing. Some of that violence is very realistic. We no longer see someone shot and fall down dead without any blood- now it is horribly graphic.
  11. Agreed, except for Bkk before the skytrain. That traffic jam was diabolical.
  12. Agreed. The old days when the only shows on hotel tv were Thai were a bit boring, though the lady liked the comedy shows, which always involved a fake ladyboy. Got a bit better when BBC became available, but better when English language movies came in. BBC for some reason often not available on hotel cable. CNN was a poor substitute.
  13. I learned how to use a map and a compass long ago. That's how we got around before electronics. However, if one can get porn on the go, a smart phone may be of some use after all.
  14. Go back long enough and they thanked Buddha for you taking them, they put your shoes on and off, and didn't play on their <deleted> phone all day.
  15. Still don't have a "smart" ( word used reluctantly ) phone. Hope never have to as nothing on one I need or want. Don't like the idea of everything I do/ buy/ write being sold to advertisers.
  16. Indeed they have made a huge difference in getting around Bkk. Early 90s it was quicker to walk than take a bus. Sky train took a while to become popular after it started taking passengers, and there were often few on it when I was. 3 carriages were plenty. Now they are busting ( at least before corona ). It faced opposition from many people before built. One politician claimed people would be frightened because it was so high!
  17. The usual suspects realised long ago that electronic media is addictive, and have been exploiting it ever since, IMO. IMO says something about human intellect that "Big Brother" was popular viewing.
  18. Yes, you do. WE ALL live in the present, not 2 centuries ago when Britain was the greatest power on Earth. Present day Britain has been called the "sick man of Europe" and I agree with that, except Europe IMO isn't doing much better. However, to expand necessitates political discussion and we know that is no longer allowed on here.ulture In MY EXPERIENCE of Britain economy- screwed by Gordon culture- only if that of other countries. I went to the Thames Festival every year and only foreign culture on display- not a single Morris dancer to be seen. People- London IMO has more foreigners than English. Certainly the hospitals do. language- which one/ dialect? sports- lol. Football or football achievements- indeed in the past. Britain doesn't make much any more. history- yes, but that's in the past inventions- yes, in the past when Britain led the world. institutes- is that institutions? The NHS is a brilliant idea ruined by management greed and incompetence, as I know from 10 years working in it. Banks are just as bad as anywhere in the world I've been. IMO Thai banks are better. Military has been gutted by successive governments since BAOR was abandoned. UK had it's own planes, missiles, V force- all gone and Britain buys from America now. Even the brilliant Harrier gone. BBC is nowhere near the great institution it used to be. education- havin' a laff are you? Maybe if filthy rich and can go private. PS. I'm not saying any other western country is better. The rot seems to be widespread, IMO.
  19. That's why they invented cable tv and internet.
  20. IMO alphas should always marry betas. Two alphas is just asking for trouble. I'd be happy as a sandboy in a very large pile of sand if my wife was the breadwinner and I was the househusband, but I'm a beta. Of course it would only work if she had lots of sex with me though.
  21. LOL. We got by without internet and life was better for not having it, IMO. If not for internet I'd read more books.
  22. Perhaps I'm "different", but none of that ever affected me during my time in LOS. I knew it went on, but as it didn't make a difference to my time there I didn't care. That was something for Thais to sort, not farangs. The only time Thai politics intruded into my life in LOS, was when Purachai attempted to destroy the farang nite scene.
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