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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Quite right too. Perhaps people should avoid getting fat in the first place. Nurses will thank you when it comes your time for the hospital.
  2. Under the bed is probably safer, so long as put tape around the door and windows to seal the gap. Those naughty viruses are after us.
  3. Why oh why do women think it a good idea to alter their natural looks? Also, do they think nothing ever goes wrong? If she signed a consent form I don't see that she has a case. No such thing as invasive procedures that never go wrong, and that is part of informed consent.
  4. I had surgery in a Thai hospital and no mention of an HIV test.
  5. For anyone's else's benefit, that is not a good idea. Best having one done and only having the second done if all goes well with the first. These days it's highly unusual to have to stay in hospital post cataract. Normally done as outpatient under local anesthetic. Of course if both done at the same time one will be unable to see ( eyes are covered post op ) and need help.
  6. Why then was I quite happy not having conversational Thai? Of course a minimum is necessary to get by. Dunno about that. I just wasn't prepared to spend the time necessary when I could be doing other things in preference. If I were stuck in a Thai jail for a year with nothing else to do, I'm pretty sure I could have picked it up. IMO just not enough benefit to bother.
  7. LOL. Have you only lived in Pattaya? Bkk bargirls definitely are not mainly from Issan, unless that has changed since my happy days.
  8. I certainly don't watch sport played by so called "professionals". I even gave up on the All Blacks when they stopped being amateur. BTW, you quoted the wrong post. The one you quoted was about the aged industry exploiting old people, not big pharma companies. However, I'd have been quite happy not to have made big pharma any richer, but not being vaccinated means one can't even go to the movies, so I had it when an alternative to Pfizer came available just to get the vaccine passport.
  9. I've been aware over many years of Thai women coming on to farangs, free nights just because they want to try a farang, going with farangs for food etc. Usually an urban myth. Probably as rare as the well known "international fast food chain" fried mouse urban myth- always happened to a friend of a friend.
  10. You and I could safely go gogoing together, as we would never be competing for the same women.
  11. Is she even Thai? If she is, why would she be wearing pantyhose outside in Thailand?
  12. Just as well we all like different body shapes. Your second choice is an automatic fail for me given her large boobies.
  13. That would be the total death rate, surely, not the covid death rate.
  14. That is something that most I encounter in my life are like. Why would they change just because of a virus?
  15. If the regime doesn't understand that cases like the OP will get wide publicity and result in less arrivals they only have themselves to blame if tourism is a bust this year as well. I hope every case like this does get maximum publicity, as money, or rather lack of money is probably the only thing that will make a difference.
  16. ?????????? How many would argue against eating less and exercising more? Are we a planet of slothful gluttons now?
  17. Simply giving up sugar is a good way to lose weight. I lost 10 kg by doing so, despite making no other change to my lifestyle or diet. Of course it's not easy giving up sugar given it is added to so much processed food, but it can be done.
  18. Hmmmmm. If energy in exceeds energy out, is it not a fact that excess energy is stored in the human body as fat? One can make all the excuses one likes, but if one eats too much and does too little, one is going to get fat. The answer to obesity for most is in people's own hands. I wasn't aware of any refrain from those opposed to vaccination per se, but rather a reluctance to take a substance that was produced years sooner than a previous vaccine and using a different technology. I myself waited till an alternative to Pfizer was available, and very happy to have done so.
  19. Given the ferocity that the vaccine is pursued as the "only" means of avoiding hospital, when the number of infected that go to hospital is apparently not a high %, and of course deaths an even smaller %, one could be forgiven for wondering just who stands to benefit financially.
  20. I mention that to make it plain that I don't go around being fearful of a virus that can kill me, lest some might call me hypocrite for advocating the Swedish approach but intending to use every avenue to survive. Survivability is not even an objective. Western world is chock a block of those making heartless corporations rich in the aged industry, and I would prefer not to be one of them, if that makes my situation any more clear.
  21. My substantiation would be that the staff are under extreme pressure. Had the proper preparation been made they would not be, IMO. They could have recruited more staff and trained them by now- obviously they didn't. It was their job to anticipate more contagious strains and prepare- they didn't and they didn't, IMO.
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