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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I knew what the result of lockdowns etc would be and I'm sure I posted such when it all began. However, if I knew, governments must have known as well. Sadly none that I know of did anything to deal with the consequences of their actions at the beginning when they had time to get it right.
  2. Exactly. The virus didn't introduce lockdowns etc. That was down to government reactions to the virus. Same in every country that introduced lockdown type reponses IMO.
  3. I hope you told his son to ask his mother or father as to why. It's their business and no one else's. BTW, getting too friendly with another man's wife is a sure way to be never invited back ever again. Happened to me.
  4. Agree with that. However, as no one in the area I live in has covid of any variety, it's highly unlikely I'll contract it any time soon. I'd certainly rather have omicron than delta, and even in NZ it's likely that most of us will, eventually, get one or another version. I can't see how we can avoid it indefinitely, given they want to open the country to overseas visitors some time.
  5. IMO the only action to take if one has good evidence of trolling is to use the report function. Surely that is one of the reasons for its existence. Slagging other posters off does nothing but lead to bickering and deletions. I enjoy the personal aspect of many posts and I hope it continues. I, and I'm sure many, come on here for more than just boring facts. So long as people follow forum rules it should be OK to do so, within limits.
  6. As delving into the "benefits" of the vaccines might find me on holiday, I'll have to pass on replying more fully.
  7. I agree, but the forum would be very dull if we only stuck to the facts and I dare say some of us just wouldn't bother any more. I don't mind if other posters discuss personal details I put in my posts, but I do object to being insulted or called a troll. There is never ever an excuse for being personally rude or insulting any other poster on this forum.
  8. I learned enough Thai to get by in a few years and I wasn't even living there. Simple sentences dealing with such necessities as "where is the toilet" and being able to go shopping etc are all that some of us needed to live in LOS. I never had a problem in restaurants because I learned to ask for fried rice chicken, and they serve that in just about every restaurant I ever went in. Didn't need any more choices than that. In food courts I'd get something else, but they usually had menus in English, or pictures of the choices.
  9. No, because if I couldn't leave it I'd slit my wrists- I did live in a village for a while, and that was enough experience for one lifetime. Personally I didn't care what they thought of me in a country where I had to go to immigration every 3 months to stay in. I was an alien and they made <deleted> sure I knew it. If they cared about us, they'd make it worth while learning the language, but IMO they don't care if we are there or not ( as long as we leave lotsacash before we depart ).
  10. I could have done same as you and learned to speak it fluently, but the question is "why would I want to spend that much time and energy to learn a language I never wanted to converse in or read"? In your case was the effort rewarded in some way that would otherwise have not been? I'm sure that were it necessary to speak Thai to get women into bed a lot more farangs would be fluent Thai speakers.
  11. I hope you ain't saying that vaccination will prevent anyone from contracting covid. As I understand it, that's not the case. How else are all those fully vaccinated in hospital with covid?
  12. Young women IMO have the knack of destroying a man's confidence. I also suffered from the problems of not owning a nice car, not having a house, and not having a large income ( nursing pays a pittance, which is why it's mainly done by women ). My choices reduced to women I didn't want.
  13. I'm happy to be a "deplorable". If Hillary thought she was scoring points, she wuz wrong. IMO it's a badge of honour among those opposed to wokeness in all it's forms, and I'm very opposed to such.
  14. It's a sad day when certain posters think it's OK to post insulting and mean spirited attacks on other posters. Says more about them than they probably want revealed though.
  15. I'm sure there are, but how would we know when we first meet one in a bar?
  16. Sob. I miss the days when a Nana gogo had an entire stage of girls that looked like that and wearing less.
  17. I'm well aware of that, but in the case of many Thai bargirls I'm pretty sure they ain't intending for the farang man to still be around in the future. Once they have got as much out of him as possible, they'll go back to their real love- the Thai BF. Private Dancer was a real eye opener for me, even if it is fictional ( based on reality ).
  18. I've read one from 19th century that makes the one you posted look like a manual for feminists.
  19. Thanks for ruining my day, NOT! That was the standard for lady boys on Loi Kroh in Chiang Mai. One once offered a free night if I bought her food. I had no problem turning her down.
  20. I wonder how many times a day she gets hit on? My wife was no stunner, but she was getting hit on all the time, even by the cops at checkpoints.
  21. You dreamer you! You will pay, even if not in cash on the dressing table in the morning. IMO, many farangs think that "nice" Thai girls are just waiting for some old not so hansum farang to take them away from their "boring" life 5555555555555555555555.
  22. Luckily I wasn't interested in any Bangkok Chinese speakers then. I learned from cassette tapes while on the bus going to work, and learned enough to get by. Never interested in having a conversation in Thai, and in all my years in LOS only once wished I knew more words.
  23. Not mine. When I was doing agency nursing in London the first thing I worked out when on a shift in a new place was whether the person in charge was a Brit or foreign. If not a Brit I knew my shift would likely be more pleasant than if she was. Having said that, some Brit women were very nice people.
  24. I had a Buriram GF for 8 years, but had she looked like that I might have cared more.
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