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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. It's certainly looking really good for a resounding victory for the GOP. This could indeed be the beginning of the return of the man that the Dems fear the most. Will he be 47, or still 45?
  2. I was watching Al Jazeera this morning and they had a bit on the news about the election. Despite Al Jazeera apparently having a bias against the GOP ( they often have discussions that involve only those opposed to the GOP/ Trump- no conservative voices ) I was encouraged that even they had statements along the line of "Democrats fear". Apparently the mood in the US is so against the Democrats that even Al Jazeera can't ignore it. Looking good for the GOP.
  3. Hillary was never a president! Trump has been out campaigning. Google is your friend.
  4. Something along the line of "very carefully" I imagine.
  5. Don't know where you have observed street food, but that's not generally true, IMO.
  6. Hmmm. I expect you paid for the house but I doubt you own the land it's built on.
  7. Religion or faith is an individual experience. It's not about what other people think. I've no interest in posters using other people's views to say God isn't real. Say what you think and I'll read it.
  8. Swimming in Pattaya is not same as swimming in Jomtien. IMO have to be crazy to swim in Pattaya.
  9. You do have to actually enter Malaysia. Can't just get stamped out and back in again. Why not stay for a couple days and have a look around? That's what I did- in Penang.
  10. I think they will be happy just killing Biden's agenda.
  11. LOL. That is really pushing it IMO. Guns and tasers would be part of a deputy's normal equipment.
  12. Why? Unless they are wanted by the law, they surely have nothing to fear. Will not the Dems have observers to make sure no harassment by said police officers? Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me, or perhaps setting the stage for appealing the vote when the Dems get wiped out by a big GOP win.
  13. Actually you have every right to do so, but you don't have the right to have it counted if it doesn't comply with requirements for a valid ballot.
  14. No idea what you are on about. What do I "preach"?
  15. Where's Kamala? Why isn't she out there supporting the Democrat candidates? Is she so unpopular that she's hiding?
  16. I don't know enough about individual races to predict anything, but fingers crossed. On Al Jazeera some pundit said Senate might go to GOP by one vote. Certainly hope so. That'd put an end to any hope Biden may have to influence the future with new SCOTUS members. Only going by what I've seen on Al Jazeera, but seems that abortion may influence young voters against GOP, but also claimed that young people don't vote much anyway. 24 hours and we will see if that's true.
  17. I don't know that he's anti energy per se, but IMO more like pandering to the anti energy faction that supported him in the election.
  18. 24 hours to go. I've been waiting for this day for months. Hoping for a big win in the house and the senate by at least one seat.
  19. Clutching and straws come to mind.
  20. Errrr, he tried to back out and only bought it because they went to court to force him to do so. He got revenge on them though, LOL. I guess they didn't think it through. I'm thinking that the OP is the first time I've ever agreed with him on anything.
  21. I just don't believe that anything we can do now will make an iota of difference, so IMO it's all just hot air adding to global warming. Given they can't even stop the increasing destruction of the rain forest in Brazil or the Congo, they are just a waste of space, IMO. EVs, LOL. They are burning coal to make electricity to power those things.
  22. Errrr, the "world" isn't on anything, as the "world" will be absolutely fine without humans destroying it. IMO "we" lost it when the world's population passed 3 billion. It's been too late to do anything to change it for decades, as most want the lifestyle that is causing it, and given that the attendees didn't ride a camel all the way to Egypt, everyone at that talk session are IMO hypocrites. I guess the pleasures of a holiday in a lux resort overcame any desire to use video conferencing.
  23. Don't understand that, Eating a high sugar diet leads to diabetes, so diabetes is caused by sugar wherever it's bought from, not specific to 7 11.
  24. I used to get hypo quite often when at work so ate a sugar loaded piece of cake to sort it. I no longer get hypos, but I have no idea why.
  25. It's nothing to do with 7 11 per se. They have snacks that are not sugar loaded.

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