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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I've had my shots and assume that I will get it, and IMO whether I take a hospital bed or not is entirely down to luck. It's not like I can avoid it other than by hiding in my room, and even then I might get it from the guy that delivers my food.
  2. You are the man! It's good to see facts being used against the usual suspects and their fearmongering.
  3. ?????? Are not people in hospital fully vaccinated and infected by other fully vaxxed people? That's what I've been reading on this forum.
  4. Seems to me that given omicron is infecting fully vaxxed people the only way to not get it eventually is to hide away. Where I live life appears back to normal except for wearing masks in shops that mandate it.
  5. I was taking precautions when omicron first appeared in NZ; didn't visit anyone, wore a mask around everyone else ( nobody except me was wearing one ), but it seems to be a bit of a bust, so I don't bother anymore. Been visiting all my friends again. Even went to the cinema the other night and no one was wearing a mask. I think people where I live are pretty much over stressing about it. They wear masks when the shop mandates it, but otherwise a lot of people don't bother anymore.
  6. I was given mumps and measles on purpose, when I was a child. Can't have been too bad as I don't remember it. I don't know anyone with it, so not an option for me anyway, at the moment.
  7. You are assuming you can avoid it? I assume I'll get it regardless at some stage. Not worried about it anymore than any other thing that might be sent to annoy me. If it gets bad I'll just go to hospital for some O2 ( I've a DNR so no ICU for me ) and either survive or not. That's life. No point kicking against the pricks.
  8. why aren't you? Because I'm not stupid, perhaps? I've seen the result of financial trickery before, more than once, and it's always the little people like me that lose. The big boys wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't to benefit themselves, as they rarely suffer financially when it all turns to the brown stuff.
  9. Which would make zero difference now that omicron is apparently infecting the fully vaxxed by the thousands. All your post does IMO is make you sound mean and vindictive.
  10. Their shareholders certainly will, and their bank managers.
  11. Only good reviews are allowed. I doubt they have any intention of using criticism to improve their service.
  12. Silly thing to say. Of course they have- I wuz just lucky. You seem to be trying too hard to make me say something I regret, so BYE.
  13. LOL. I had it because they were making it too difficult not to have it, not because I wanted it or think it will make any difference to me. I can still get it and die, despite getting jabbed. I don't recall supporting anti vaccine messaging, so a quote would be appropriate. However I do support freedom of choice and personal responsibility for one's own health. Forcing everyone to get jabbed to save obese people from their own choices is not my idea of democracy. Sooo, if anything, I supported freedom of choice to get jabbed or not. I just don't care if other people do or don't. I'm not responsible for them.
  14. If they can't keep it out of an island nation far far away from everywhere else they'd have to be incompetent, and guess what, they didn't. That there is any community infection is, IMO a scandal. It should all have been caught at the border in quarantine, and was, till some <deleted> thought it was a good idea to allow Australians to enter without quarantine and wander all over the country. You may think they are doing something right, but I'll chance a guess that you don't actually live in NZ.
  15. You didn't, like many others, but some did have, and of them some had serious side effects. I was very happy to have an alternative and had no side effects from it.
  16. IMO "Im surprised that it has not been banned." implies a desire for it to be banned. Your opinion may differ, but I think we can leave it there, as I'm not going to change my mind, and I guess you won't either.
  17. Actually the topic is about Pattaya. If it were about Thailand it's be in a different subforum.
  18. Some people just like telling other people what to do, despite any information to the contrary. There was a name for kids like that in school, and it wasn't complimentary.
  19. You are lucky that was all you got. If the women were worried they'd be wearing masks themselves, or if they were are you saying masks don't work?
  20. Obviously learned nothing. Should close Maya Bay to tourists permanently, or at least restricted the numbers and not allowed anyone to land. As for the main island, last time I saw it I wanted to put a big bulldozer across the entire peninsula. Paradise lost to greed. Close it by all means and never open it again, IMO.
  21. UK government has had almost 2 years to prepare for a rise in patient numbers, but have they used that time wisely? I did say Australia, which is in summer. The UK is in winter, which might make a difference.
  22. Not gone, but will be different as the girls go "on line" rather than "on stage".
  23. I remember them well. Couldn't use a public phone without seeing dozens of cards advertising prostitutes stuck on the glass. I always assumed they were scams as some of the photos were obviously out of magazines like Playboy.
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