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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Which is what some of us have been saying from the very start. Nearly 2 years and billions of $ wasted, lives destroyed by lockdowns, multiple entirely forseeable side effects of lockdowns, and we appear to be no nearer to an end of covid than at the beginning. Never mind, some politicians got popular, despite having achieved ( IMO ) sod all, so not bad for them.
  2. "it protects you from having severe symptoms" ? What about all those vaccinated that the media has been telling us are in hospital? Are they putting people without severe symptoms in hospital now? 15% is not an insignificant number. IMO the vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate mantra is looking rather threadbare now. https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/characteristics-of-vaccinated-patients-hospitalized-with-covid-19-breakthrough-infections/ While people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 have a significantly reduced risk of severe illness, some hospitalizations and deaths have been reported among fully vaccinated people with breakthrough COVID-19 infections.
  3. 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 I only retired in LOS BECAUSE of my time there before I retired.
  4. 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 I only retired in LOS BECAUSE of my time there before I retired.
  5. If you know my welding ability from what I wrote you must be psychic. BTW anyone can claim to do anything on here, even qualify 50 welders, LOL.
  6. The malls IMO will survive because the mall owners don't own the individual stores- they rent the space. Therefore, they only need a constant stream of small shop owners renting, even if they go broke and have to leave. I don't have any figures, but I'd expect the attrition rate to be high. The small shops seemed to change quite regularly. The malls could look busy, as people like I would go there to eat at the food court, see a movie, buy some groceries etc. No point in looking at popular shops like Apple or Power Buy. Need to look at the little watch shop I liked that vanished because not enough customers.
  7. This is off topic. That's it for me on the wheel and welding. Topic is has-science-been-beneficial-or-detrimental-to-humanity.
  8. I didn't say that air is not science as indeed it is just air. Discovering the components of air would be science. Extraction of O2 from air is manufacturing/ engineering. As a qualified welder I'd like to see you weld steel with acetylene alone, however, yes, electric arc welding, is done without O2.
  9. IMO since most people apparently don't believe in God anymore, they have elevated science to that position in their life. Seems apt, as believing something they don't know much about can answer their prayers fits with science worship.
  10. Are you sure about that? Google "how long have humans been on earth" and it comes up with "Approximately 300,000 years ago, the first Homo sapiens — anatomically modern humans — arose alongside our other hominid relatives." I thought it was only 50,000 years, but apparently I wuz wrong.
  11. That's engineering, IMO, not science. Discovering that O2 exists in air would be science.
  12. I have zero idea as to how I can type this on a machine here and it can be read all over the world in a matter of mere seconds. However, the OP is about whether it is beneficial or detrimental to do so, and I might well be better occupied doing something else. IMO science has enabled something so addictive I have spent thousands of hours typing things that will be forgotten by the next day, and of no ascertainable benefit to myself. I'll leave the reader to decide if that is beneficial or detrimental.
  13. As a farang I had a far, far higher quality of life in LOS than in any other country I lived in. Switzerland may have a better quality of life in some people's opinion, but I'd never ever want to live there ( and I have been there ). "Facts are Facts, your misleading opinion doesn't really matter" Right back at you.
  14. No idea what "If you completed your education, given up on health and decent health care" means, but I didn't consider my Thai family members' education, health care, or career prospects my responsibility as they were richer than I, and even had they been poorer I didn't marry them. I ignored the "culture" as much as possible, as it was always used as a way to try and make me give them money without any benefits to myself. I WAS an alien, and never allowed to forget it when I had to go to the immigration office 4 times a year. Foreign food in LOS was generally the same over processed, full of chemicals <deleted> that I live on in the west, and I generally ate the same food as Thais do at the same price as they.
  15. Silly me! I thought concrete was used to make the roads better to use, rather than to raise land prices. Live and learn, what?
  16. That might be preferable to being left to die as used to happen ( and might still ) in non welfare countries. In a certain country I believe just being born female was a death sentence at a time in history
  17. Service charge is not the same as tipping, but I fail to see why it's not included in the prices.
  18. Perhaps present day welfare state countries like to give benefits to people that never worked/ paid taxes in them before, but in a just world they wouldn't. I wouldn't even give citizens benefits if they were capable of working and refused to do so.
  19. Perhaps America should see the light and have a minimum wage sufficient to live on without needing tips, which apparently are not voluntary in the USA, so not really "tips", IMO.
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