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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I think you will find that the crimes are usually committed against other Thais. As a farang I felt safer in Thailand than in the UK or NZ.
  2. We've only got 5 million in the entire country. Of course it's a small number.
  3. That's interesting. In NZ it;'s all about the vaccine. If one doesn't have it one is restricted in what one can do eg go to the movies. The day I got my vaccine passport it was like getting my life back. Had it not been for the change from the "team of 5 million" ie we are all in this together, to the attempt to paint the non vaccinated as "naughty people" that have to be segregated, I'd probably not have bothered.
  4. You could have made that plain in the OP then. I could only go by what you wrote and IMO it came across as being fearful.
  5. Ditto. I got vaxxed just to get the passport so I could go to movies etc. According to everything I've read it won't make any difference whatsoever as to getting infected myself. At least I didn't have to take that pfizer though. I know people that had severe reactions to pfizer, some even have long term problems after having pfizer jab.
  6. That's interesting, as in NZ there are a lot of obese people, but far as I know, ZERO government action to "encourage" people to lose weight. The number of fat kids I see around is IMO a shame on society. They did mutter a bit about a sugar tax some time ago but that came to nothing. I'm a bit chubby myself, but the Dr has never talked to me about losing weight, so I doubt there is anything from the government to tell Drs to do something about it. Government seems more interested in jabbing people than in improving their general health to boost natural immunity. I wonder if any action in other countries to reduce obesity, given the cost to the health systems of fat people eg diabetes, heart problems etc.
  7. Only if ASEANNOW is a conspiracy site. I actually have a life that doesn't involve going on websites all day. Other than ASEANNOW ( which isn't really a news source since it cancelled world news ) I don't go on any internet or tv news sites ( other than Al Jazira ), and I don't even watch local tv as it's just too awful to bother with. So, other than ASEANNOW and Al Jazira, I basically avoid all visual news media. My main source of news is radio talk back which I take with a large spoonful of salt. While Al Jazeera is also IMO a fear monger when it comes to covid, I can ignore those segments. They continue, IMO, to be the best international tv news organisation.
  8. Someone has apparently been using something that had a strange effect on their mind.
  9. Seriously? Pattaya has a beach that would appeal to tourists in preference to any number of actually nice beaches on Thai islands? LOL! Pattaya beach appeals to those that like to sit under an umbrella and eat, drink and chat, but hardly to foreign swimmers. The appeal of Pattaya was always the night life, not the polluted sea, the broken infrastructure, the appalling traffic ( only going to get worse if this new build actually attracts as many as they want ). Pattaya could become a real international beach resort, but not with the present administration, IMO, and I doubt anything will change there, as their priority is apparently not to make the city a better place, for the usual reasons.
  10. OR, perhaps the variant is more contagious and less virulent, regardless if vaccinated or not. It's probably too soon to be knowing much about the statistics yet.
  11. Lay people may not understand why people are not queuing up to become nurses, but from a nurse- it's a thankless, underpaid, stressful job that relies on the dedication of those that do do that job to have any nurses in hospital. IMO the move to eliminate enrolled nurses, and to make people pay to train in university eliminated a large pool of potential nurses, but IMO most have realised the financials just don't make it worth doing any more. That's why countries like the UK and NZ have to rely on nurses from other countries like Africa, the Philippines, and India to staff their hospital wards.
  12. Having treated nurses badly for years, the chickens are now coming home to roost. Underpaid, overworked, and disrespected by management and in some cases by those they are trying to help, nurses have, according to some I've spoken with, had enough and the virus is just "the last straw" so to speak. So, next time in hospital remember that nurses do a thankless job, for little reward, and don't blame them if things are not as good as they should be. That's down to management and the government.
  13. Using an agent is IMO never wasted money. It gets results which is the entire reason to use them. The alternative is the OP.
  14. Actually hiding under the bed may not be safe if a large block of ice from a passing plane picks that bed to hit ????
  15. and the people of NZ that had managed to avoid major infection outbreaks till someone thought it a good idea to allow Australians to visit without quarantine.
  16. Even better, in a home sealed from the outside with only virus filtered air, and all deliveries sterilised.
  17. About 20 million died in WW2, but they didn't consider that sufficient numbers to ban war. People die, always have and always will, from a myriad of causes, and sooner we accept covid is just another unpleasant part of life the sooner we can stop destroying people's livelihoods and get back to having lives.
  18. That gives me an idea. If I ever get hassled by some annoying person, I'll tell them I'm an antivaxxer, and they'll leave me alone. BTW, I'm double vaxxed, not because I wanted to or believe the <deleted>, but because we can't have a life without anymore. Can't even go to the movies without a <deleted> vaccine passport- it's not as though being double jabbed is going to stop me becoming infected.
  19. My only thought about the OP is that some people must live their lives in fear. If it isn't toxic waiters, there must be hundreds of other ways to die early to be scared of.
  20. It may be cheap, but I bet it's not nearly as good as Thailand to live in ( for those with money ). For starters, how many died in Thailand from hurricanes, tornados etc, how many died from being shot, how many gangsters are roaming the streets of Thailand looking to mug some passerby, etc.
  21. Tell that to MBK! Probably the best mall in Thailand, and certainly has the best totty. I do not speak as to the present reality, as covid obviously changed many things so it could be different now.
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