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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. IMO that applies to all billionaires, and probably a great many millionaires as well, wherever they live.
  2. LOL. Does a fresh bent banana taste worse than a straight banana? IMO taste is the only indicator of quality in a banana. They all go unpleasant to eat within 4 days. Perhaps there was some non quality related thing about the bendy bananas that caused the dictat - eg get less in a box, which would make it about greed efficiency rather than quality.
  3. If you didn't get it before I doubt I could explain it in a way you would appreciate the humour, but it was humerous in a non laugh out loud sort of way. Just a little chuckle.
  4. Surely an opinion has to be backed by something, or it's just fantasy? I have many opinions on many different subjects, but every opinion is based on something that I can describe. The post I responded to was meaningless as it didn't indicate what it was referring to, ergo the statement that it was ridiculous was meaningless.
  5. I don't need a war to wish all those uber wealthy people lost everything to the last cent, penny or rouble. I don't care which country they live in , IMO they are an obscenity in a world full of the downtrodden poor. However, in a world obsessed with greed, I suspect many would like to be them.
  6. LOL. Yes there are excellent tradesmen but they don't normally turn up at ordinary bloke's houses. Every Thai worker I employed ( welders, electricians etc ) were useless. A gate they welded the hinges on fell off because they didn't clean surface. The aforementioned electrician that didn't know what a proper earth was, and another that didn't know that wiring a direct connection to earth isn't a good idea. I always had to redo everything they did.
  7. Last time I was there, the Satay Club had to move, but no idea if still going. I went to the original location near the Merlion quite often. When talking about Singapore being over regulated one has to remember that they had huge race riots in the past, and had to take action to overcome the hatred- seemed to have worked. Singapore is too small to allow unrestricted car ownership, and their public transport was excellent when I was there. Only went to Raffles once. Didn't see the appeal.
  8. It's one of those Japanese girl groups that do choreographed dancing and sing songs, Make millions of $ and are chosen on looks, so all fit, slim, beautiful, sexy, DDG. Started with 48 dancers and currently have about 90 in various off shoot groups and in a few different countries. Plenty of VDOs on U Tube if interested.
  9. I don't think she is retiring from the gravy train, just the position of leader.
  10. Hmmmm. They didn't want to join the European war, but after Hitler declared war on the US what choice did they have?
  11. The idea of being a salaryman in Japan does not appeal to me, and need to have money to live well there. However, being a DJ in the AKB48 theatre would be acceptable.
  12. I lived there in the 70s. Loved the place. No strikes every 5 minutes, safe, efficient, everything worked as it should, no corruption that I could see, no dole bludgers, no vandals or graffiti artists, good standard of living for all, and a great life style. Yes, they enforced standards, but so what? Does anyone like using a filthy public toilet?
  13. Not only do I not care, but I'm annoyed because the Al Jazeera channel is all about the foootbal and hardly any news. I'm hoping it's over soon, but I have no idea when because I care so little about it I won't even look up that detail.
  14. Did they ground them properly? I made the electrician ground the electric shower unit I paid him to install, and he put a very short rod in the ground, which was useless. After he left I put the correct length of rod in the ground.
  15. I can agree with that. My wife was married to a Thai man that took her money to gamble and womanise. Unfortunately she didn't appreciate that in me she had a husband that didn't abuse her.
  16. Quite right too. My wife's phone got more attention than I did. At least I didn't pay for it though.
  17. You reckon a new wife will be better simply for being new? News flash- women don't come with guarantees of satisfaction. I struggled to keep my marriage, and only got divorced when it became obvious I was beating a dead horse.
  18. No, we didn't do much talking. I'm not into talking about food much, and she went to work 6 days a week. Certainly she wasn't into discussing world affairs, or philosophy. I didn't marry her for her conversational skills.
  19. I thought states had primaries to select the candidates in the election. Am I wrong, or is Alaska different?
  20. Al Jazeera has become the "world cup" channel, but I learned that at least one of the stadiums is temporary, and one is beside the education zone, so might be used by students. Allowing for the pre exisiting national stadium, that's still 5 massive stadiums in a country with a small population.
  21. It's only my opinion, but I believe Britain's present problems were directly caused by the unfortunate practice in WW1 trench warfare of sending the best and brightest young men to lead the men ( as junior officers ) in the futile frontal attacks against an enemy with machine guns. I believe so many died in that insanity that Britain lost it's "brains" that would have led Britain had they lived. WW2 just compounded the decline.
  22. Oh the irony! A country that before WW2 still had an empire having to go cap in hand to the IMF to beg for money only about 30 years later.
  23. You seem to have missed the nuance in the reply. One needs an old fashioned British sense of humour to get it though. Seems to me a lot of people mislaid a sense of humour during lockdowns and can't find it again. Rare to see a happy person any more. Sad, angry world we live in now.
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