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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I was replying to a post by yourself. Anyway, I'm off this thread now. Bye.
  2. Nobody forced you to reply.
  3. LOL. Sport has been propaganda for ages. When a team win at the Olympics people act as though the country won, which is a nonsense, especially in professional sport when the team members may not even be of that nationality.
  4. but it's not. Everyone that voted for him should have known he hadn't, but they voted for him anyway. Perhaps they just voted against her ( which is understandable ), and the returns were not important.
  5. I wasn't aware that Israel is a secular state. Wasn't it given to them by the UN as a homeland for Jews?
  6. I quoted their own Bible ( old testament ). I didn't oppose anyone. It's up to the individual as how that proverb is interpreted. As an old white male I'm already beyond redemption, according to some.
  7. You may be correct, but I hope you are wrong, and it goes belly up.
  8. and you know that because you talked personally with each and every GOP politician? LOL.
  9. Doesn't matter if can't get enough advertisers to pay for it. I hope he can't.
  10. and an IRS audit is confidential, is it not?
  11. Perhaps because the law doesn't require him to do so and it's no business of anyone else except the IRS.
  12. They were checked, by the Inland Revenue. Had anything untoward been revealed I'm pretty sure we'd have heard by now. PS. it's not the law to make them public, though previous candidates have chosen to do so. Isn't this all rather too late given the GOP control the committees now?
  13. The Israelis should take note of biblical teachings more Hosea 8:7 “For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.”
  14. Correct. Always amazes me when some posters think Thailand is obliged to vote along the same lines as western countries, despite not being a western country. Thailand isn't obliged to do anything based on the current western political fad issue of concern.
  15. My story is about when I wired up an outside light through a circuit breaker ( the correct way ). Without going into the complicated reasons they wanted to wire it without going through a circuit breaker, I refused on safety grounds, so they waited till I was away and got village electrician to come and rewire it. Unfortunately, village electrician didn't understand that a direct short isn't a good idea and melted 10 meters of electrical cable, the switch and the light fixture. When I returned I laughed like a drain and said I wasn't going to pay for the new wire and fittings.
  16. I'm glad you included "can" in "a situation that can be resolved". I gave my wife 2 years to resolve the situation, but in the end the only option left was to leave her. Taking, horses, water and drinking comes to mind. Thais were brilliant at fixing punctures, but not so great at welding, wiring or plumbing. Luckily for me I can do all that myself.
  17. I was useful and I was free. I wired up one house because the wiring was dangerous, and the one I lived in to suit myself. Seems people never put in enough plug sockets.
  18. I'm too cynical to think that we can change anything unless the powers behind the curtain agree, so I tend to ignore any and all activists, and consider them more as looking to live off the gullible than actually change anything. However, I scorn woke activists.
  19. Well said. I worked in Saudi for years but only as long as I could tolerate it. Eventually I had enough of it and was angry all the time, so I left. I never had any illusions I could change it.
  20. That's only in the stadiums. Probably for good reasons. Alcohol is available elsewhere, but one wonders if the football world is populated by alcoholics that it's such a big deal? Can't get by without booze, LOL.
  21. 55555555555555 What a rainbow bunch they are! Can they really be descended from Vikings, LOL?
  22. World has never corresponded with what some consider the "right" viewpoint on life, and IMO never will. We may have been around for 50,000 years but mentally we are still cavemen, and act like it- to the victor the spoils, and the losers can go jump. Don't like the laws, either don't live in that country or change them, by whatever means possible ( how is it working out for demonstrators in Iran? ).
  23. Some years ago that was the case, or at least some travelers were posting about being refused entry at land borders for back to back visa exempt arrivals as been in Kingdom too long as a tourist. I'd take as much supporting documentation as possible just in case one gets an irritable I O.
  24. 5555555555 Do you know who the bureaucrats in Brussels are? Faceless men and women run our world and we don't have a clue about them as they don't stand for election.
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