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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I doubt any law abiding person would object to banning gang patches, and IMO many would not object if all gangsters were locked up till they died in prison. Perhaps Australian bikies are not as bad as NZ ones given the apparent desire to give them a pass on their criminal activities.
  2. Your post appears to have vanished, and I don't remember what it was, so can't answer that.
  3. Because not convicted in a court of law. You do believe in "innocent till proven guilty ( in a court of law )" don't you?
  4. Seems like a conspiracy theory to me. Trump haters have been coming up with that sort of thing for 6 years now, but surprisingly for a man apparently suffering from every known psychiatric illness he is still not committed to an institution for the insane.
  5. LOL. That's exactly how I feel, but about those people rather than these people, if you know what I mean.
  6. Perhaps so, but one does need to be qualified to make a diagnosis.
  7. Stepdaughter, 1980s. Her mother had to put her on the pill or she would have got pregnant long before she reached 18 when she had her first child. Boyfriends constantly ringing her up at 12.
  8. Oh come on man. Thirteen year olds could get married till recently and far as I know still can in some countries. It's been claimed that there are no 13 year old virgins in a certain country i know, though I tend to think that is not universal, but certainly possible for many.
  9. Perhaps any jury would find the same. We'll never know though.
  10. Jury apparently doesn't believe there was anything to consent for that could be construed as a crime without consent Anyway, innocent of this charge according to the law.
  11. They need a huge pipe at the end of every soi opening onto Beach Rd going directly out to sea. By all means put a grill to catch rubbish as long as it gets cleaned. Make them operational only at times the normal pipes going through the station by Walking Street can't cope.
  12. If I know how long I had, I'd leave nothing for anyone else- spend it all. My affairs are really easy to sort- everything goes on the fire as I have almost nothing anyone else would want. I doubt anyone really wants my VHS video tape players or my record collection. Anything worth anything I'll give away before I pass. I'll only need my DVD player and my DVD collection to pass the time till the end, assuming the "rest home" I get assigned to has individual rooms.
  13. Have to go far away from anyone else when time comes then. Soon as ambulance is called your life becomes the medics, and all sorts of indignities will be visited on you. I'm hoping for a massive heart attack from which no recovery. Die before get to hospital.
  14. I have no idea, but in his shoes, I'd do whatever made them PO the most.
  15. Given that I actually worked for the NHS during Tony's time I think I know a bit more about it than someone that didn't. I used that as the reason I would not want Labour anywhere near Number 10 again, which is relevant in the event that an election is called, as some want.
  16. and depending on the chosen one, can do that reboot without an election. 2 years is forever in politics and this will all be forgotten by next election.
  17. it wasn't a consideration for the jury now either. I reckon we all did things when young and foolish that were not wise, given the circumstances at the time, and most are lucky that the other party doesn't dredge up a desire to punish us years later. I certainly did things that were not in fact a crime, but could be considered to be so given a skilled lawyer in a court of "law", should I not be able to pay for a more skilled lawyer.
  18. The jury obviously disagreed about the sexual aspect. As for Spacey, innocent and can never be tried for same case again.
  19. The trial was by jury, not the judge. That they took only an hour says much about the weakness of the prosecution's case.
  20. Entirely relevant if you want to describe what is actually happening in NZ as compared to what the government is saying is happening ( not the same thing ). What I suggest would be unacceptable to society in general. I can only be grateful I don't have to live with the consequences of what is happening ( or not happening ) for too much longer as I suspect it's going to end very badly for all of us.
  21. Is it not a diagnosis to describe someone as having a mental illness? https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/lunacy Medical Definition of lunacy dated : mental illness
  22. That's why we have hospices.
  23. Go back to Thailand and live the life till I couldn't.
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