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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Of course there are, but I've never known a cat to love me. If I were buying one for companionship I'd get a non violent breed. Small one about the size of a cat. Anyway, going a bit long about this for the God thread, so 'nuff said.
  2. It didn't like anyone else. Used to bite them.
  3. No problem if anyone wants a cat- none of my business, but if I'm going to feed a pet, I want unconditional love in return. I've had birds, white mice, hamsters, dogs and cats, but the only ones to "love me" are dogs.
  4. Lucky you. I can't afford overseas holidays and I'm lucky to even have a room to live in instead of a car. I don't live in Australia.
  5. If I only learned one thing in my life, it's that attractive people are often messed up mentally. Perhaps because of all the fawning attention they get from a young age. Far as beautiful women are concerned, I apply the Playboy philosophy of "look, but don't touch".
  6. Sorry, but if your standard of beauty is Rachael Hunter, then IMO you have low standards. I never got why men fall for women like her other than having big boobs and not actually ugly. I've seen more beautiful women in a Bkk skytrain station.
  7. I used to see the occasional 10 in my young adult days, but in this age of blubber, not a one. However, I have known an occasional female that exuded true beauty from within. I've even fallen in love with some of them, but they were either already married, or did not return my affection, or the chance passed me by for some reason. Perhaps they are better as a memory, than being disappointed by the reality.
  8. Loads of 10s on the internet, but are they actual real people or products of Photoshop? I once remarked to a guy that I'd never known a 10, to which he took offense, claiming that "all women are beautiful". I hadn't realised he was a plonker before talking to him, but I've done my best to avoid PC woke people since.
  9. I don't know which Thais you know, but the ones I met in the village were not as badly off as the ones you know. Anyway, can't compare Thais and expats- have to compare Thais with western people living in the west, and I'd rather be a poor Thai than a poor western person living in a car because they can't afford to rent.
  10. Rather than make him pay it, abolish the tax. IMO it's an abomination that what people work their entire lives for is then taxed by a grasping government if they want to pass it on to their children. However, I'm all for a 95% capital gains tax on house sales to stop the price rise insanity, which is making buying and renting unaffordable for many, as I'm seeing every day now.
  11. Having lived and worked in London for 10 years, I saw first hand how the rich live, and IMO it would be hard to "increase" inequality much more, short of workhouses and breadlines.
  12. I'll start to worry about an actual nuclear war when loads of rich people start turning up in far away places like NZ or Australia to live, or when nuclear fallout shelters become big sellers.
  13. It's not up to me what happens over there. If US/Europe is concerned about Russian expansion they can either accept them in NATO or have treaties with them. Besides, after what is happening in Russia now, does anyone seriously believe that Russia would even try to take over another country? IMO that ship has sailed.
  14. I'm sure the Pentagon has some that do nothing but plan scenarios, and that the Ukraine situation was planned a while ago. Given no government to my knowledge is warning citizens of what to do in a nuclear war, I doubt any at the top of governments are concerned that this will escalate to that extent, at the present time. Back in the 50's or 60's apparently school children were being warned to hide under their desks in the event of a nuclear strike! I also think fall out shelters were selling well in the US, but I haven't seen any ads for such now.
  15. ???????????????????? The Bible doesn't ( to my knowledge ) mention abortion, but it does say something about not killing people. One doesn't have to be religious to believe that a foetus is an unborn human being.
  16. While I support abortion on demand no questions asked for any female that wants one, this is a question of state's rights, and in this case I think the SCOTUS ruled correctly. I fail to see why such became a federal case in the first place. If a majority of state citizens want abortion, elect politicians that will rule on that. That's democracy.
  17. One could ask any of those that fled to Canada during Vietnam war why they didn't do that. I reckon the same answer would apply to the Russians leaving to avoid the draft.
  18. Some pain along the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you serious? Given no western country is being directly threatened by Russia, why should any in those countries die for Ukraine? Any wanting to volunteer are able to do so already.
  19. The last time the west tried to make the loser pay it didn't work out very well for them ( Germany post WW1 ). IMO there will be nothing financial to win, unless they have a plan to take over Russia and take the oil etc, which I doubt. If the US is a cash cow for this, then that's down to themselves.
  20. My mother had one that she fed with an eye dropper when it lost it's mother. Grew up to be a horrid beast, though she loved it.
  21. Um. Actually I do. I've owned a couple, but now live where I can't have any pets. If I could, I'd own a small dog for unconditional love. Now cats are a different story- selfish beasts that care only about themselves, though they know how to fool humans into feeding them.
  22. While I agree entirely that not enough is done before things get bad, that is the human condition. We procrastinate till we can't. However, if I could go back in time and start over, I'd eat even more sugar till I couldn't. One of the great pleasures of my life has been the consumption of sugar in all it's various forms. Saudis regard sugar as a gift from God, which is why they consumed so much of it, and while I don't thank God per se for it, I was grateful that it existed. So, it ended when I became pre diabetic, but then life sucks anyway, and it's not as though I'm a child on insulin with a lifetime of it to come. Small mercies perhaps.
  23. Tell that to half the world's population that live <deleted> lives. However, it seems to me that those with the least to be happy about are the happiest humans, given food and somewhere to live. Perhaps the more we have the more unhappy we become. I was happy when I was a child and owned nothing, and happiest when I lived and worked in Antarctica and owned nothing beyond my underpants, as everything was provided ( even the toothpaste ). It may be coincidental, but when there I felt more worthwhile than anywhere else in my entire life. I had a purpose in life that only I could fulfill. Perhaps you missed it, but my complaint is of having no purpose in life beyond merely existing, and no, I can't read Thoreau, garden, find hobbies, join a support group, volunteer, take up yoga, join an exercise class, talk to a therapist, enjoy local scenery, play video games, find any friends, learn any new skills, study Marcus Aurelius and Seneca, get into art appreciation, or go around doing good deeds. While I have other things to do, writing cynical and solipsistic posts on ANF does take my mind off things, which does help get through the day. If I lived in a country that allowed recreational use of MJ I'd be permanently stoned, but that happy state does not exist at present. Have a nice day.
  24. Indeed they can. They learn to suck up to their human so they get a nice life and fed regularly. Dogs are very good at sucking up, cats not so much.
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