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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Right now I'd have soul less sex with a real person, as it beats abstinence every time. I'll never have sex with someone looks like granny, and that's my only options these days.
  2. I never got why anyone has sex with the lights off, unless they are so ugly that dogs run away in fear at the sight of them. I certainly never had sex with anyone that was so ugly I didn't want to look at them. IMO sex is as much a visual feast as a physical one.
  3. The assault on Jesus by those opposed to Christian religion is entirely understandable. Make him go away and the entire religion is destroyed. Strange though, that the assault ( especially on this thread ) is almost entirely about Christians, as though millions of believers in other religions don't have the same God, or don't count somehow.
  4. I don't overlook that saying he wants to lead the protest and not leading the protest are two different things.
  5. Is not a Democrat politician/ bureaucrat in charge of the DOJ/ FBI? They have had most of 2 years to charge him with something, well within the 50 day rule ( if it exists ).
  6. LOL. Many posts on this forum stating as a fact that Trump is guilty ( of something ), and in this specific case we are told that just having the documents is a crime. Either it is a crime and he can be charged with possessing government documents illegally, or it isn't. That he hasn't been charged after all this time, seems to me that perhaps he's not actually guilty of possessing government documents illegally, and they are either waiting to blame it on the GOP after they take the house, or hoping it just goes away quietly. No one wants to see Trump in court more than I, as I relish the chance to see the opposition having to front up with some actual real evidence of a crime. Something they seem to have been unable to do for the past 6 years.
  7. Had they left it as the EEC, the UK would probably still be in it today. Too many power hungry politicians with an eye for becoming a bigger fish in the political pool.
  8. I certainly don't understand people that look for evidence of racism when it's not there to be found ( for the most part ), and failing find that an entire country is racist invent slogans that could apply to anyone anywhere.
  9. If the UK is racist, it's certainly less so than any other country I've lived in.
  10. Some have been saying the exact same thing about America being willing to wage its war to the last Ukrainian soldier. “America providing Ukraine with weapons will only prolong the war”
  11. I assume "pre-fabricated doc and records tangle with NARA" refers to the timing, if not to the entire raid. IMO they could have done it earlier, or waited till mid terms over. Certainly seems to have been planned for the best political outcome. The lengthy delay to find some documents of actual national security to prosecute him over does not help to assuage suspicions that it is all a politically motivated "tangle".
  12. LOL. You overlook that threatening to do something and actually doing something are different. So, there were no videos of Trump in Congress because he wasn't actually there, right?
  13. WOW. Good on Biden! ( I never thought I'd say that about Biden ). What is really scary though, is that western countries, especially USA have been aiding and abetting China in it's bid to become a superpower opposed to the west. What the <deleted> were they thinking? I can only hope it hasn't got to the stage that they can still make the things to equip their own military. BTW, I doubt China is going to accept this without reciprocating. The obvious move would be to ban exports of rare earth materials to the west, and IMO bang goes the electric car industry among many.
  14. The topic is about the vote, not about Ukrainians dying. Whatever Thailand voted is irrelevant to the outcome on the ground in Ukraine as Putin isn't going to give up because Thailand voted with the US.
  15. His argument seems reasonable to me, and certainly more reasonable that of those baying to join the fight of something that does not even concern Thailand. On another thread about defending oneself against a bad person the consensus was that it's better to avoid getting into a fight, and likewise Thailand is better off not getting involved in other people's wars. Of what benefit to Thailand is supporting the Americans/ Europeans over Ukraine?
  16. That's right. Thailand is also temples and Grand Palace and night markets and kantoke and massage etc. Lots of Russian tourists spending money in LOS. People can't eat western morality, and will go for whatever pays the bills.
  17. Does any country have real "democracy"? Nevertheless, the Thai government, whether for benefit of the country, or benefit of themselves IMO will do what is best for the Thai economy and security.
  18. Lots of Russian tourists in LOS, Ukrainians not so much ( are they even a presence in LOS at all? ). Which country would TAT be supporting if they had the choice? Which country would establishments and staff that cater to Russians be supporting? Are there any establishments that cater to Ukrainians at all?
  19. Because once the dems lose the house, they may have lost the chance to charge him with anything. I guess they don't have much, given the length of time it's taking them to come up with something more than having documents illegally.
  20. I really would like to see him have his day in court, as it would be "interesting" to see the anti Trumpers try and prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he is actually guilty of a crime. I'd also expect to be entertained as he exposed the opposition case as the charade it is, IMO.
  21. Hmmm. I must have missed the video of Trump breaking into congress and shouting that he was going to attack Pelosi.
  22. Perhaps where you lived. Where I live nothing could make it more boring than what it already is. I didn't find it "interesting" as much as annoying.
  23. You seem to be of the opinion that racism is a fault of white people by your examples refering to "white" rallies or American centric policies and "minorities". It's a fact that in my life, the most blatant racists have not been white people.
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