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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. If God was scientifically proven, would it make any difference to people's lives? IMO it would be as relevant to people's lives as the latest discovery in the Hadron Collider, which IMO makes zero difference to all but a few scientists. IMO the only thing that God could do that would make a difference to people would be if God sent a lightning bolt to destroy the Vatican, and shouted about rich people not being able to enter heaven.
  2. What are you on about? If God gave us freedom of choice to do as we wish, why would God intervene in human affairs?
  3. Should that not be "has waned", not "is waning"? IMO that ship sailed when the UK backed down to the US over Suez.
  4. Lockdowns caused economic disaster. IMO such is entirely within their remit.
  5. We are in the poo in the first place because "those wealth creators" chose wealth over patriotism and removed jobs from western people and gave them to exploited labour in foreign lands. I'd make it difficult ( hopefully impossible ) for them to move wealth out of their country and if they wouldn't make stuff in their own country tax them till they squealed and create public owned companies that did make stuff with the money. I have zero sympathy for the rich.
  6. Britain used to make everything and ruled a large part of the world. Perhaps such doesn't make the "right" people rich enough though. More profit in exploiting cheap labour the other side of the planet.
  7. Shame then that the EU bureaucracy was unable to make their mess project more attractive to the UK citizens. Perhaps because it's a bad idea in the first place. Had it just stayed a Common Market instead of trying to cobble together a political union it's likely none of this would have happened.
  8. You seem overly keen to start WW3. Do you actually think there isn't someone else that would take over, and not be impressed by a US attack on Russian soil?
  9. Hmmmmm. If it was that simple they would have done so already. Perhaps there is some reason that we posters don't know about that means they won't.
  10. LOL. One only needs to look at his interviews without teleprompter to know he needs to resign. The guy needs to be having a long rest with his family, not trying to run a huge country.
  11. The post you quote says nothing about Trump, and the topic isn't Trump.
  12. IMO the world has already been destroyed by greed ( corporate and personal ), but we just don't know it yet. The time is coming when the piper has to be paid and the cupboard will be bare. Lots of wailing and gnashing of teeth will eventuate. I hope I've departed when the .
  13. and if the GOP takes the house and the "investigations" go away, don't come back on here saying they should have made more haste to indict him. Actually, I'm leaning towards an indictment at a more politically opportune time.
  14. ???? As long as the top of the pipe is level with or below the level of the road the water must flow out.
  15. That's what I'm talking about. Put them down all the sois leading to Beach Rd, with a machine to remove debris at the bottom and carry on out to sea. Problem solved
  16. and if one has already reached the point at which one wishes to depart, but is reluctant to take the ultimate step to do so? If I get to that point I fully intend to give up the sensible diet and exercise of any sort. I shall splurge on an all sugar diet and hopefully fornicate my life away, and not regret a minute of it. Living sensibly and well may be fine for those that have something to live for, but it is just boring and pointless for those just filling in the gap with meaningless inanity.
  17. NO. Perhaps in the future, if humans exist long enough, they will have the tools to provide an answer to that question, but as of now, human science is far too primitive to do so. After all, science can't stop us killing each other, so why would anyone consider science capable of explaining even more difficult things?
  18. You are of course entitled to your opinion, but some of us travel a different path to the same destination. I believe that we and everything in the universe is created by and part of God. However, I obviously do not believe that God is controlling us or the universe. God created it all and left it and us to exist as best we can till such time as we return to God.
  19. IMO you confuse self with thinking only about oneself. I'd never start the search for self, given it's too hard, but I try to understand the concepts.
  20. I never understood why he didn't. That would have been a poke in the eye to the Washington establishment.
  21. Leave articles about the benefits of nudity lying around. That might relieve your boredom.
  22. To be pedantic, black and white are not colours. Google tells us Some consider white to be a colour, because white light comprises all hues on the visible light spectrum. And many do consider black to be a colour, because you combine other pigments to create it on paper. But in a technical sense, black and white are not colours, they're shades. They augment colours.
  23. I agree with a lot of that, but I believe that Britain has never grown enough food for a very long time. NZ and Australia made a good living shipping food and wool etc to Britain till Britain joined the Common Market.
  24. Agree. He's probably more fulfilled as a "kingmaker" from the sidelines.
  25. Indeed. If they don't find something to indict him on before the election that chance may just vanish. That's why I'm surprised they are so reluctant to do so, but perhaps they are keeping it on hold till just before the election.
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