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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Out of all the people I know that got married, only two couples didn't get divorced.
  2. None of that works for about 50% of married people, given the divorce rate. It's certainly never stopped people having sex on the side. Would anyone buy a new car if there was a 50% chance it would break down and be unfix able within a few years?
  3. Did I say because I'm old? If I did apologies. However you have to accept the existence of mental deterioration, which was what I was talking about when I said I couldn't absorb too much information in one post. I'm not going to go into specifics, but you can accept that, or not. Up to you.
  4. 100%. Unless one wants to have kids. IMO no reason to get married.
  5. Marriage IMO is so 18th century. It's become something that benefits western women over men now. I never said why I got married after a disastrous first relationship with a western women- I was stupid and thought a Thai would be different. I have no problem with being weak. If I'd been strong I'd never have become a nurse. Had I been strong I'd have gone to work in the Australian mines and minted it large. Unfortunately I was weak and thought I should do something for society. My mistake.
  6. LOL. Both my long term partners were "the right one" till they weren't. I can cook and clean, and don't need anyone to do that for me. I'm also a great handyman. I only got married to have sex without having to go look for it every night. I happened to love her till she changed into a horrible person, so love ain't worth a <deleted> when it comes prolonging marriage, IMO. The first year of marriage was great, but then it wasn't anymore.
  7. What I don't get is why any woman would marry a man been divorced 5 times, unless she was planning to get rich off him.
  8. I got married to a Thai and lost a lot of my pension despite her not living with me in my country and not contributing financially to the marriage. If I could go back and do it all again I'd have village wedding and never tell social services back home I was in a relationship. Would also have made it more likely she'd have been a good wife if she knew I could just walk away and she'd get nothing.
  9. Don't assume that every man wants children. Never did, and don't see the point now that kids don't have to look after parents any more.
  10. Oh goody, A thread I can jump into ( seem to be few and far between these days ). You wuz lucky to never get married. I had 2 serious relationships and both ended badly for me and financially well for them. Would I try again? Not even if the future of the world depended on it.
  11. What is true love? Far as I'm concerned it's a fairy tale promoted by Mills and Boon books and sellers of diamond rings. IMO there is lust, and there is friendship, and many get married while in lust, but were never friends and that's why the relationship doesn't last, IMO. Prince Charles had it nailed when he said "what is love anyway?"
  12. You post as though I don't know anything about the subject of personal realities etc. I learned all that over 40 years ago, and am not convinced that it's true, and the "cure" that you discuss doesn't work on me. It's like the placebo effect- for it to work one has to believe it does, and I don't. Soooo, I'll stick to enjoying what I can ( the sunsets have been spectacular recently ), surviving the bad stuff, and hoping I'm not around too much longer. I'm well past sell by date and I'm happy to set out on the last great adventure. No one that truly believes can fear death, as it's just a curtain between this existence and the other side. I only hope that it doesn't hurt too much when I do pass over the great divide.
  13. Do you have anything to post regarding the topic, or do you just come on threads to post sarcastic comments about other people? Can't say I've noticed anyone on here that doesn't like being in LOS, but perhaps I missed that post.
  14. IMO add climate change and multiple genders to that list.
  15. Hmmmmm. Loads of people go through life just existing. I know one guy, not even that old that just sits outside smoking, and sometimes having a chat with his friends. However, if that makes him content, who am I to say he should be doing something with his life to make it meaningful?
  16. I have plenty in my life that is good, eg 26 years nursing the sick and crippled, but it'd be easier to love life if it hadn't kicked me in the butt so many times. It's entirely possible that my lesson in this existence is to learn to love despite being kicked in the butt so many times, but if that is so, I guess I failed. Perhaps the next time around will be different.
  17. While it's all very well to discuss things like chosen realities from the comfort of our chairs, many of us are actually real victims of all sorts of things. If I chose my life, then I also chose to get cancer and be mutilated to remove it, causing a drastic downturn in my enjoyment of life. I have a problem believing that I hate myself so much I wished to have that happen. If I believe that, then I can also believe that I'm in the Matrix.
  18. I'm undecided about that, as if I create my own reality I must despise, hate and loath myself to create such a horrible reality.
  19. It's not an exclusive thread where you get to only communicate with one poster. That is what the PM function is for. Do you have a reply to my question?
  20. I believed you till you posted that. Is she a white skinned hi so Chinese with a law degree? 555555555555555555555555555
  21. In London I knew 2 Drs that were smashed while riding motorbikes. Neither was their fault and one wore all the protective gear. I rode m'bikes since I was 18. In Thailand I rode wearing helmet, gloves, t shirt, shorts and flip flops. My accident was caused by another motorcyclist driving into me when I was almost stationary, because he wasn't looking where he was going. I was lucky in that I got away with a broken bone in my hand and scraped legs. Could have been a lot worse. I was insured for riding a m'bike. I rode in LOS knowing the potential for tragedy, but I believed that if I was going to have an accident there was nothing I could do to avoid it ( fate ), and it's just too hot to wear proper gear, which in the case of the Dr didn't save him anyway. IMO the only way to be safe on a m'bike is to not be on a m'bike.
  22. I read up a bit about that, and it seems that while one hates the other, the other just didn't care much about minor cast members, so it's possible the hate is one sided.
  23. Not all governments are beneficial, but neither are they irrelevant to our lives. Sadly, it's not possible to be a hermit these days as the lackies would be citing regulations as to why I can't live in a cave. Perhaps they were not much better when they included religion, but at least they had some guiding principles to abide by ( as when the British government outlawed slavery ). Since they abandoned religion, they apparently have no ethos other than self interest.
  24. I've understood all that since the '70s. Unfortunately, being positive doesn't last long when coming up against the many horrible people that had and have power over my life. I'm still trying to work out if horrible people are the norm, or if I'm just unlucky. I doubt I'll find the answer any time soon.
  25. Surely you can't be claiming that science has the tools to know anything about faith?
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