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Posts posted by malt25

  1. Never heard of Sober October. I think you need a few additional vote choices. IE. Survey didn't relate to me as I didn't know about it. I read TV most days & am pretty much across most local gossip. Was the Sober October "thingy" only related to or advertised in Bangkok ?

    • Like 1
  2. 21 hours ago, certacito said:

    How long until the Australian embassy's news flash ?

    This week I emailed the Australian embassy & inquired about the continuation of witnessed Statutory Declarations re income. Their response was they have NO intention of ceasing the Statutory Declaration witnessing. But they made no comment if the Thai immigration office will accept said declaration as verification of income.

    I feel it's still a "wait & see" exactly what the IO consider is verification. I "think"-"hope", statements from my Thai bank showing monthly income will suffice.

    Interesting times ahead.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Jai Dee said:

    An off-topic troll post has been removed from this thread.

    I understand about no comment or remarks about moderators. No problem. This isn't meant as a flame or put down. I'm curious why Mods advise that a post or reply has been removed. I understand the removal of posts & replies can be for various reasons. No problem. What I'm curious about is why tell us ? There's no mention of the post or reason for removal. So why make a pointless comment ? Genuinely interested. Thanks.

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