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Everything posted by malt25

  1. Doesnt matter. Visit the closest one. Ya seen one, ya seen em all.
  2. Knowing where you are flying from might assist in offering advice. Just a thought.
  3. Are you permitted to leave the house without adult supervision ?
  4. Are you permitted outside the house without an adult ?
  5. "As the situation unfolds, it poses questions about the challenges expatriates face in navigating local laws and the consequences of flouting them." Utter nonsense ! Your IQ would have to be similar to the temperature to not know about what is & not permitted re working.
  6. Ask Mr. Google. Plenty online. Not BKK but a good alternate.
  7. Maybe I should have been more clear. I didn't mean debit card. All nationality visa or master cards are able to be used internationally. I use my Aussie bank visa card in every country I visit. Why would I need a Thai credit card ?
  8. Why would you, anyone need a Thai credit card ? Visa & Master cards are accepted all over the world.
  9. This is just my experience. I have been bringing in meds, 6 month's supply, twice a year for over ten years. Carry on, never have checked baggage. Have never been stopped or asked anything. In my opinion you could bring in a corpse, as long as you don't declare it !
  10. Get a white mini van. You'll be in Pattaya in bout 60 minutes, or less. You may need treatment for shock & heart attack, but you'll make your appointment.
  11. It's extremely poor in every way. One has to use half the roll to effectively clean fingers & mouth, lips. I'm in the habit of taking a couple of pieces of kitchen paper towel, folded in pocket, when I go out to dine.
  12. "Man Arrested for Attempting to Stab Municipality Officer in Pattaya" Being stabbed in Pattaya can be extremely painful.
  13. Was it fast or not ? FFS, what part of "great service" don't you understand ? "I've used b4 with great success." FYI, I've used it twice in recent times & works a treat. No queue. No waiting. Straight to an end kiosk, nod to the "unofficial helper" from IM officer. Took about 20 seconds all up.
  14. So, what exactly is confusing about my reply ? It's pretty much logic to me. If you want a quote or an idea of a cost of a service why not ask the provider ? If you are still confused let me know & I'll spell it out in single sylable words for you.
  15. I'm at a loss as to why anyone would be confused with my answer to the OP. Maybe I'm missing something ?
  16. If I were in the OP's shoes I'd be contacting a few dental clinics for details & costs. But hey, that's just me.
  17. Mods, plesae delete if you feel appropriate.
  18. Mornin all 🙂 Has anyone seen anything, recently, about government looking into IPTV streaming. Mainly related to football. I'm sure I wasn't dreaming about it. Thanks..... Mal.
  19. Mornin all 🙂 Went to renew my car insurance yesterday. Advised that now I've turned 75 I'm too old 😞 I offered to undergo a medical at clinic, hospital of their choosing. No luck. Any first hand info on where I might check to see if I'm still insurable ? Thanks.
  20. "If the guy is into hunting having a few stay bullets at the bottom of his bag would not be out of the ordinary." Bet he's a Trump supporter !
  21. "who carries (even inadvertently) a single bullet, in their luggage." The yank who was caught with it !
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