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Everything posted by malt25

  1. It would be far easier to list unfriendly hotels.
  2. I have little understanding of this subject. One question I would ask. Doesn't the taxation agreement betwen Thailand and 60 other countries contradict the new legislation ?
  3. Why would you bring logic or common sense into the issue ? Oh, brown envelopes.
  4. "The fall resulted in a serious head injury that required over nine stitches." so that would be 10 or 20 or ?
  5. Why didn't you buy a blue seat ? Let Mr. Google be your friend.
  6. I guess seeing I don't have a degree I don't know what a go bag is.
  7. That's a bit harsh, & off the mark. I've bought numerous genuine & high quality goods from both Lazad & shoppe.
  8. How many people can you fit in the tray, back of a pick up in Thailand ? Always room for one more.
  9. Can he aim a little higher than his foot.... Please.
  10. Maybe if you offer the pay the duty in Baht & not Bahts they will waive the duty.
  11. Is there any childish name when refering to the Orange Moron ? Absolute lunatic.
  12. Can someone, anyone explain why the laughing response ? No doubt from a Yank.
  13. Accident ? What am I missing ?
  14. I thought about getting braces. Decided a new belt was the answer.
  15. The ol US of A is a total basket case. The laughing stock of the world. These two are the best candidates are the best on offer to run the most powerful nation on the planet ! God, Satan, AI, The Force beyond, someone- something protect us, PLEASE !
  16. Pity more people didn't realise this.
  17. "Thailand aims for 3.4 trillion baht in tourism revenue by 2025 " Even 3.4 trillion of them & still only baht. Not bahts.
  18. It's called progress. Many financial establishments are upgrading their security. I just logged onto my KBank online account. Found the click thinggy. All good. No issue logging in.
  19. I know I am being a little picky, but it's baht, not bahts.
  20. I can't imagine why my answer would confuse anyone.
  21. Did you hear about the one legged barber ? He cut hair on crutches.
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