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Posts posted by malt25

  1. On 12/18/2015 at 0:34 PM, Alration said:

    "Today while waiting for a bus to get back home I saw a bunch of Thai ladies flagging a cab and getting flat out refused by I'd say 80% of the drivers".

    That 80% figure is meaningless without knowing how many taxis were involved.

    "If you are an Indian customer it's much worse. You'd have to negotiate the price."

    Says who? Did you witness the much worse situation of Indians having to negotiate the price? Why is it much worse for Indians to have to negotiate than Thai girls?

    "Why is it much worse for Indians to have to negotiate"    Because most of the taxi drivers are cowboys.

  2. 11 hours ago, nongsangcity said:

    5000 baht sakon to udon by taxi......way over the top..........divide by two and take away the first figure you thought of....

    " Got a quote from a metered taxi at the bus station. Bus station to UT airport... 1800 baht. "

  3. I'm aware of several "Farang" restaurants up here in northern Isaan. My guess is they are registered in the wife's name. My understanding is that a farang can assist his wife in a family business.


    What I'd be doing in your situation. Look up on Google for restaurants in say Sakon Nakhon or Udon Thani or Khon Kaen. Or where you like for that matter. A farang restaurant will be promoted as such. Contact said restaurant & ask for advice. Unless you intend to open up next to said restaurant, I'd think you'd get some valuable advice.


    But, just my idea of getting started.

  4. Thanks all. Chiang Mai bus might be the go. I'll make some enquiries about that.

    Got a quote from a metered taxi at the bus station. Bus station to UT airport... 1800 baht.

    Cheers.....     Mal.

  5. Mornin from another, IT challenged, old fart.

    This won't help with peanut butter, but might assist on finding your way around the revamped site.

    Instead of going straight to the General forum, go to Thaivisa main page. Open that & all the sections are available, sub forums. I had a quick look & there's a section for "food in Thailand". Might help.

    Cheers.....     Mal.


    Forums - Thailand Forum - Thaivisa

    A forum for general interest & discussion topics related to Thailand only and not covered by other subforums. The General Forum is not a place for chit chat, ...
    You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 8/11/16

    Food in Thailand


      Thai Food

      Thai food and Thai cuisine. Spicy or not. Somtam. Traditional or modern. Tips and receipe resource channel with tastings and recommendations.


      Western Food in Thailand

      Farang food, or Western Food.
      Foreign cuisine available or not, or wanted in Thailand. Where can I find my products? Home sick? How to import my stuff from FarangLand?
      Sponsored by:


      International Food

      Global cuisine except Thai and Western Food

  6. Hi all. Next month I need to travel from SN to UT airport. I know the bus is an option, but would rather by car if at all possible.

    Anyone know of a taxi they can recommend ? If not, I'll go to the bus station & speak to some of the taxi drivers.

    Thanks in advance.....     Mal.

  7. On 4/24/2016 at 3:07 PM, The Big Mango said:

    Alan the builder builds western style homes to a very good standard , worth a look . Hes been recommended a few times here

    Just wondering if Alan is related to Bob.

  8. So far this is just a suggestion, albeit from the loonie bin.


    So many of you - us, are getting our nickers in a twist over something that will probably never get past second base.


    I think we all need a cold shower & slow down a bit & wait for something more concrete to be announced before we start to worry too much.


    But hey, just my opinion.

  9. 14 hours ago, fiddlehead said:

    I got a bit mad today as my son and I went to Sapan Hin in Phuket town to play some badminton at the building there with 10 badminton courts (which I've never seen full)
    When we arrived, the cleaning lady and a man outside, said: "Closed" come back at 4 PM (this was around 10 AM)

    We asked why but they wouldn't tell us, just said it was closed. 
    We left for 30 minutes to get some food and came back. 
    Now the man who said we couldn't go in was inside, playing badminton with 3 others (doubles)
    Why would they close the place to kids on weekends? 
    What is the building for?  

    Who makes these rules? 


    "Who makes these rules? " Seems pretty obvious.  the cleaning lady and a man outside.

    Can I have my PI badge now please ?

  10. 6 hours ago, Bung said:

    The tourists were given a stern talking to about how Thai people have to be sober and go vote on Sunday so tourists cannot be allowed to enjoy a few drinks on a Saturday night......


    Why not just ban Thai people from drinking? 


    "Why not just ban Thai people from drinking? "  Why not just ban under 20's from buying alcohol between 2 & 5 pm every day ?

  11. 23 minutes ago, Glumpy said:

    They'll be saying next that helmets must be worn when riding motorcycles....... and giving- way to those in the roundabout........and don't ride/drive against the flow of traffic......have licence / insurance and tax in date........NB ..none of these apply to 12 year old kids riding to school with two pillion passengers ...... 

    Looks like you've just solved the problem.

    Get a local 12 year old kid, riding a motorbike without a helmet, going wrong way down a one way Soi, to go & buy your grog.

    Easy peasy.

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