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Everything posted by talahtnut

  1. This forum looks like its going down the pan, its nothing like it was 4 or 5 years ago.
  2. Staying2 muchinThailand..Spending too much in Thailand.
  3. Taking over.. Bradford Fatwa Ladies. Windy Gusset All Girls United. London Pussies.
  4. I dont buy apples, I grow them.
  5. Investing in shares and stocks seems a little bit boring, why dont you buy the business and have a bit of fun?
  6. In 8 years bitcoin won't be worth a carrot.
  7. My cat orders me about using a vast array of tonal prompts and discreet sign language. Unbelievably intelligent, [the cat].
  8. £1 Million on 1 rai on the edge of nowhere, then the government changes the rules. I'm sure the Thai people will not approve of their land being flogged off to rich farang causing a multitude of problems similar to the UK.
  9. Mass tourism is finished thanks to the WEF. Brits even have trouble getting a plane to Europe. None of it is really worth the aggro.
  10. Dear Americans, your vote is meaningless, it has no effect on how you are governed, or should I say, being destroyed. Be not surprised if people take arms against such corruption.
  11. As co2 is reduced there will be worldwide famine, which seems to be the plan amongst our leaders. Already farmland is disappearing, farmers paid to destroy crops and grow weeds and trees.
  12. How could we account for the medieval warm period? Perhaps they had to give up their cars and vans Then there is the puzzle of the mini ice age when there were not enough cars and vans about.
  13. I believe the government relaxed the laws on cannibis to placate the young in their poverty and avert any uprising. Nothing happens by chance.
  14. You won't complain then, when the owner modifies you.
  15. Couldn't we just seize it for the Forum? And fill it to the gunnels with Thai ladies. See how far we get before it runs out of juice. How nice.
  16. Administration and stamp, peanuts. You're not giving off good vibes here.
  17. Thi IPCC are idiots, a few months ago I was freezing my nuts off in the UK.
  18. Don't underestimate any wimmins craft. Intelligent men live alone..in peace and freedom.
  19. I've asked Puti to please drop a big one on London matey and you can ignore the Low Emission Zone just pay the fine
  20. What we should really strive for is a free society.
  21. What about bike riding, booze, and clap?
  22. Watching the television deadens the brain. The idiots lantern is humanitys curse. I'm watching 'Die Hard 2' at the moment. Get bored, try it. This message was brought to you by the Karl Marx walking society.
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