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Everything posted by talahtnut

  1. How could we account for the medieval warm period? Perhaps they had to give up their cars and vans Then there is the puzzle of the mini ice age when there were not enough cars and vans about.
  2. I believe the government relaxed the laws on cannibis to placate the young in their poverty and avert any uprising. Nothing happens by chance.
  3. Couldn't we just seize it for the Forum? And fill it to the gunnels with Thai ladies. See how far we get before it runs out of juice. How nice.
  4. Administration and stamp, peanuts. You're not giving off good vibes here.
  5. Thi IPCC are idiots, a few months ago I was freezing my nuts off in the UK.
  6. Don't underestimate any wimmins craft. Intelligent men live alone..in peace and freedom.
  7. I've asked Puti to please drop a big one on London matey and you can ignore the Low Emission Zone just pay the fine
  8. What we should really strive for is a free society.
  9. Watching the television deadens the brain. The idiots lantern is humanitys curse. I'm watching 'Die Hard 2' at the moment. Get bored, try it. This message was brought to you by the Karl Marx walking society.
  10. Yeah, been to sighberia too, its actually quite nice. Too many money experts here, they should be taking notice of government policies, and reading Keynes and Lenin. Those than control the money control the world.
  11. Western powers sanctioned Russia to deliberately destroy Western economies. Putin is merely protecting Russian interests. Western legacy media is full of 'pork pies'. Destination 2030 I believe.
  12. Your are watching the end game of currencies and capitaism. Zimbabwe has the obvious solution to crazy inflation. Russia is on the ball too.
  13. Government and their mainstream media create the grand illusion. Get a VPN and observe the progress of your death warrant.
  14. The BoT control the Thai Bath with one of these decision makers I have one attached to my bike.
  15. Thats brilliant Sticky, pity more don't do the same. Everything is to be gained with a sustainable lifestyle. Everything I have is second hand, and the car cost £60 about 20 years ago, and still daily transport. I believe the missus was also second hand, but does have a certain charming patina. Yes, thats not a typo.
  16. Couple of nice thoughtful replies there. Leaving Thailand 2 years ago to avoid the covid cobblers, got heaps of things going on, and I don't want to go back. Free to do as I please here. The missus want to come here too, fed up with Thailand. Damn.
  17. Not to worry, do what the Thais do if theres a police check point ahead,-- turn left, or turn round a go the other way,-- remember, its best to do this before the checkpoint, not after.
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