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Everything posted by talahtnut

  1. Democrats, 'the swamp' have done many things to discredit Trump, but Mar a Lago is a crazy stunt, watch it backfire and increase Trumps ratings.
  2. Trump gave economy 1.9% inflation. Biden gives economy 9.1% inflation. Hatred of Trump is inspired by Democrat misleading media. This raid on Mar a Lago is proof that US will be the new USSR if Democrats retain power.
  3. Old boy 96 in the village swears by the vet for all his ailments.
  4. Expected energy bills for average 3 bed semi £3600, heat or eat for many, possible power outages. Likely economic downturn, and car fuel rationing. A collapsing NHS, shortage of GPs. Increasing food and water prices. Many are predicting another 'plague' to pop up for the winter. Free speech banned, and one can be arrested for a Tweet that someone finds offensive. Imagine this image with the lights off, and come to the UK. Its all government planned.
  5. Sorry I can't agree with that, it seems the west has lost the plot. US can not afford to lose the war neither can Russia. Putin, a brilliant strategist against a senile Biden without a clue in charge of an LGBT military. As for the UK, to be wiped out first with one Poseidon. The Uk has always been Satan's breeding grotto. By the way, Putin's popularity has skyrocketed among Russians.
  6. Inflation up 15% Stocks are not your assets, you have no control.
  7. Administrations in US and UK are the stupid ones, feeding and prolonging a needless war in Ukraine leaving Putin with no choice.
  8. But could you trust Biden or Truss, if shes PM
  9. Russian state TV announces the start of WW3. The first missile target to be London, [no loss there]
  10. This forum looks like its going down the pan, its nothing like it was 4 or 5 years ago.
  11. Taking over.. Bradford Fatwa Ladies. Windy Gusset All Girls United. London Pussies.
  12. Investing in shares and stocks seems a little bit boring, why dont you buy the business and have a bit of fun?
  13. In 8 years bitcoin won't be worth a carrot.
  14. My cat orders me about using a vast array of tonal prompts and discreet sign language. Unbelievably intelligent, [the cat].
  15. £1 Million on 1 rai on the edge of nowhere, then the government changes the rules. I'm sure the Thai people will not approve of their land being flogged off to rich farang causing a multitude of problems similar to the UK.
  16. Mass tourism is finished thanks to the WEF. Brits even have trouble getting a plane to Europe. None of it is really worth the aggro.
  17. Dear Americans, your vote is meaningless, it has no effect on how you are governed, or should I say, being destroyed. Be not surprised if people take arms against such corruption.
  18. As co2 is reduced there will be worldwide famine, which seems to be the plan amongst our leaders. Already farmland is disappearing, farmers paid to destroy crops and grow weeds and trees.
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