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Everything posted by talahtnut

  1. Amazing work, you should have given me your number 8 years ago!
  2. Agree with you to some extent, but there are a couple of advantages with natural stone in that its non-slip and, if you drop something heavy, like a full bottle, tiles can chip.
  3. Ceramic tiles are not good on floors, use travertine or marble.
  4. In the paper, which published Friday in Science Advances, the researchers lay out the vast anatomical changes that took place in many reptile groups, including the forerunners of crocodiles and dinosaurs, in direct response to major climate shifts concentrated between 260 to 230 million years ago.
  5. CO2, known as the gas of life, Yeah, go ahead and reduce it!
  6. The fact that Trump as the outgoing president, refused to pardon J. Assange, proves that Trump is part of the swamp that he promised to drain. Your votes really count for zero and just serve as another division in US society for the deep state.
  7. Trump popularity is increasing, the democrats are, as usual, trying anuthing to discredit Trump any way the can. This last episode, Mar a Lago, has accented the corruption of the DOJ and the Democrats.
  8. In the UK, I have just had breakfast, which was one tomato, fresh from the greenhouse, and a glass of water from the well, a smoke, and now ready for doing stuff. In Thailand, breakfast covers the table with bowels of all sorts of grub, and just induces 'fat and lazy'. Not thinking of cost, its the lifestyle which is important. The geezer likes doing stuff, which is easier to do in the UK.
  9. 6 months here and 6 months there worked well for me, but I can't tell which is cheapest as I became stoney broke where ever I stayed. Just stay where you are happiest. I quite like being skint, it sharpens the mind. 'sometimes'
  10. A US congresswoman has submitted a motion to remove the attorney general from office over the Trump house search. The stink of Democrat corruption is too much for one woman.
  11. As a Brit, I cannot understand why there is so much support for a Biden administration that is destroying your economy, your food production, and instigated a war with Russia which is killing thousands of Ukranians. I don't think Trump would would have been so stupid.
  12. You could start with the data on industial rhubarb production.
  13. The simple answer is to examine the data.
  14. Democrats, 'the swamp' have done many things to discredit Trump, but Mar a Lago is a crazy stunt, watch it backfire and increase Trumps ratings.
  15. Trump gave economy 1.9% inflation. Biden gives economy 9.1% inflation. Hatred of Trump is inspired by Democrat misleading media. This raid on Mar a Lago is proof that US will be the new USSR if Democrats retain power.
  16. Old boy 96 in the village swears by the vet for all his ailments.
  17. Expected energy bills for average 3 bed semi £3600, heat or eat for many, possible power outages. Likely economic downturn, and car fuel rationing. A collapsing NHS, shortage of GPs. Increasing food and water prices. Many are predicting another 'plague' to pop up for the winter. Free speech banned, and one can be arrested for a Tweet that someone finds offensive. Imagine this image with the lights off, and come to the UK. Its all government planned.
  18. Sorry I can't agree with that, it seems the west has lost the plot. US can not afford to lose the war neither can Russia. Putin, a brilliant strategist against a senile Biden without a clue in charge of an LGBT military. As for the UK, to be wiped out first with one Poseidon. The Uk has always been Satan's breeding grotto. By the way, Putin's popularity has skyrocketed among Russians.
  19. Why have you not sold them?
  20. Inflation up 15% Stocks are not your assets, you have no control.
  21. Administrations in US and UK are the stupid ones, feeding and prolonging a needless war in Ukraine leaving Putin with no choice.
  22. But could you trust Biden or Truss, if shes PM
  23. I believe shes shaving.
  24. Russian state TV announces the start of WW3. The first missile target to be London, [no loss there]
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