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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 34 minutes ago, garyk said:

    Years ago I bought an truck here.  

    A couple of years ago the radiator blew and warped the head and did some damage in other areas.  I asked around and was pointed to a local garage. I took a chance and said just fix it.

    I am still driving the same truck. I saw that guy completely disassemble the engine and put it back together. I was certain it would never run again. haha  Every time I get in it and start it I am amazed... ????

    On a side note, I was in a climbing accident in Colombia. I had to be operated on in a small town in the valley. I was amazed at the quality of care there. Amazing and dirt cheap. 

    I believe farang usually underestimate everyone.

    Commonly known as a Superiority Complex.

  2. 3 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

    Zero pride and par for the course in Thailand. Endless amounts of Thai false pride everywhere one looks. But hardly any true pride and honor and expertise. 


    The whole country is 'an empty suit' so to speak. 

    That's a bit harsh, you can get anything in Thailand

    if you have the money.

    Many a pot has been won on 'an empty suit' if you

    can afford the bluff, and Thailand seems to be winning.

    Clever old UK is a 'busted flush' and doesn't have a

    clue, its gonna fold for cert.

    Expertise? try the Military Hospital Bangkok.

    Give me Thailand any day.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 8 hours ago, mommysboy said:

    I have skin in the game already believe me. If it goes belly up, I'll be retiring on a pittance of a pension. 


    Whatever the exit, it's about organisation, and co-operation.  There's no reason why it wouldn't work, and we have to gamble anyway it seems.  What would your choice be?


    Given the choice, I would not gamble and would rather Brexit was put on ice.  But Leave won and that needs to be respected too.

    That's a well balanced comment. I'm on a crap UK

    unfortunate survival pension already. However, there

    is no need to gamble, just try living in Paris, for a year.

    Leastways, you can get nice cheap syrups over there.




    • Like 1
  4. 20 minutes ago, shootsLeft said:

    Police are NOT your friends, especially in Thailand. They will only help u if it benefits them, most likely financially. This shooting by a presumably off-duty cop is "just another day" in "safe" thailand.

    In the US you are more likely to be shot by the

    police than shot by a terrorist.

    The police are not there to make friends, but

    a policeman did help me shove my poor old

    vehicle off the Sukumvit highway.

    Welcome to the forum.


    • Like 1
  5. 41 minutes ago, bushwacker said:

    Hmm ... looking at the video, I saw the cop and 2 other Thais fighting the Frenchman.  Now I read that a motorcycle driver took the gun happy cop to the doughnut shop.  By  Thai math this might mean only 1 Thai was involved with the fight and death, but foreigner math would suggest 4 Thais were involved to different levels.  

    Must be a culture thing as in my country the 2 Thais that jumped in, would be pulling the fighters apart.  Here they gain up for a fun blood letting.  SAFE ... I think NOT.

    I was involved in a traffic altercation with a

    angry Thai, I  apologized and wai'd, which resulted

    in a big Thai smile. Its really not worth arguing

    with a Thai, its his country, which means, he's

    probably right.

    • Like 2
  6. I say you chaps, I must be so posh, I dont look at the price list,

    in the Dogs Bo^^ocks Bar, I just order the most expensive Leo

    the establishment has to offer, insisting only the 2018, from

    the south side, not shaken,

    On polishing the lot off, I slam the mug down on table exclaiming

    'Churn Jai, ahhhh',  as pompously as possible, wot wot eh.

    Then orf to the Point to Point in Soi Buakouw.

  7. 9 hours ago, samran said:

    What tosh...


    WTO rules are the lowest common denominator of trade rules that have to be reached by consensus of its 160+ members. It is hardly a free trade organisation. 


    All that it guarantees is that you can’t discriminate against other members.


    So if a country like Thailand wants to impose 200%++ import tariffs on British auto exports, they can, just as long as they do the same for everyone else. 


    Soft border with Ireland and the EU? Fine then. But you will then have to offer the same thing to every other WTO member..


    And this happens across the board.








    The Economist, like many UK fish wraps, is in collaboration with

    the UK government.

    Can't remainers see what the EU is doing to Italy, Greece, Spain

    France, Hungary, and the Mafia style treatment of May and the UK?

    Can' remainers see that the EU is a neo-liberal, non democratic

    globalist idiology.

    When enough people are hungry the EU project will crumble, the

    cracks are now appearing.

    I hope we are out before they ban Christmas and this song:




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  8. 1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:

    So many recent posts are so sad, but typical.

    Too many with WWWM syndrome.







    You can hear and see it in their posts. 

    Yes, most of these situations are a you problem.

    Blah blah..women control me, Thailand and the world!!  A bunch of scared weak babies.

    Wake up males ( you mostly are not men) and try growing a pair!!


    Look here mate, I'm too old to grow anything but a

    bit of mould.

    But you are right, the white male is a dying breed, he

    is taking a bashing everywhere, media, legal system,

    governments, and the dreaded 3rd wave feminism.

    Thus the beta male is condemned to worshiping the

    little bearded God forever.

    Wimmins is only for breedin'. Go MGTW and you become

    the most sought after Alpha male... Feel the fun.

    Take back control of you life. If you are married,

    be the Boss, nothing less.







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