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Posts posted by 2008bangkok

  1. When you come into thailand they stamp you from the day you pass through immigration so if you get off your planed and hangaround the airport for 2 days (unlikely but just a example) then they will stamp you 2days later

    On the return they do not charge overstay for the 1st day but only at the aiport and this is for people who might have there flights at 4.am ish.

  2. if you do owe them rent money , instead of sneaking around like a cheap criminal , why dont you pay them for the services i assume you obtained from them and signed a legal contract for.

    who can blame them for trying to obtain what is rightfully theirs.

    i dont want to address this problem now as i fly out in 2 weeks but i will sometime. for now i just want to get back to los where i have no worries.

    to run away owing money , typical attitude of irresponsibility and low morals shown by the weak charactered.

    and they are usually the first ones to complain when a baht bus driver short changes them for 20 baht or they feel hard done by by local scamsters.

    Now that is the pot calling the kettle black for somebody who has a username as taxexile which implies for me anyway that he doesn't want to pay his taxes!!!

    He didn't ask for a lecture on paying his finances did he he asked for useful infomation..of which you havent got any

  3. Hi guys my little 2 pence worth,

    Me and my wife had a liitle boy 2 weeks ago, we startedn pout just using the local guy who had an after hours clinic with his own free ultrasound, so we went there ever month and had a scan every month just to satisfy my paranoid head up until 8 months when we had to pick a hospital, after thinking long and hard about the advantrment hospital at ages and disadvantage of private v goverment i came to the conclusion that private hospitals were over priced for effectively the same treatment especially for a workin class sun reader like myself so we opted to go for the police goverment hospital on chit lom,

    i must say apart from the waiting time in the hospital for the final couple of months check ups the hospital itself was fine, the staff were nice and helpful, the doctors new there stuff and generally apart from giving birth natrually to a baby who weighed in a tad over 4kg the missus was okay.

    In my opinion from a mans point of few i wouln't get a private room for her as she will be bored on her own and she will be generally ratty anyway which will mean a quick as possible in and out for the 1st couple of days to avoid jeb head for the father.

    The only down side was that i wasnt allowed in while she was actually doing the business but there again i can most certainly live with that..

    Good luck OP and congratualtions

  4. 1st calm down mate..if it is indeed a NON B and not a extension of stay then it is not up to anybodya to cancel the visa it just runs it natural course and then you get a new visa.. a NON B visa is issued to be a ble to work not specificaly for that company where as a extension of stay is based on the employer.. so i woulnt worry about it...

    How you apply for you ED is something i dont know

  5. Ha ha like it 'he would release my bick if i went to 7/11 and got him a pack of cigerrates'

    You wanna be thankful that he has done that belive me they have no problem with makin you walk

    iIm just a tad miffed as why you didnt pay him instead..

    To be fair its probably best that infuture you abaid by the law.. all passengers must be wearing helmets and must have driving license to show...

    I would think that its a very good idea to complain about the policeman, what he did was just wrong...ha ha ha a newbie......

  6. hello there i was on my computer yesterday and was looking at the great tradional british bird the great tit on google images and now i am typing great tit in their 2day and am still getting great tit but of a pornographic variety does anybody know how this could have changed overnight?

  7. Why do some people find it necesarry to post on a forum 'what is kfc's number' when all it takes is to go onto there website and look it might be in thai but the number aint..

    Which would have take alot less time than to post a topic on TV and wait for reply's...some people!!

  8. Hi Gareth,

    Let me first say sorry for the loss of your brother..

    Funny this topic is coming up as i have been thinking exactly the same thing..me and my wife have just had a little boy and although he is no where near the age yet where it is a concern the fact i work and live in Thailand and would take some planning so it has been in my mind from the beginning..

    IMHO i would say that a UK state education is probably better than a state thai one but not necesaairly for education purposes but more for the way he will turn out, it is okay if he is thai as at a state thai school they teach you the 'Thai way' which is what they should do, this is okay but the one thing that i have noticed from working more than living with Thai people is there is a massive massive gap in the way that they work, think and generally go about there business for me in almost a casual way, this is okay if you are 100% thai but if like my son half western then i just get the feeling that i will not understand him not language wise but i will not understand him as a person when he is older, i also doubt that many state educated thai people would be able to move over to UK and sustain and adapt to life and find a half decent job there but i would say that a UK state educated person(like myself) would find it easier to come to thailand and adapt.

    So for the decision i have made for the future is it will be okay to be state or private educated in thailand learning the thai way providing that i am here and able to teach him and give him the western way but If it came to it that i had to go back to UK through lack of employemnt then 100% i would take the family back with me and school him there..

    Hope this helps..good luck whatever you decide..

  9. As a rule if they look like they cant earn a living themselves then i will drop some money there way regardless of whether 'mafia' people recive it or not.. but what i dont understand is how these mafia end up with it anyway? are they giving them a roof and food in return they have to beg for it??

    but yeah if they look like they need it then il give it..

  10. and imho slams yahoo and hotmail dead in the water in terms of usability and ease.

    I wouldnt say slams infact yahoo is by far the best free web based email the only problem is they charge for pop access biut for some reason if you have a .com version and not a .co.uk hey dont charge(well they dont mine anyway)

    Bring round of applause for Yahoo everyone :o:D:D

  11. Hi im doin a reinstall on a Sony and the drivers section of the thai website is downloading at a crapp 5-10kb and just to add insult they will only let you download 2 at a time so with 30 standard drivers to do its gonna take some time does anybody know anywhere else to get them apart from the sony site?

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