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Posts posted by 2008bangkok

  1. The pound is strugglin im with ya on that and i was prbaly a tad ambitious say 75 in 6 months s0o i m gonna extend it t 1 year but mark ny7 words now the dude has promised change then i have faith especially as the only 2 english channels i have is fox news and eurosport so i am expectin change just like obama promises. but please keep the faith in the pound, we love it

    Sadly for you my friend, Obamas change will result in tougher trade policies in the U.S., in other words for the U.K. to remain competitive it will need to have a weak currency and low interest rates for many years to come. :o Should the BOT not devalue the baht then I would just get use to an exchange rate at around 55 or a little less for the foreseeable future, to wish for 75 or give some of those listening hope that 75 will occur in a years time is a very mean trick.

    Go easy mate its just my view aind i cant see into the future but what i can tell ya know thatthere is more chance of the pound gettin to 75 than there is t people listening to this thread

  2. The pound is strugglin im with ya on that and i was prbaly a tad ambitious say 75 in 6 months s0o i m gonna extend it t 1 year but mark ny7 words now the dude has promised change then i have faith especially as the only 2 english channels i have is fox news and eurosport so i am expectin change just like obama promises. but please keep the faith in the pound, we love it

  3. Do you have the original install DVD? All versions of Vista (except Business) come on the same disc, when you pay for the upgrade, you will be assigned a new product key which you can enter and your current version will be upgraded, or you can use the new product key during a complete re-install using your current Vista DVD.

    Business is also on the same disk why do you think it aint

  4. I think the bar they own on Cowboy is actually 'Tilac' not Country Road.


    Off topic - but 140 THB a Singha is way expensive isnt it? For a random Suk pub?

    Not really. 140 for a pint is reasonable for a Sukhumvit pub. During happy hour, 70 Baht per pint, is a very good price.

    Maybe a pint is okay but i think he's on about a bottle which is way to steep in my world

  5. I never saw our daughter not getting full on Stage 1 ? Just feed her more then ? Surely it is volume and not what is inside at that age ?

    You can only feed a baby as much as they want to drink, the point being is he will drink as much as he wants then go to sleep then wake up alot quicker crying as he wasnt full...stage 2 has more substance in it so it fills them up more which is why stage 2 is meant for 6 months as there stomachs are used to it and can take the thicker milk.

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