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Posts posted by 2008bangkok

  1. Hello,

    I just returned from the Hua Hin immigration office. They rejected my application for a 1-year extension of my retirement visa because my income letter from the US embassy was too old (Dec., 2006). The lady said the embassy letter needed to be from 2008. She also offered to take care of everything for me for an extra 5000 baht (I declined).

    So, I'm heading for Bangkok tomorrow. But, before I go to the US embassy, I was curious about people's recent experiences. Does the Bangkok immigration office require you to get a new income verification letter every year? Also, will I need to bring a copy of my house rental agreement?


    Just out of interest does the 5000 baht to take care of everything include the actual extension???? I would save yourself the headache and go with that option.

  2. just got a work permit yesterday and now the work permit runs for 1 year and you dont have to renew it every 3 months when you do a visa run which is alot better,so dont have to pay the 2100b every 3 months to renew work permit,but my lawyer is asking me for 6000b now because i dont have to renew every 3 months,im not going to pay that as thats just a rip off why should i pay 6000b for nothing!after 1 year then i will pay 6000b to renew work permit,does anyone agree that the lawyer is trying to rip me off asking for 6000b for nothing?cheers.

    I agree you are getting ripped off..i went to renew my work Permit last week albeit i work in bangkok and the total cost of renewing it for 1 year........ 0 baht

  3. A segment of expats here have no interest in Thailand, the people, culture,food, etc. They just want a cheap, warm place to live without giving up much of what they had back home that they do like. They want to eat the same food, watch the same TV/sport, hang out with the same people (of their own culture). There's nothing wrong with that, it just seems odd to those who ARE interested in other cultures.

    These people are on the opposite end of the spectrum from the expats who "go native". You know those people - they think they are Thai, wear "pajamas" all the time except yellow shirts on Monday, speaking Thai isn't enough, they must learn to read and write as well and pity those expats who can't. Some go so far as to renounce their own citizenship to become a Thai citizen. Nothing wrong with that, just seems odd to those who like Thailand but know they'll never be Thai.

    And some people who like to eat the food that they have been brought up on for the last 40-50 years..nothing wrong with that either

  4. Even teams outside the Prem don't take it seriously. Nor the FA Cup for that matter.

    Steady on dude i nearly choked on my dinner..from a fan of a lowere league team i can tell you that we do take it very seriously and try tellin that the the burnley fans that watched there team beat Chelsea.....

  5. Hi Everybody,

    I need suggestion of my problem.

    1. I have my own company in Thailand as well as Visa/Work Permit under my own company.

    2. Before one year I signed the contract with one BOI company (director is not Thai) to work with them full time. And that company also take responsibility to provide me work permit OR add the second job on my existing work permit.

    3. Company start to pay me salary , deduct my social and income tax, and gave me 6 months salary slips. But during this period company does not process my work permit after many requests.

    4. Then suddenly company ignored me to pay salary and gave me reason to pay next month. like this company does not paid me 4 months salary, and when I pushed them to pay me, then they gave me termination letter for non performance and gave me assurance they will pay all dues on my last working day.

    5. I signed the letter and gave to them, as well as they gave me my withholding tax receipt which they paid me for 2008 etc.

    But I still not get paid my salary for last couple of months. what should I do, I know I have enough documents to proof , I was company employee, like contract, documents, salary slip termination letter etc. but during this period no work permit under that company.

    what I can do now to get my dues? Please suggest pros and cons.


    If i was you then i would fight this you cant ust let these people get away with it.. i assume you still have a work permit for your own company so you wasnt excactly 100'% illegal like the person above says.. I would go and see somebody about it, you could say that you assumed that they had got you a 2nd work permit and when you found out they hadnt then you approached them and then they fired you..bear in mind that the company will be in far more trouble than you will be for letting people work without work permits and the BOI take this very seriously,they should be reminded of that..

    Good luck and like i said if you feel that it should be taken futher then take it futher as somerimes employers need to stop thinking that they are doing western employees a favour and treating them like <deleted>

  6. As has been mentioned above, Switzerland is not a part of the EU and therefore has it's own laws. But i am sure that the laws towards abandonment, child abducting and bigamy are the same as in any other country, if not stricter. I wish your friend luck.

    What post have you been reading???? Child abducting????What you on about the OP said he left 'his own' child and then came back and got 'his own child'

  7. A bit like international friendlies, not needed nor wanted.

    It maybe not needed but try and tell that to all the fans that turn up on a Tuesday/wednesday night to watch the match, i think its a discrace i really do..they all get paid shit loads to play football and they cry about having to play mid week aswell..the whole idea of proffesional sportman is or should be there will to win every time they get competitive, fans turn up and pay good money to match the 1st team play not the reserves who are crap the 1st team, most team especially the top four have enough 1st team players to field 2 full strength teams so there is no excuse..

  8. blocking traffic is not relevant to the OP question, you need to go to port forward or something that look similar then open and redirect the port in UDP and TCP to the port specified into your bittorent program as on your computer internal ip.

    Thats not correct you dont need to port forward to use torrents as you already make a connection with in the torrent program.....port forward is used if you have a public IP and want to re direct certain traffic to different private machines ie if you wanted to use remote desktop and your Intenet IP was and your private machine was then you would port forward port 3389 which would then go to your private IP but you would still type as the IP address .

  9. You probably need at least a page and half to do another border run. If you have a full page for the a visa to wherever you go and space for the exit and entry stamps I can't see it being a problem to do another border run.
    This is not the case if you do a border run to Malaysia or Burma; UK citizens don't require visas to enter these countries and thus you only need four small vacant spaces/corners on any pages in your passport for normal sized (small) stamps.

    Good call..get a train down to malasian border..its a pain in the arse at 15hrs but then you wont be overstay and you can apply for the new passport at will...

    Does the visa become invalid if you overstay???

  10. Well yu can defo put my MRS on the list....i can get my hair cut for a roy and the missus wants 2 roy..thats 100% more.. i even tried showin her my card to say i pay tax and she wernt havin any of it

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