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Posts posted by 2008bangkok

  1. I dont think herbert is bad....yes at times the drivers drive a tad fast but i used him for over 2 years and didnt find him arrogant he just wants to keep a tight ship and make sure everybody doesnt go wandering off or fill their forms in wrong......believ me their were times when i was on one of his trip where people would ust wander off to the markets for over 1 hour..get held up at immigration for another hour or 2 because people filled their forms incorrectly..

    Some might say bossy but like i said he needs to get his point across ortherwise chaos will occur and nobody wants to spend the night in the van stuck at Don Sak..

    I for one found Herbert a okay guy, and all those people slaggin him off would be the first to phone him if they had a immigration problem..

    Keep it up herbert but maybe slightly slower!!

  2. I have just been informed today that the company i work for is closing down unfrotunately id liek to blame it on the recession but it seems the boss is a <deleted> and screwed the company into the ground...

    My question is if they liqudate the company, are the directors liable for whats due..i have been working there over 2 years and should get at least 30 days notice and 90 days severence pay..do they still have to give it to us??

    any info very welcome.

  3. I don't mean to sound funny but nobody flies in to Pattaya. All planes normally arrive at the BKK International airport. With the PAD protests for the last few days closing down the two major airports in the Bangkok area God only knows where your flight may land and when if on time at all.

    Good luck on how you get from the arrival point to Bangkok.

    I heard that the military was opening up one of their Air bases near Pattaya

  4. You are correct, only need to buy a HD if your gonna get HD content which you aint gonna get in thailand but maybe the DVD man might say that his DVD's are HD ha ha ..plus dont ya need a HD DVD player to play HD DVD's???

    Thanks mate, I assumed as much. It's kind of funny when a salesperson goes to me "this one HD, much higher quality" and I reply, "You mean we have HD broadcasts now in Thailand, which channel?" and a blank look ensues.

    Yeah i do like to go into shops where i know a little about the product like mobiles or PC's and wait for the pitch then as 1 question about the features and see there face.

  5. You are correct, only need to buy a HD if your gonna get HD content which you aint gonna get in thailand but maybe the DVD man might say that his DVD's are HD ha ha ..plus dont ya need a HD DVD player to play HD DVD's???

  6. It seemed to me that thousands upon thousands & every Geordie i met thought that Keegan was your savious & a good Manager & for that reason only, i'd say that you're ( the majority of the Toon ) deluded.. :o

    I agree. It was appalling how they drove out Mike Ashley just because Kev the Quitter couldn't work under his terms. Cockney Mafia, LOL. He's from Berkshire!

    I'd love it if Ashley decided to buy West Ham. He'd be a great fit for us. Newcastle's biggest problem isn't their management, it's the fact that their fans have the IQs of real magpies!

    South = Poncy mouthy cockneys, all the men are queer down there its all the same.

    Just a little Geography lesson for you which you need as i don't think Schooling or Education has reached your part of the Country yet...... :D

    Thats a tad rich for somebody who has just copied/pasted straight from wikipedia!!!!

  7. I wanted to sign up for the Uk national lottery but it says that you need to be in the UK which im not, im sure you could get away with it but when i win the 5 or 6 mill i dont need the hassle of them telling me i cant have it , me going to court to get it, blah blah blah....

    So i am gonna use my Dad's address ill give him 5% of the winnings so he wiull be able to buy a new house bless him..

  8. basically, as it says UFC is it availible in Thailand on tv, UBC internet etc??

    UFC bieng http://www.ufc.com/index.cfm?fa=event.ppvhome

    any help appriicated


    I get all the latest fights downloaded on the net. go to mmascraps.com and also you can subscribe to it in your RSS reader. I see almost all the fights within a few hours of them broadcast. Moderators note a lot of these fights are not copyright OK? Plenty of them are on youtube etc which are screened for content infractions.

    You can get the TUF (the ultimate fighter show spike network) and ESPN MMA weekly show from this site.

    Also good is sherdog.com which has good podcasts of pre and post fight analysis.

    How about that Brock Lesnar? Give him a few years and he is going to be a beast and a half.

    Nice one ill check out that site......

    Whats going on with the UFC light heavyweight/heavyweight division..no one seems to be able to keep a belt..

    must admit 28th December is gonna be a blinder

  9. Child Abduction

    In my darker moments I entertained the sinister idea of snatching my daughter from the grandmother, smuggling her out of Thailand thru a dodgy border crossing into Laos, Cambodia or Malaysia then a quick flight to Singapore and on to Australia. The main problem with this (other than the psychological damage it could do to my daughter) is that I am easy to locate in Australia. All the family needed to do was contact ANY lawyer in Thailand who would immediately look at a register of family lawyers in Australia, select any lawyer's name at random, call them up and explain the problem. The Australian lawyer would apply for legal aid in Australia and get it straight away so it would not cost the Thai family anything. The Australian lawyer would then walk straight into Australian family court and request an emergency injunction which would be granted immediately. Within days of me landing in Australia I would be hauled before the court and the hearing would last less than 5 minutes. I would be ordered to return the child to Thailand on the first available flight. If I refused then the child would be taken away from me and returned to the Thai family by a social worker appointed by the court. In all likelihood I would receive a very large bill for court costs, airfares and associated costs.

    Any attempt by me to avoid the court appearance or disobey the court order would have serious consequences.

    If I was to choose to abduct my daughter then I would have to sell up all my assets and live my life underground beyond the reach of the law. No point in going down that path.

    Good article but this info is quite correct, the thai system does not see child abduction so to speak as a crime as this link explains..so you could of ust legally took her to australia with you


    but nice topic and well done

  10. Hey John, congratualtions to the both of you i hop everything goes okay..

    I had a little boy 4 months ago in Thailand and it was my 1st aswell so i know how your feeling..

    Everything that you will need you can buy here in Thailand which will pretty much meet up to the standards you will find anywhere in the western world especially if you shop at Mothercare.

    We opted to have our son at the goverment hospital purely because if i was back at home i wont go private so why should i do it here but then everyone to there own, my total cost was about 15.000 and as i work here i was able to claim 12,000 back of the tax people in cash..

    A couple of things to note 1stly when the baby is born he or she is registered at the hospital house paper' as legally all thai citizens need to be registered somewhere so this needs to be changed to you wifes family house paper ASAP.

    i would definately ust leave the stroller until you got here you really can get some decent ones http://www.all-4-baby.com/

    As far as prenatal care goes it was ver good... the clinic we went to would show us a scan every month we went there which for 1st time parents is a blessing in discuise as i to was really nervous about complications, compare that to the UK were you get 2 scans one at 12 weeks and one at 9 months.

    Good luck with this

  11. 1. Are longish Shorts acceptable?

    2. Payable in B1000 or US30?

    3. Arrive early A.M. via tuk-tuk @ B60

    4. DTAC signal from Mekong?

    6. Do I need or should I provide - Bank print-out (w/d's) and/or reservation slip or E ticket?? ***

    Arrive Mon P.M.

    Drop PP Emb Tue A.M.

    P/U PP 130PM> Wed

    100% ?

    Normally I would be in no hurry except I'm babysitting a few visitors/friends who have single O visas and dont want to leave for just a few days.


    1. Yes

    2.Either but rate better if pay in USD

    3.Anytime but before 11 better

    4.Worked for me but only by the Mekong and otherside of the road

    6 No but make sure you have pictures and photocopy of passport before you get their or pay the guy sitting outside who will do it for 100baht

    Drop off AM next day after 1pm definately

    If you are getting the overnight train up their then you should make it to put your passport in that morning /

    Finally what happened to point 5?

  12. I believe DTAC offer pre paid unlimited gprs for around 900baht..i would use a HTC rather than a blackberry, there ws a time when blackberry were kings of push email but not any more i have a 8700g and to say its crap is being pleasant.

    is the service everywhere, or limited except in bangkok ?

    If you men the prepaid DTAC GPRS/Edge then its everywhere i think but DTAC doesnt offer push email for blackberrys,

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