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Posts posted by 2008bangkok

  1. Just for the record aswell i cant understand why people keep saying i cant get on with Visat etc...XP is now the best part of 7 years old so why would you want to put it on a new machine..

    once you get used to vista then it becomes alot better to use than Xp is..... XP is finished so its better to get used to somethng new now..its like trying to still use a horse and cart when every1 else is using a car.........

  2. I assume that you have already applied for work permit and are just waiting...ok

    You can either apply for a extension of stay based on work that will give you 12 months you really neeed the employer top do that with you and you can apply for that at your local immigration... or you go to Laos and get a 3month Non-B, it is very unlikely you will get a 12 month NOn B without showing you have a 12 month work permit but you will get a 3 mnoth just by showing the relevant company details etc..

    You must have either a valid NON-B, NON-o (if you are married or a extension of stay and the work permit to work you cannot just have just the visa or just the permit you must have both.

    hope this helps

  3. if yu want a NON B then you have to apply for it outside of thailand.. if you want an extension of stay because you are working then the school will apply for that for you..

    If you have a NON B and a work permit expiring on the same day then it sounds like you have a extension of stay...if that is the case then you are meant to leave the country withing 7 days of that finishing..\

    So i am assuming you want a extension of stay then you need to cancel old one and apply for new one with your new school

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