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Posts posted by 2008bangkok

  1. True doesnt offer 'free' Wifi. It is supplied by somebody other than True, be it the Grren Wfif group or whoever.

    open your eyes dude. green is just a brand name created by True.. my internet is free via this true green thing, the login page is trueinternet, the SSID is Truewifi, my username is @truewifi.. everything points to it being supplied by true

  2. I am also using free wifi at my room (whose i don't know) but I would like to know so that I can pay for it. SSID is: "linksys"

    Do you have to login via a true webpage?? If yes then its trues own for free if its no then its probably next doors

  3. bear in mind that 4 thais out of 7 have already complained to the labour place so there is some weight...

    Last Comment on this...

    They did not resign, and technically you did. They are Thai and protected under Thai Law which is president over Contractual Obligations, where as you are a foreign national, you do have some rights but not as strong as a thai.

    in singapore, foreign nationals have no rights if you are employed in middle management and above, as i found out when i argued with my boss over a fish dinner (I dont eat fish, lol), he fired me over a business lunch where he bought a big fish and i did not eat it. i was out of the country within 24hrs... lost my months money, lost my month in liew and lost 3 months deposit on a flat... so you are not on your own when this shit happens. i can laugh now, but it is an experience i wont forget and vowed never to enter singapore.

    and it just makes you wonder how secure we are as foreigners in another country..but i still would say its better than coventry!!

  4. P>S before anyone says get paid one..their is no way of me doing it i dont have a phone line and cant put one in either

    You can indeed step up and pay for the wifi service and avoid the hassles of the slow / interrupted "Green Wifi" free service. I have a TRUE Move cellphone account, and pay and extra 200 per month for unlimited wifi from hotspots all over the Bangkok and Thailand.

    I have a true cell phone aswell...what is the difference between the green free and paying 200 baht?/ it uses the same wifi signal yeah so is it allocated just a little for free service?

  5. Could i ask a question of those who are participating in this thread..

    Do you thing morally that they should honor paying salarys and what would you do if you was the director or MD?

    Morally yes....practically, the company is possibly undergoing liquidation therefore they going to minimise "expenditure" as much a possible in order to make sure they come out it ok...sad but true...but ends up in a situation of evey man for himself...

    Think of the news story from the US regarding the US car industry...the big 3 CEO's turn up in Washington in private jets, do you really think if the business's fail the CEO's are going to suffer the same as the "man" on the shopfloor....no way their "escape packages" are already in place if things do fail, do you really think the begging they are doing to the US congress for bail outs is to save the employees ?.....No way.... its more to do with stock options the CEO's hold in the companys, if the company fails their shares are worthless.

    and this is the problem with limited liability companys.... people can come in run up maases of debt but walk away and still have their 3 or 4 million dollars personal untouched while hardworking joe average looses his house and struggled..aint right but thats another topic..

  6. Hi i have the free open true wifi which i use at home..the only problem is it kicks you off after 1 hour and you have to reset disable and enable you wirelsee adapter everytime to get back on..

    does anybody else use this and no of a way to stop this..no1 i dont think it does it any good keep enable and disable and no2 is a right pain in the butt as me skype keeps goin off..

    P>S before anyone says get paid one..their is no way of me doing it i dont have a phone line and cant put one in either

  7. Hey Soutpeel I hear throught the grapevine that the threatning with police if not return letter is already in the post... it does make me laugh, i have sent 3 or 4 reply emails stating that when my final cheque is ready i will return the stuff no problem.... there is no way that i will hand the laptop and phone back without a cheque..especially as True have just put up one of those ' green wifi routers' close enough for me to get free internet in my bedroom!

    If I was you I wouldnt be laughing if the letter is in the post, if this has or will be reported to the police, I would take this very seriously, as the situation is already complicated and you dont need it complicated further with the BiB, not trying to scare you but basically dealing with the BiB in Thailand, you are gulity until proven innocent and if the company has "encouraged" the BiB to get their property back, they are going to do their bit to either get the property back or put you in the monkey house

    Think of this in the BiB's eyes, you have resigned from the company, the proof is there -your letter, and you have "stolen" company property on leaving

    If you are on an overstay you better get your visa sorted out tomorrow..poste haste

    Yes you are in a bad situation, and contray to what you think, I do feel for you and what you are going through and am trying to help....dont make things possibly worse by than they already are by playing mexican stand off with the BIB, if you happen to get called for a face to face with the BiB at the cop shop and employer..turn up and discuss, dont ignore it as they can have an arrest warrant on you so quickly...

    its a tricky one hey..you are completely right of course ad for the sake of 15k worth of tat its not worth any serious crap to contend with so if it came to it i would give it back...

    I will get my visa sorted pronto 2mw and take it from there..i suppose it all hinges on whether they can see through the letter and see the con for what it is.. bear in mind that 4 thais out of 7 have already complained to the labour place so there is some weight...

    I appreciate all help Soutpeel i really do..the truth just bugs sometimes

  8. With regards the office equipment..

    I understand that your immediate boss and directors are no longer in Thailand...

    Who would you return your company property to?

    If the company is no longer would you return it to an empty office?

    No... Express to your line of communication that you require someone to sign for the equipment in person... (this may cause them to say keep it), then you have not stolen it.

    e mails did not used to be admissable in court, a fax is a legal document, so i would fax a letter to the MD saying the equipment is in my possession and you wish a member of authority to sign for it in person. (then you may be able to discus your severance)

    keeping it as ransom is illegal, and so is the data held in the PC, databases etc.

    Honestly it is a tricky situation between morals, principles and business ethics, but keep yourself LEGAL.

    i would want to keep it as well, but it will bite you eventually.

    Hey phuket ram..

    This is where it is a bit tricky..the company is still technically open..the MD is the only one in the UK and the 2 directors are here in Thailand.. it is the 2 directors that told us they as shareholders (which the MD isnt) were closing the company, all of this crap is coming from the MD..apparently so the directors say it isnt thst easy to remove him from MD status as a BOI, i also think they are still trying to trade while they close the company to minimize their losses and who knows if they get a big order as 1 order can be as much as 2 or 4 million baht each then the directors might thing twice..i doubt it but they might.

    So therefore they can easily get somebody to collect and sign for the stuff... bear in mind that they promised to pay the poor thai receptionist last week and put the money straight into her bank and they didnt and that was only 15k..i have no chance

    Nope i think its gonna take the boys in brown to prize it out of my fingers before i hand it over.. the other scenario of course is if they send me a cheque and have taken off the full new amount for the laptop and phone..bear in mind they are knackered anyway, its more of a principal

  9. Does anybody know how i stand regarding handing company property back if they havent paid me??? Does that become theft

    Think you find yourself in a bit of a mexican stand off on this one...

    Company will say...wont pay you till you return the company property, you say, wont return property until they pay you...

    Supose legally could be seen as theft, but seeing as the company is wrapping up, you could argue you are holding the property as part of a possible "settlement"

    Whether this becomes a case of theft or not wholly depends on the company if they choose to persue this with the police, if you where trying to play the moral high ground in light of a future court case to claim against the company for monies owed, you would of course return the property...

    Hey Soutpeel I hear throught the grapevine that the threatning with police if not return letter is already in the post... it does make me laugh, i have sent 3 or 4 reply emails stating that when my final cheque is ready i will return the stuff no problem.... there is no way that i will hand the laptop and phone back without a cheque..especially as True have just put up one of those ' green wifi routers' close enough for me to get free internet in my bedroom!

  10. Sunday must be a day for the knowledable and helpful forum members..i must mate a note of this..

    PhuketRam Lite beer thank you, i knew this was coming and even in September i had mentioned to my boss that i wanted to change my status from work to marrige, i wasnt very comfortable having that way but the boss was the type that was 'always right ' and even though i knew it wasnt the case he insisted that i couldnt work with a 'marrige status', so as i already had a fragile relationship with him i left it at that..i myself have told others on the forum to try and go for marrige before work, as far as the visa situation is concerend after Lite beers very helpful info and files i am cool with that.

    I know everybody should say just leave it it isnt worth it and they are right but there just is something not right about turning up for work one day to be told the company has liquidated and cannot pay last months salary, then one of the directors jets of to sunny Dubai while you then worry about paying for the babys food, i woul say that the very least they could do is at a minimum honor salarys, thats what people rely on more so when you live month to month like we do as a young family, that is why people work for an employer so they can have the security of wages/notice period/severance otherwise we would all work for ourselves.

    If anything i am very guilty and pig sick for not thinking ahead and have that rainy day saved especially as i am in Thailand.

    I do have a contract so i will do i upmost to just get what i am entilted to without jepadising my position.

    its a right crap timing aswell not onl y because of Xmas but also not many people employ over xmas..

    Everything will come good but i hate core nasty people and belive me this guy is.....

  11. If he is on an Extension from Immigration based on his job he is probably on overstay already. If his work permit is now cancelled.

    If he is on a Non Imm Visa obtained from a Consulate then he will still be ok on the Visa side of things.

    He can also get a 60 day extension from Immigration to visit his family. If he needs a stop gap.

    Really..can i get a 60 day extension without leaving the country and without having to get 7 day??how woul di get that and how much does it cost??

    I am sorry about the fix you are in. You really have to sort out your immediate Visa situation. This all assumes that your Wife is Thai as you do not say.

    This is the new Police Order dealing with Extensions of stay.

    You need to look at 2.24. Also later you can get 12 month extensions to stay with your wife.

    Extensions are 1,900 Baht. You really do need to have a chat with Immigration as you will be on overstay if your Work Permit is now cancelled.

    Every cloud has a silver lining hey..thanks for tha PDF Lite Beer, it is very helpful, yes both my wife and baby are Thai so i fit into 2.24..that is a relief that i can get the 60 day extension without leaving the country, in the unlikely event that i have not found a job by then can i renew that after 60 days or is it just a one off do you know???

    i recieved the email from the MD on Saturday AM does that count as overstay as the One-Stop place isnt open on a sunday

    Alos does anybody know where i stand on if i dont return company property because they havent paid me my salarly, i will be pig sick if i have to return property knowing full well they havent paid me...

  12. Do you know if they registered the birth in Thailand, it maybe they didnt if they were refugees back in 1978,maybe you can go to the Thai consulate in US and tell them the little infomation that you have and see what they come up with... good luck

  13. good question.... its well annoying ..try going into regional settings in control panel and change the location to united states..maybe it is set thailand??If that fails you will have to manually got to the updates website instead of clicking on the automatric updates link..

  14. If he is on an Extension from Immigration based on his job he is probably on overstay already. If his work permit is now cancelled.

    If he is on a Non Imm Visa obtained from a Consulate then he will still be ok on the Visa side of things.

    He can also get a 60 day extension from Immigration to visit his family. If he needs a stop gap.

    Really..can i get a 60 day extension without leaving the country and without having to get 7 day??how woul di get that and how much does it cost??

  15. If he is on an Extension from Immigration based on his job he is probably on overstay already. If his work permit is now cancelled.

    If he is on a Non Imm Visa obtained from a Consulate then he will still be ok on the Visa side of things.

    I am on a extension of stay based on the work which they insisited on..i knew one day that it come and bite me on the arse but hey...

    I think the general info from everyone is that i aint got a leg to stand on..while if thats the case i accept it, i dont think its very fair..

    I dont however think that a resignation letter dated the 1st of December with the word herby in it would qualify instant resignation which is something i will look into..

    It is however imaterial as people have pointed out that if the company doesnt have the money they cant pay but it doesnt help feeling piss)d off that they wont pay you for you salary from November...

    Now it looks like im going to have to do the trip to Laos

    Does anybody know how i stand regarding handing company property back if they havent paid me??? Does that become theft or not??????

    All of your help has been very thankful including soutpeel :o

  16. I would have said that the letter would be the initiation of the contracted notice period, i.e. if you have a contract that states your notice period is 1 month, then the resignation would theoretically take that long.

    If it's a thai company, rather than a multinational and if you are employed under thai law, then I would not think you would have much chance of getting all the monies you might otherwise have been entitled to under, say, UK law.

    thank you..somebody with a decent brain..anybody who is anybody would say that a letter of resignation regardless of whether it said herby would mean you will work your notice..unless you are soutpeel who seems to either know more about me than i have let on!!!

  17. hey guys thanks for the advice/debate..

    I cannot belive that the word herby in a letter would assume that it was instant resignation without giving notice??????would it??

    Bear in mind that this letter was 1 year ago and they are trying to stich me up so they dont have to pay severance notice and bonus's


    as the we are tryin got quote the law does the fact that they havent paid last months salary when i was working for them mean anything???

    i am goung down labour place monday but would like a rough idea of the situation

  18. well thanks for the advice on this..to be honest i cant believe this is the case...unfortunately this was a pre written letter just requiring my signature..

    the letter goes

    1st december


    with this letter i bangkok2008 passport number 123456 herby submit my resignation from the Company Name.

    At your convinence, i willbe glad to discuss the reassignment of my work to others..

    okay so you guys are saying that this stands but surely it doesnt mean that i am resigning as of that very day surely????i would at least give notice period??please dont tell me that it also means that resign of that very day and therefore my extension of stay woul dbe invalid...nobody would shoot the,selves in the foot like that??

    Soutpeel..what does okay ill bite mean??? just asking for a bit of advice if thats okay.,.

  19. Hi everyone,

    i have a problems which has all of a sudden got alot worse any any help would be much appreciated...

    i have been working for my company since July 07, in December last year they terminated my employment as i got a bit drunk at the xmas do..aftre much pleading they reinstated too back the termination letter me but made me sign a open dated resignation letter...

    Roll forward to this December and the the MD has had to go back to the UK for medical treatment, during this time the directors who have been taking care of the company have found out that the MD has basicly mismanaged the company and the fact that we dont have any customers they decided to liqidate the company..and they havent paid us for November yet either..

    I dont know what has happened since between the MD and the directors but basicly i recieved a email from the MD saying that he was happy to accept my resignation as of 1st December.. so basicly they have decided to use that opne dated resignation letter that i signed the year before against me....

    I responded that i haven't handed in my resignation as if i did that i would waiver my rights to any severance pay etc

    Today i recieve another email telling me that they have informed the BOI that i no longer work for them and that inturn they will cancell my visa..so i presume effectly now i have no visa.

    My questions are..

    Can they use the resignation letter against me even though the directors already told us before hand they were closing the company and couldnt pay us November salary plus the fact that the resignation letter is dated 1st december(which they filled in) but the passport number on it is for my old passport of which i renewed last febuary, so surely the letter cannot stand???

    can they cancel the visa even though they have outstanding salary that they still need to pay me..

    The fact is that although they are liquidatin the company they are tryin to claw back some money by still trading and not paying their staff..not one person in the company has been paid for november yets..

    The annoying thing is that i still have a company laptop and phone and they have said that as i havent given back them yet they cannot calculate my final salary which is a crock off shi-te as i have told them that when they have my cheque ready i will give them back their stuff...

    Any help on this would be very helpful..they have put me in a position where me and the family are fuc_k_d basicly and i have a newborn so i really want all my money as bear in mind that if it wasnt for that resignation letter i would be intiliteld to november pay, 30 day notice pay,,13month bonus pay and 90 days severance pay so i am fuming...

    Thanks in advance

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